Spang, an engineer of Human male descent, plied his trade in the realm of starships. He was the proprietor of Spang's, a repair facility situated within the Tanquilla Beach shadowport of the Kathol sector found in the Outer Rim Territories. Widely considered a brilliant engineer, Spang took the helm of a team commissioned by the Tenloss Syndicate for the development of the Hornet-class interceptor.
The repair and modification services provided by Spang were highly sought after by the diverse clientele of Tanquilla Beach, resulting in a waiting list that stretched for several months. He bore the responsibility of procuring and setting up Tanquilla Beach's defensive systems, and maintained a strong alliance with Bequesh, the station administrator. In 8 ABY, his granddaughter, Fia, oversaw the engine overhaul of the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar, a task she undertook with Spang's approval due to his own heavy workload.
Spang, a Human male, was a starship engineer who ran a repair bay, Spang's, located in the Tanquilla Beach shadowport within the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories. As the largest on the station, it was capable of modifying and repairing even capital ships. Widely hailed as the best on the station, he was renowned for his top-notch work, miraculous fixes, and inventive modifications, solidifying his reputation as a master of his craft. Rumors circulated regarding Spang's alleged access to Imperial Research and Development projects, but he remained tight-lipped about these claims.
Spang was a close associate of Bequesh, the administrator of Tanquilla Beach. Spang had obtained and installed the station's impressive array of defensive weaponry, including turbolasers, ion cannons, and tractor beam projectors, sourced from Imperial shipyards. Over the years, numerous individuals attempted to displace Spang from his prime location on the station. However, many failed to realize that interfering with Spang would draw Bequesh's ire, as he was not one to tolerate anyone meddling with Spang. Spang, in turn, had no need to justify his value to Tanquilla Beach, as he consistently had a waiting list of vessels, sometimes stretching for months, eager to utilize his services.
At one juncture, Spang was enlisted by the Tenloss Syndicate, a clandestine criminal organization. He spearheaded a team of freelance engineers, many of whom were former Imperials, to develop a short-range starfighter for the Syndicate. Drawing inspiration from the mission profile of the TIE/LN starfighter, Spang and his team successfully created the Hornet-class interceptor, a swift, lightweight, and easily mass-produced craft. Spang also enjoyed a friendship and camaraderie with ConJob, an information broker who also worked as a florist. In 8 ABY, Spang's granddaughter, Fia, arrived at Tanquilla Beach to gain experience under his guidance. Fia, a recent graduate of Corellia University's School of Starship Engineering, possessed a natural talent for hypernautics engineering. While he agreed to let her stay on the station, he privately harbored concerns about the wisdom of her decision.
A few months after Fia's arrival, the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar docked at the shadowport, seeking repairs for its hyperdrive, which had been damaged due to sabotage and combat in the nearby Shintel system. Spang's repair bay was the only facility on the station equipped to handle the repairs, but his demanding schedule prevented him from assisting the FarStar, and he even declined to meet with the command crew to discuss terms. However, his friend ConJob convinced Spang to lend a hand, as ConJob had lived on the planet Siluria III and his family had been killed during the Imperial occupation. The current commander of the FarStar was Kaiya Adrimetrum, who had led the resistance against the Empire. Spang agreed to let Fia oversee the repairs and refit for a fee of 50,000 credits.
Fia conducted a thorough overhaul of the FarStar's engines and discovered evidence of programming trapdoors embedded in the corvette's systems, which had enabled the sabotage at Shintel. These trapdoors had been placed there by Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne, the vessel's previous owner. Sarne had intended the corvette for special missions and had taken precautions to safeguard the vessel in case a commanding officer attempted to steal the ship or undermine his authority. Fia was confident in her ability to remove the programming trapdoors in the engineering systems but admitted that she lacked the technical expertise to search the rest of the ship for more. Spang, upon checking in on Fia's progress, remarked that the work was reminiscent of some he had encountered on Pembric II. He advised Captain Adrimetrum that if she wished to avoid further issues with booby-trapped circuitry, she should travel to Pembric II and seek out Breslin Drake. Drake had connections throughout Pembric II and could help her find someone to resolve the technical problems on the ship.
Spang was a cheerful, old, and short man who always wore a beaming smile. He was fiercely protective of his granddaughter, Fia, and worried that Tanquilla Beach was not the most suitable environment for her to work in. A true engineering genius, Spang was highly sought after by the patrons of Tanquilla Beach for his repair and modification services, and he had a tendency to become engrossed in his work. When the FarStar arrived at the station, Spang was so occupied that he initially refused to meet with their representatives, and his friend, ConJob, had to persuade him to assist the New Republic vessel. His close association with Bequesh gave him a comprehensive understanding of the operations of Tanquilla Beach, and he was more than capable of running a successful starship repair and modification business for many years. He possessed knowledge of multiple languages and could accurately assess the value of various items.
Spang was trained in piloting capital ships and space transports, and he could repair most types of starships, including large vessels, personal transports, freighters, and starfighters. He was also skilled in repairing starfighter weaponry, as well as programming and repairing computers. He typically wore greasy trousers, a shirt, and a tool-filled workbelt around his waist. He carried a datapad and comlink.
Spang made his debut in Shintel Downtime, the fourth RPG adventure in The DarkStryder Campaign by West End Games, authored by Paul Sudlow and published in 1995. Spang initially charges the players 50,000 credits for the engine repair, but this price can be negotiated down to 45,000 if the players are members of the Corellian Merchants' Guild. Spang's involvement in the creation of the Hornet-class interceptor was revealed in The Jedi Academy Sourcebook in 1996, and he was later mentioned in West End Games' Platt's Smugglers Guide, published in 1997.