Star Wars Insider issue 45 represents the forty-fifth installment of the magazine, Star Wars Insider. Its release occurred in August of 1999. This particular issue, number 45, was distributed with two distinct cover options: a version sold at newsstands showcasing the Naboo battle scene, and an alternative cover, exclusively for subscribers, highlighting the bounty hunter Aurra Sing.
" The Prequel Has Landed " - In May, Episode I premiered to enormous success, and the Insider was present (along with many others). This section includes reports from fans nationwide, as well as reactions from stars like Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, Sam Jackson, and others after their initial viewing!
" George Lucas : Lucas Takes Manhattan " - The morning following the New York City premiere of The Phantom Menace, George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, addresses questions concerning the future of the Star Wars saga, the "hype" surrounding Episode I, and even the reason Qui-Gon's body doesn't vanish at the film's conclusion, in a surprisingly open interview.
" Ahmed Best : Jar Jar Jams " - Discover the talented actor, singer, and dancer responsible for bringing Episode I's most innovative character to life, exploring why Jar Jar might be the most relatable character within Episode I.
" Jar Jar Genesis " - Mark Cotta Vaz, the author of the influential ILM: Into the Digital Realm, provides a behind-the-scenes look at Lucasfilm and ILM, detailing the extraordinary effort required to create Jar Jar Binks, the most significant and fully developed digital character ever seen in cinema.
" New Jedi Order : An Exclusive Vector Prime" Excerpt' - Exclusive content! Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, and, yes, Mara Jade are back in this complete chapter taken from Vector Prime, the inaugural novel in The New Jedi Order series. Author R. A. Salvatore introduces a new danger to the galaxy.
" Star Wars Celebration! " - A three-day, non-stop Star Wars event where 30,000 fans were joined by stars like Anthony Daniels, Ray Park, Ahmed Best, Warwick Davis, Hugh Quarshie, Pernilla August, and Rick McCallum for the Star Wars Celebration in Denver, Colorado. Kevin Fitzpatrick reports from the ground, covering everything from the rain and mud to the stars and sunshine, including the Jar Jar jam session and comments from Brian Blessed, who was unable to attend. The festivities begin here!
Rebel Rumblings - Readers express their strong opinions about The Phantom Menace and share their experiences at the Celebration.
Star News - Dennis Muren is honored; R2-D2 makes an appearance on a college campus; Star Wars enters NASCAR; Weird Al makes a comeback; and much more!
Prequel Update - Rick McCallum, the producer of the Prequel films, provides insider information on last-minute adjustments made to The Phantom Menace. The subscriber version of Insider 45 features an additional Prequel Update interview with McCallum.
The Horse's Mouth - An introduction to Aurra Sing, the enigmatic star of her own comic series.