Shon Kon Ray, a Jedi Master of the Human male variety, held the rank of General during the widespread conflict known as the Clone Wars. In the war's fifth month, the forces of the Galactic Republic launched an invasion of the planet Brentaal IV because Shogar Tok, the leader of a local clan, stirred up a revolt against the Republic by siding with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Kon Ray, alongside fellow Jedi Generals Agen Kolar and Shaak Ti, spearheaded the invading forces, while Master Plo Koon was in command of the naval fleet. Despite this, the Brentaal rebels used their shielded ion cannons to successfully fend off the majority of the Republic's troops. While aboard a LAAT/i gunship, Kon Ray communicated the dire situation to Koon, suggesting a planetary withdrawal. Tragically, before Kon Ray could complete his report, his gunship met its end due to enemy fire, resulting in the death of the Jedi Master.
Born in the waning decades of the Galactic Republic, Shon Kon Ray was a Human male. The Jedi Order trained him in the ways of the Force, and he eventually achieved the esteemed rank of Jedi Master. When the Clone Wars began in 21.6 BBY, Kon Ray took on the role of Jedi General, leading the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic's.

In the fifth month of the Clone Wars, the Republic attacked Brentaal IV, a planet, after Shogar Tok, a clan leader who had allied himself with the Separatists, instigated a local rebellion against the Republic. Kon Ray, along with fellow Jedi Masters Agen Kolar and Shaak Ti, was at the forefront of the invasion. However, the Brentaal resistance managed to hold off the majority of the Republic's troops by using their shielded ion cannons. While aboard a LAAT/i gunship, Kon Ray sent a message to Master Plo Koon, who was in command of the naval fleet, to update him on the situation. In his message, Kon Ray suggested that the Republic forces should consider withdrawing from the planet, but he was also open to hearing any alternative strategies that Koon might have. Shortly after completing his report, Kon Ray's ship was destroyed, which resulted in his death.
Shon Kon Ray was typically seen wearing brown Jedi robes.
Shon Kon Ray was a character conceived for the comic Jedi: Shaak Ti, which was written by John Ostrander and featured illustrations by Jan Duursema. Dark Horse Comics published the comic on May 14, 2003. Ostrander has speculated that Kon Ray's birth year was 75 BBY. When Kyle Jewhurst created the Ortolan Jedi Knight Nem Bees through's "What's The Story?" feature, Kon Ray was initially considered to be Bees' Jedi Master. However, this connection was ultimately removed during the editorial process. Ostrander later confirmed that the Jedi's name is a reference to the renowned actor Sean Connery.