Entoo Nee, also known as Entoo Needaan E-elz, a male Human, was in the employ of Jorj Car'das following Car'das's retirement to Exocron. Due to his unusual name and conduct reminiscent of a protocol droid, he was frequently thought to be a droid.
On the planet of Dayark, E-elz encountered the smuggler Talon Karrde, posing as an assistant to General Jutka from the Kathol Republic. Karrde subsequently arrived at Rintatta City on Exocron, where he encountered E-elz for a second time. E-elz then guided Talon Karrde to Jorj Car'das.
The complete name of Entoo Nee, "Entoo Needaan E-elz," bears a phonetic resemblance to "Anthony Daniels," the actor who portrayed C-3PO. The character was named by Timothy Zahn as a reference to Daniels. In The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia from 2008, E-elz's name appeared with a typographical error as "Entoo Needan E-elz" in one instance.