Star Wars Insider 37, the thirty-seventh edition of Star Wars Insider magazine, saw its release in April of 1998.
- " Something Wicked This Way Comes " (by Scott Chernoff) Scott Chernoff interviews the actor cast to play Senator Palpatine in Star Wars: Episode I.
- " Peter Cushing: Charming to the Last " (by Constantine Nasr) Constantine Nasr presents a retrospective examining the career of the celebrated British actor who portrayed Grand Moff Tarkin.
- " Return to Hoth " (by Arnd Riede) A brave writer from Germany travels to the icy terrain in Norway, the filming location for The Empire Strikes Back.
- " Jack Purvis Remembered " (by Jamie Painter) Jamie Painter delves into the life and work of a largely unrecognized contributor to the Star Wars trilogy.
- " 1997 Star Wars Customizable Card Game World Championship " (by Jon Bradley Snyder) Discover the champion of the ultimate Star Wars card game competition held in Norfolk, VA.
- "The Editor's Desk" by Jon Bradley Snyder
- " Rebel Rumblings "
- " Prequel Update with Rick McCallum " (by Dan Madsen)
- " Prequel Profile: Keith Hamshere " (by Pamela Roller)
- " Star News "
- " In the Star Wars Universe: Maria de Aragon " (by Scott Chernoff)
- " Jawa Trader "
- " Straight from the Horse's Mouth " (by Peet Janes)
- " Scouting the Galaxy " (by Stephen J. Sansweet)
Star Wars Insider #37 in the Cargo Bay (content is now outdated; archived link provided)
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