
Sergeant Lofryyhn, a veteran and comrade of Kaiya Adrimetrum, served as a Rebel technician. Later, he supervised the technical personnel aboard the FarStar during their pursuit of Moff Kentor Sarne.


Service in the Rebel Alliance and New Republic

During the Galactic Civil War, Lofryyhn enlisted in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, becoming part of a unit led by Kaiya Adrimetrum. While the team undertook numerous infiltration assignments, the Wookiee primarily functioned as their technician, though he was equally skilled in combat. Lofryyhn possessed expertise in the Wookiee martial art, Wrruushi, a topic he preferred to avoid discussing. Over the course of various missions, Lofryyhn and Adrimetrum formed a strong bond of friendship. Though they seldom spoke of their shared past, it was rumored that Lofryyhn had saved Adrimetrum's life on multiple occasions. Lofryyhn's service continued with the New Republic, which succeeded the Alliance. Adrimetrum eventually transferred to the elite Page's Commandos, while Lofryyhn was assigned as a Sergeant to the technical crew of a Corellian Corvette that transported Special Operations teams throughout the Outer Rim Territories.

Under the Authority of Moff Sarne

Before 8 ABY, pirates attacked and seized the ship he was serving on. The pirates then sold Lofryyhn to the Sabiador Slavers, who branded him. Subsequently, he was sold to Moff Kentor Sarne, the Imperial warlord who governed the Kathol sector. Although the Moff typically used large and powerful alien species in gladiatorial contests for his amusement, Sarne recognized the greater value of Lofryyhn's technical abilities. Brought to the Moff's capital, the planet Kal'Shebbol, Lofryyhn was assigned to Sarne's docking bays, where he repaired various capital ships. During this period, Lofryyhn worked on modifying the CR90 corvette known as the Renegade at Sarne's clandestine Sorbiss Valley shipyard.

When not working, Lofryyhn was confined to a cell within the detention block of Sarne's headquarters. In 8 ABY, New Republic forces attacked Kal'Shebbol. The New Republic was working to subdue the various Imperial warlord states that had emerged after the Empire fragmented following the death of Galactic Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor four years prior. Sarne's territories had drawn the attention of the New Republic due to a series of incursions by the Moff's forces into the neighboring Minos Cluster, as well as persistent rumors that Sarne possessed a powerful new weapon. Elements of Page's Commandos, including Kaiya Adrimetrum—who knew Lofryyhn was Sarne's prisoner and insisted on joining any team sent to Kal'Shebbol—infiltrated the planet before the main battle fleet arrived, intending to disable the deflector shield protecting Kal'Shebbol's sole continent. While one team, led by Lieutenant Judder Page, worked to deactivate the shield, Adrimetrum led the rest to the detention blocks. Adrimetrum's team rescued Lofryyhn from captivity, reuniting him with his former commander. During the rescue, another captive, Jessa Dajus, warned the commandos of impending danger. When Lofryyhn asked about her identity, she claimed to be a shuttle pilot who had served Sarne until he imprisoned her during one of his "loyalty purges." In reality, she was an Imperial Intelligence officer whom Sarne had imprisoned for accessing classified information. She also claimed to have "hunches," a result of her Force-sensitivity, and felt that everyone in the detention block was in immediate danger that had not been present until the commandos began shooting the locks off the cell doors. While Dajus discussed her feelings with Adrimetrum, Lofryyhn, acting on his own intuition, began inspecting the remaining cell doors. He discovered that one of them was rigged with a booby trap designed to collapse the detention center's ceiling and showed it to Adrimetrum. The commando reluctantly concluded that they could not check each cell door for further traps and decided to rescue the remaining prisoners later.

Although Page's team successfully lowered the shields, allowing the New Republic forces to liberate the planet, Sarne escaped aboard his personal Carrack-class light cruiser, Ambition. He also fled the system with the majority of his military forces, retreating into the Kathol sector's depths. Page wanted to send a mission after Sarne to locate him and eliminate any threat he still posed, but the admiral in command of the task force could not spare any ships. Although the admiral could not spare a vessel, he promised to support Page if the commando could find a capital ship on his own. Lofryyhn had informed Page about the corvette he had been forced to work on, but unfortunately he did not know its location, as he had always been transported to the vessel in a closed shuttle. Page wanted to use the ship for his mission and eventually received the location from Jessa Dajus. Lofryyhn joined a New Republic team immediately dispatched to the shipyard, where he conducted a preliminary analysis of the ship for Page, noting that the modifications to the sublight drive were incomplete, but the Imperials had been unable to sabotage anything before their evacuation.

