The Bombaasa Cartel, a criminal syndicate, established its base of operations on Pembric II in the initial period of the New Republic. Crev Bombaasa headed the Cartel, which maintained a shaky cooperative agreement with Moff Kentor Sarne while he governed the Kathol sector. Composed of a disparate group of lawbreakers originating from the Outer Rim Territories, these criminals united to defend against rivalries and dangers presented by more powerful entities, such as those controlled by the Hutts. The Cartel engaged in legitimate business through various shipping and mining enterprises, and cultivated a network of connections encompassing smugglers, transport companies, and Imperial personnel. After Moff Kentor Sarne withdrew from Kal'Shebbol, the Cartel seized control of Pembric II, establishing a subservient administration with pro-Imperial sentiments in order to discourage intervention from the New Republic.