
Jutka, a Tuhgri male hailing from the moon of Dayark within the Kathol Outback, served as the commander of a modest starship in 8 ABY. While en route to the planet of Danoor in the Nah'Malis system, Jutka's vessel was compelled to execute an abrupt evasive maneuver when a Sanhedrim ship belonging to the Aing-Tii materialized from hyperspace directly in their path. The ship grazed an energy tendril emanating from the nearby Kathol Rift, a thick cloud of gas notorious for its lightstorms, which resulted in the complete ionization of the ship's control systems. Consequently, the eight members of the crew were forced to abandon their vessel in a solitary escape pod.

Adrift within the escape pod, Jutka picked up a weak energy signature originating from the Duhrib Belt, an asteroid field that orbits between the fourth and fifth planets of the system. Upon investigating the signal, the Tuhgri discovered a damaged mining drone, which Jutka hoped could be utilized to transmit a signal to their homeworld or to attract potential rescuers to their predicament. During their attempts to repair the drone, the Tuhgri encountered members of the crew of the FarStar, a New Republic ship engaged in the recovery of the drone on behalf of the government of Danoor. By collaborating, they successfully salvaged the drone, allowing Jutka and his crew to escape the asteroid field.

Eleven years later, in 19 ABY, Jutka held the rank of general within the Kathol Republic, serving as the commander of its armed forces. Following a conflict between Talon Karrde's vessel, the Wild Karrde, and Corsair-class assault starfighters under the command of the Rodian pirate Rei'Kas in the Episol system, Jutka convened with Karrde. He cautioned the smuggler that the Kathol Republic desired no involvement in the ongoing conflict between Rei'Kas and Crev Bombaasa, under whose protection Karrde was operating, and warned that the Rodian would relentlessly pursue Karrde as long as he remained within his territory.


Incident at Danoor

Hailing from Dayark, a location within the Kathol Outback region of space, Tuhgri male Jutka led a seven-member Tuhgri crew aboard a starship. In 8 ABY, their vessel was en route to the planet Danoor, situated in the Nah'Malis system near the Kathol Rift, a volatile region characterized by dense gas clouds, energy streams, and lightstorms. While navigating the Rift's edge, an Aing-Tii Sanhedrim ship unexpectedly emerged from hyperspace directly in their path. An evasive maneuver brought their ship into contact with a Rift tendril, resulting in an energy discharge that rendered the vessel's systems inoperable. As the ship drifted towards the Rift, Jutka ordered the crew to abandon ship, utilizing the vessel's escape pod.

The escape pod reached the Duhrib Belt, an asteroid field between the system's fourth and fifth planets. Jutka detected an energy signature from a mining drone used by Danoor's inhabitants to extract resources from the asteroids. Tracking the signal, they eventually switched to scanning for durasteel. This led them to a large asteroid where they discovered the drone trapped in a crevasse. Jutka hoped to use the drone to signal for help. However, the drone's repulsor power modulator was damaged, requiring them to cannibalize their escape pod for tools and don vacuum suits to begin repairs.

Encounter with the FarStar

Jutka's Tuhgri work on the mining drone

While working on the drone, Jutka noticed tremors, attributing them to asteroid impacts. Upon returning to the drone after a break, they found strangers attempting to retrieve it. Initially charging with makeshift weapons, the Tuhgri stood down when the newcomers showed no hostility.

The strangers revealed themselves as crew members of the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar, assisting Danoor in recovering the drone for information on navigating the Kathol Rift. Jutka explained their predicament, and they agreed to collaborate. As they finished repairs, the asteroid became increasingly unstable. The Tuhgri and the FarStar party retreated to an Aegis-class combat shuttle, which navigated falling debris to rendezvous with the FarStar. Jutka and his crew were then transported to Danoor.

Encounter with Talon Karrde

Talon Karrde

Eleven years later, Jutka, now a general commanding the Kathol Republic's armed forces, based on Dayark in the Episol system, monitored Crev Bombaasa's cartel and Rei'Kas's pirate organization, viewing both as threats due to their gang war. Following a skirmish involving the Wild Karrde and Rei'Kas's Corsair-class assault starfighters, Jutka requested a meeting with Talon Karrde.

Meeting Karrde and Shada D'ukal in a tapcafe near Rytal Prime's spaceport, Jutka, uncomfortable in civilian clothing and with C-3PO's presence, stated the Kathol Republic's neutrality in the conflict. Karrde's ship, protected by Bombaasa's ID overlay, had been attacked by Rei'Kas. Jutka, aware of Rei'Kas's identity, warned Karrde that the Rodian would relentlessly pursue him in his territory.

Personality and traits

A Tuhgri

Jutka possessed capable command skills, making quick decisions to protect his crew and devising rescue plans when stranded. Initially cautious of the FarStar crew, he displayed diplomacy, convincing them to collaborate towards a shared objective.

As a military officer, he felt uneasy out of uniform, showing discomfort in a Crosh-hide jacket during a meeting with Talon Karrde. Intimidating when needed, Jutka was genuinely concerned for the Kathol Republic's safety, striving to prevent involvement in the gang war. He also disliked droids, ordering C-3PO to be silent.

Behind the scenes

Jutka was introduced in the Galaxy's Edge RPG adventure by George R. Strayton, featured in The Kathol Outback for The DarkStryder Campaign. A character named Jutka also appeared in Timothy Zahn's Vision of the Future, depicted as a Human, not a Tuhgri. Both characters were present in stories set in the Kathol Outback. In 2008, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia clarified that both characters were the same individual, a Tuhgri despite his Human description in Vision of the Future.

In Galaxy's Edge, the FarStar crew can engage the Tuhgri in battle upon their first encounter, but the adventure assumes they will collaborate to repair the drone.

