
Dayark, located in the Episol system, was a temperate moon that revolved around the gas giant called Nepe. It functioned as the capital of the Kathol Republic during 8 ABY.

Due to its tidally locked orbit, Dayark presented only one side, the sunward side, to Nepe, making it the only habitable region. Day on Dayark was dictated by its position relative to Nepe's shadow; daylight occurred when the moon emerged from the shadow, and night commenced when it re-entered. Orbiting close to the planet, Dayark resided within the outer reaches of Nepe's atmosphere, resulting in perpetually overcast skies and near-constant drizzle.

Serving as the Kathol Republic's primary agricultural center, the moon boasted vast wetlands suited for cultivating rice and other crops, maintained by agricultural droids. Dayark held the largest population in the Republic, and its voting power typically secured the election of its representative as President. Consequently, Dayark often served as the Republic's capital.

Rytal Prime was the primary city and capital of the moon.

During 19 ABY, Talon Karrde traveled to Dayark while looking for Jorj Car'das. There, he encountered General Jutka and Entoo Nee, who eventually guided Karrde to Car'das on Exocron.

