Nick Dudman served as the Live Action Creature Effects Supervisor for various Lucasfilm projects, notably Star Wars and the _Indiana Jones_ franchise. He lent his talents to the creation of Yoda and contributed to the make-up artistry in _The Empire Strikes Back_.
- The Making of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Official Collectors Edition
- Bantha Tracks 24
- Skywalking: The Life and Films of George Lucas
- " Willow: Forget All You Know, Or Think You Know " — The Lucasfilm Fan Club Magazine 1
- " In the Star Wars Universe: Michael Carter: Fortuna(te) Son? " — Star Wars Insider 31
- " Around the Galaxy " — Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 12
- " Around the Galaxy " — Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 13
- Episode I Creatures Take Form on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- " Prequel Profile " — Star Wars Insider 37
- " Something Wicked This Way Comes " — Star Wars Insider 37 (also reprinted in Lords of the Sith)
- " Star News " — Star Wars Insider 41
- " Prequel Profile " — Star Wars Insider 42
- " Darth Maul – Evil Has a New Name " — Star Wars Insider 42
- " Meet Bib Fortuna! " — Star Wars Kids (1997) 20
- Star Wars: The Making of Episode I The Phantom Menace
- " Star Wars Celebration! " — Star Wars Insider 45
- " A Celebration For The Ages " — Star Wars Galaxy Collector 7
- The Art of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
- " In the Star Wars Universe " — Star Wars Insider 48
- Star Wars Kids (1999) 9
- " Star News " — Star Wars Insider 50
- " Who's Who in the Jedi Order " — Star Wars Insider 62
- " Who's Who in the Outlander Club: It's Ladies' Night " — Star Wars Insider 75
- The Cinema of George Lucas
- Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels
- Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars
- " Master & Apprentice " — Star Wars Insider 102 (also reprinted in Special Edition 2013)
- Obsessed With Star Wars
- Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 6 (Droids, Aliens & Creatures: Bib Fortuna)
- " Menace Revisited " — Star Wars Insider 109 (also reprinted in Special Edition 2012 and The Saga Begins)
- Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 25 (A Revolution In Film: Rob Coleman)
- The Making of The Empire Strikes Back
- " A Star Wars Family Legacy " — Star Wars Insider 141 (also reprinted in Special Edition 2017)
- Star Wars Storyboards: The Prequel Trilogy
- The Making of Return of the Jedi
- The Star Wars Archives: Episodes I–III, 1999–2005
- Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – The Official Collector's Edition
- " Day Wanna Wanga - The Tale of the Twi'leks " — Star Wars Insider 219
- 25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About the Making of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace on (backup link)