
The vessel known as FarStar, a CR90 corvette, began its service as a diplomatic vessel for the Galactic Republic under the name Freedom's Messenger. Following its disappearance during the Battle of Ord Torrenze, the Imperial Navy located and reclaimed it, subsequently renaming it Renegade. After extensive modifications commanded by Moff Kentor Sarne, the New Republic seized the ship, rechristened it FarStar, and employed it in the pursuit of Sarne. It met its end in the final battle against Sarne, fought at Kathol.

Distinguishing Features

Original Configuration

The Freedom's Messenger, in its role as a diplomatic vessel, boasted a lavish interior, diplomatic suites, extensive bays for droid maintenance, and various entertainment and recreational spaces.

Refitting for War

As the Clone Wars unfolded, the ship was repurposed for combat operations. The suites and halls were replaced by additional weapon emplacements and troop barracks, while the droid bays were repurposed for blaster maintenance and recharging.

Sarne's Alterations

Sarne subjected the ship to significant overhauls to transform it into a self-sufficient vessel for exploration and conquest. The upgrades included a sizable hangar, three retractable docking arms, advanced turbolaser targeting systems, enhanced sensors, and reinforced armor. These modifications took place within covert shipyards situated in Korbiss Valley on Kal'Shebbol, utilizing imprisoned technicians, among them Sergeant Lofryyhn of the New Republic. However, these refits remained incomplete when the New Republic launched an assault on Kal'Shebbol in 8 ABY.

New Republic's Changes

Although Moff Sarne managed to escape the Battle of Kal'Shebbol, the New Republic task force was compelled to immediately redeploy to another theater of war. To chase after him, the New Republic commandeered the corvette, as Sarne was unable to destroy it before his departure. The ship's sublight engines and turbolasers were in disrepair, and the racks intended for TIE fighters were not yet installed. This allowed the newly designated FarStar to accommodate eight T-65B X-wing starfighters and four REC Defender starfighters. It also carried two support vessels: the Muvon and an Aegis-class combat shuttle.

Operational History

Service Under the Old Republic

The FarStar command center

Constructed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation circa 52 BBY, the Freedom's Messenger served both Chandrila and the Galactic Republic in a diplomatic capacity.

During its years of service, the ship was present at the signing ceremony for the Galactic Republic-Marzoon Confederation treaty and also transported a delegation of Jedi to mediate an end to the Vaykaaris Uprising. The Freedom's Messenger became renowned as an emblem of peace and optimism.

This role shifted during the Clone Wars when the ship was modified for combat duty. Despite its altered function, the Messenger proved to be as effective as a warship as it had been as a diplomatic vessel.

During the Battle of Ord Torrenze, the Freedom's Messenger spearheaded an assault force aimed at breaching the blockade, facilitating the evacuation of civilians from the planet. This daring charge cleared a path for the evacuation ships; however, the Freedom's Messenger sustained extensive hull damage and suffered a critical breach in its power core, resulting in fatal radiation exposure for its crew. Uncontrollable, the ship ultimately crashed onto the planet's surface.

Service Under the Empire

The FarStar in space combat

Years later, the Imperial Navy salvaged the corvette, refurbished it, and recommissioned it as the Renegade under the command of Kentor Sarne. Assigned to the 15th Deep Core Reserve Fleet, the Renegade engaged pirates and targeted several Rebel outposts. Sarne later ascended within the Imperial hierarchy, but the Renegade remained in a reserve capacity.

In 2 BBY, the newly appointed Moff Kentor Sarne requested that his former ship be reassigned to his fleet. As before, the Renegade was tasked with various peacekeeping operations, notably the Subjugation of Charis in 4 ABY.

By 7 ABY, Moff Sarne had become one of numerous Imperial warlords. Having also discovered the ancient Darkstryder technology, he removed the Renegade from active duty and reassigned it to his personal command. Hidden within his private shipyards located in the Sorbiss Valley on Kal'Shebbol, the ship underwent a comprehensive refit to transform it into a long-range exploration and conquest vessel.

In 8 ABY, the refit neared completion; however, the Battle of Kal'Shebbol compelled Sarne to abandon the ship and escape to Kathol. The ship then fell into the hands of the New Republic. Anxious to pursue the Moff, a hastily assembled crew boarded the ship and set course for the Kathol Sector.

Service Under the New Republic

Tech crew at work in the hangar bay

Now bearing the name FarStar, the crew ventured deep into the Kathol sector, encountering numerous challenges in their mission to locate Moff Sarne. Following severe damage sustained in an engagement against the fleet of Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne, the crew was forced to abandon ship. The FarStar, however, crashed into Sarne's garrison on Kathol, obliterating it.

Notable Personnel

Command Staff

Support Personnel

Robotic Units

Production Notes

FarStar was also the name given to a server—or "Galaxy"—within the Star Wars Galaxies online game.