Aboard the FarStar

The Start of the Mission

With the mission greenlit, Lofryyhn, due to his familiarity with the vessel's systems, was assigned to the ship, now named the FarStar, as its chief mechanic. Captain Keleman Ciro commanded the vessel, with Kaiya Adrimetrum serving as Executive officer. Working alongside Sergeant Brophar Tofarain, a civilian from Kal'Shebbol who had joined the FarStar mission due to a shortage of New Republic crew, they were responsible for maintaining the corvette's operational status. While Lofryyhn and his team of technicians maintained the FarStar, Tofarain oversaw starfighter maintenance and technical support. The Wookiee hung a hammock in one of the engineer's stations, but rarely used it, as his skills were constantly needed to keep the FarStar in working order, typically using wire and duratape to patch the aging corvette's systems. Because Page wanted the mission to launch quickly, Lofryyhn and his engineers had to prepare the ship for flight using jury-rigged systems and makeshift modifications. As a result, pragmatism took precedence over aesthetics, with the Wookiee and his team running wire across hallways, piping along corridors, and leaving critical components such as power couplings, jumpers, cables, and interfaces exposed for quick access. Lofryhhn tirelessly pushed his team of engineers and technicians, prioritizing preventative maintenance to counter the constant stress on the engines. The Wookiee could usually be found on Deck Three, in the Engine Levels A-C Power Distribution area, overseeing the engineering section. To keep the FarStar operational, Lofryhhn established a machine shop on Deck Four to manufacture larger parts needed to maintain the ion engines, repulsorlift vehicles, and starfighters.

With the twenty-eight-hour deadline met, Captain Ciro planned to take the FarStar on a shakedown cruise. However, those plans were disrupted when the ship intercepted a distress signal from the governing body of the nearby planet Kolatill, requesting assistance. After arresting their Imperial governor upon learning that the New Republic had liberated Kal'Shebbol, the world had been attacked by forces loyal to Sarne. Ciro informed Lofryyhn that he was canceling the shakedown cruise and instructed him to tell his engineers that the ship was on active duty. During the subsequent mission to Kolatill, Imperial forces captured Captain Ciro during a battle in the system, and Kaiya Adrimetrum was promoted to captain of the FarStar.

Continuing its mission, the FarStar visited Gandle Ott, the terminus of the sector's Trition Trade Route. The FarStar found the planet in political turmoil, as Moff Sarne had visited Gandle Ott several days earlier, removing most of its Imperial personnel, including the planetary governor. Several factions were vying for the vacant governorship, recognizing the potential benefits of gaining allies within the New Republic. Because part of the FarStar's mission was to make initial diplomatic contact with planets within the Kathol sector, Captain Adrimetrum agreed to meet with the planet's main politicians. Lofryyhn was part of a group of FarStar officers who met with Vice-Governor Marja Lang, General Herron Dade, and Colonel Olaver Lansel. He later attended a performance of Madra Teene at the Theatre Danske. During the performance, an assassin droid attacked the FarStar crewmembers. The corvette's personnel quickly defeated the droid, one of several traps Sarne had left on the world to slow the New Republic's pursuit.

After leaving Gandle Ott, the FarStar traveled to Shintel, the location of Imperial Depot 4290-1, a military base controlled by Sarne's forces. Sarne had also visited Shintel, stripping the depot of supplies and personnel. In addition, he had left behind personnel he deemed insufficiently loyal and destroyed all the drives on the base's hyperspace-capable ships. The base commander, Colonel Heget, welcomed the FarStar crew to the base, and Lofryhhn was part of the FarStar's delegation that met with the colonel and his senior staff. Heget agreed to provide the corvette with information about Sarne's plans in exchange for assistance in getting off-world to the shadowport Tanquilla Beach so that he could arrange for the rescue of his personnel. However, one of the officers at the base was an undercover spy working directly for Sarne. Lieutenant Palme arranged for a computer program to be uploaded to the FarStar that disabled its hyperdrive by burning out the hyperdrive coils when it prepared to jump to lightspeed. Crippled, the FarStar was then attacked by the bounty hunter gang Qulok's Fist, but managed to repel the assault. Lofyrrhn and his team of technicians cannibalized the hyperdrives from the FarStar's X-wing complement and managed to get the hyperdrive working. However, the Wookiee stressed that the patch job was only temporary and would not last long enough to reach Gandle Ott. With no choice, the FarStar limped to Tanquilla Beach.

