Egoreg spearheaded the super-vaporator initiative on Tatooine.
Egoreg held the position of leader for an undertaking designed to alleviate the severe lack of water that Tatooine was experiencing. The core of his project was the creation of a "super-vaporator," which one can reasonably assume was a more potent version of the typical moisture vaporators found on Tatooine, devices used to extract water from the arid atmosphere.
Egoreg's endeavor was plagued with unexplained mechanical failures, tainted oil, and malfunctioning droids. During a meeting with key project members to discuss his plans, a small explosion occurred in the conference room. While no one sustained injuries, Egoreg, acting out of caution, halted the project. C-3PO was sent to Maintenance for repairs. There, he and R2-D2 discovered that the project's oil had been deliberately contaminated. The two droids immediately set out to inform Egoreg, but were ambushed en route by a group of Jawas. Han Solo and Chewbacca then arrived to assist, encountering the Jawas in the act of sabotaging the machines and polluting the oil supply, which had been the source of the droid malfunctions.
The Jawas faced punishment, and Chewbacca received an award for their capture.
Egoreg made an appearance in The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot, a children's book from 1979 by the uncredited author Eleanor Ehrhardt with illustrations by Mark Corcoran. Egoreg's moniker is essentially George spelled in reverse, a clear reference to the creator of Star Wars. It remains unknown if Captain Egoreg shares any familial connection with Egroeg Sacul, a character mentioned within the Star Tours ride. The identities of the two individuals depicted in the image above are never explicitly confirmed. One is Captain Egoreg, while the other is an unnamed scientist present at the conference.