Upon reverting to realspace at Tanquilla Beach, the FarStar's hyperdrive engines finally failed when the remodulating buffer heatsink blew. Lofryhhn admitted that the problem was beyond his expertise—the corvette needed major repairs from a qualified hyperdrive specialist. Captain Adrimetrum hired Spang, who ran the space station's premier starship repair bay. He allowed his nineteen-year-old granddaughter Fia to replace the FarStar's engines and upgrade them to Class One in the process. Adrimetrum kept Lofryhhn busy repairing the FarStar; Tanquilla Beach had a section dedicated entirely to a slave market, and the captain feared that Lofryyhn would feel obligated to intervene. By keeping him busy and unaware of the market, she hoped to avoid a diplomatic incident. While the engines were being rebuilt, Fia detected the trapdoor circuitry that had caused the engines to fail. Although confident that she could remove the ones in the engines, she admitted that she lacked the technical knowledge to sweep the ship and hunt for any others that might be present. However, her grandfather recognized some of the characteristics as being similar to those on Pembric II and recommended that Adrimetrum seek out a man named Breslin Drake who could help them. Adrimetrum agreed, and during the trip to the Pembric system, Lofryyhn swept the ship five times, finding two booby traps in the life support systems and in one of the communications system. Wary of what happened to the hyperdrive engines, Lofryyhn refused to tamper with the ship's systems for fear of triggering the booby traps. A delegation from the FarStar traveled to Pembric II and located Gaelin, a slicer who had worked with the Keiffler Brothers, the original designers of the trapdoor systems on the FarStar. Under his supervision, most of the trapdoors were neutralized.

Crossing the Outback and Entering the Rift

Several weeks after departing Kal'Shebbol, the FarStar crossed the Marcol Void, a thirty light-year expanse devoid of star systems, and entered the Kathol Outback. In the Outback, the past of the FarStar's executive officer, Gorak Khzam, was revealed—he was a former slaver. Shortly after the revelation, he defected from the crew during a mission to the planet Uukaablis, stealing Tofarain's shuttle, the Muvon. Lofryyhn was enraged that a slaver had been among them, and even more so that he had escaped. Several days later, the FarStar discovered the gaseous remains of a protostar and detected a planetary system hidden within it. Captain Adrimetrum believed that Sarne and his fleet might be hiding within it and ordered Lofryyhn and Tofarain to prepare a probe droid for launch to investigate the system. Working together, the two mechanics loaded the droid into its launch pod. The droid encountered the world of Exocron, a planet that had remained isolated since its founding. After helping to free the planet's population from the tyrannical rule of the Devisors, the FarStar continued its mission. Shortly after, Lofryyhn was present on the bridge of the FarStar when it entered the Nah'Malis system. On the system's primary world, Danoor, the FarStar enlisted the aid of Makezh, a Human who could navigate the Kathol Rift, an area of intense volatile gases and lightstorms.

As the corvette entered the Rift, long-range communications with the New Republic forces based on Kal'Shebbol became impossible. To counter this, Lofryyhn and Tofarain proposed using the FarStar's remaining probe droids to create a communications link within the Rift. Each probe droid would be modified to constantly scan the Rift and readjust its position to remain within the "safe" corridors of the Rift. The probe droids would act as a chain of comm relays, broadcasting signals back to Kal'Shebbol. Although the plan did not allow Kal'Shebbol to contact the FarStar, Adrimetrum agreed to the plan, and Lofryhhn and Tofarain set about modifying the probe droids and deploying them at chosen locations within the Rift. They dubbed the system the "Lifeline Project." While traveling through the Rift, the FarStar located a facility on the planet Q'Maere that Sarne was using as a prison. The crew managed to free a number of political prisoners, including their former commander, Captain Ciro—although he was in a catatonic state—and New Republic pilot Lowen Chase. They also salvaged a damaged YT-1300 light freighter that Brophar Tofarain claimed in compensation for the loss of the Muvon. Lofryyhn assisted Tofarain in repairing the vessel at the mechanic's request.

The Final Stage

Character and Attributes

Lofryhhn, a Wookiee with reddish-brown fur, was a personable and gregarious individual who enjoyed interacting with the crew and hearing their stories. During the FarStar mission, Lofryhhn enjoyed working with his new crewmates, although he admitted that the constant demands of keeping the vessel in operational condition wore him down.

He spoke Shyriiwook and understood Galactic Basic Standard, and the technicians under his command had some knowledge of his native language, enough for them to comprehend his orders. A tinkerer, Lofryhhn constructed gadgets in his spare time. However, due to lack of parts, they were often less than practical, such as the tracking device that was the size of his fist.

Like many Wookiees, Lofryyhn had no tolerance for slavers. Along with his own experience as a slave, Lofryyhn was perfectly willing to ensure that any slavers he met would have no opportunity to practice their trade again.

In Shyriiwook, Lofryhhn's name combined "Lof," meaning clever, cunning, or wily, with "ryyhn," which translated to danger, silk, or siren.

