Kolatill system

The Kolatill system, a star system, existed within the Kathol sector situated in the Outer Rim Territories. This system was home to the planet Kolatill, renowned as the sector's most significant producer of repulsorlift parts and vehicles. It also served as a crucial waypoint along the Trition Trade Route. Until 2 BBY, the Kolatill Council governed the system locally, after which the Galactic Empire assumed control.

Following the death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor six years later, Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne withdrew the entire Kathol sector from the Empire, establishing himself as a warlord. Consequently, the Kolatill system fell under Sarne's dominion. However, in 8 ABY, after learning of the New Republic's success in ousting Sarne from his capital, Kal'Shebbol, the population of Kolatill revolted and deposed their appointed governor. In the ensuing days, forces loyal to Moff Sarne launched two attacks against the planet, but the crew of the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar provided assistance.


Within the Outer Rim Territories, the Kolatill system resided in the Kathol sector. It was situated along the Trition Trade Route, requiring forty-six hours via Class One hyperdrive or ninety-two hours via Class Two to reach the sector capital of Kal'Shebbol. The planet Kolatill was part of the system, along with at least one other world. The Torize, Oon Tien, Corjain, Charis, and Aaris systems were all connected to it via hyperlane. Travel times from the Kolatill system were one day and four hours to Torize, nineteen hours to Oon Tien, five hours to Corjain, twenty-one hours to Charis, and sixteen hours to Aaris III. The Galactic Empire took control of the system, previously under local rule, and it was governed by Moff Kentor Sarne, both as an Imperial official and as an independent warlord, until 8 ABY. At that time, the local populace ousted their Imperial governor and declared allegiance to the New Republic.


The Trition Trade Route, showing the Kolatill system in relation to the rest of the Kathol sector

Prior to the Galactic Empire's takeover in 2 BBY, the Kolatill Council governed the Kolatill system. The Empire appointed Moff Kentor Sarne to oversee the sector, and in 0 ABY, he replaced the local government by installing Tetrum as governor. Tetrum, acting under Sarne's direction, implemented a tyrannical government, imposing martial law and nationalizing all repulsorlift companies, with the exception of Ikas-Adno, which had politically ties. The goal was to produce combat speeders for the Moff's military forces. Following the Battle of Endor and the death of Emperor Palpatine in 4 ABY, Moff Sarne seceded the Kathol sector from the Empire, declaring himself a warlord. The Kolatill system then became solely accountable to Sarne.

When New Republic forces liberated Sarne's capital, Kal'Shebbol, in 8 ABY, news of Sarne's defeat reached the Kolatill system. The population of Kolatill then revolted, overthrowing Governor Tetrum and pledging their allegiance to the New Republic. Sarne responded by dispatching the Ton-Falk-class escort carrier Kathol Protector to the system. Upon entering the system, the Imperial vessel launched TIE/sa bombers against Kolatill. These bombers assaulted Domaz, Kolatill's capital city, leaving it devastated. Simultaneously, an unidentified starship traveling through the system was attacked, crippled, and left adrift between planets.

Four days later, the New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar arrived in the system, responding to a distress signal sent by the Kolatill Council, which had been re-established to govern Kolatill after Tetrum's arrest. While the corvette's crew assisted the citizens of Domaz, a starfighter patrol discovered the derelict starship adrift between worlds and investigated for potential survivors. As these relief efforts were underway, the Kathol Protector returned to the Kolatill system. The FarStar and its starfighter squadron, supported by the newly formed Kolatill Defense Force, engaged the escort carrier and its complement of TIE bombers and TIE/LN starfighters. The battle took place both in orbit and within Kolatill's atmosphere. The Imperial attackers intended to deploy disease-filled pathogenic bombs against Kolatill's cities, but the combined force successfully defeated the Kathol Protector and its bombers, forcing them to retreat.

Orbital bodies


Domaz was the capital city of Kolatill, a stop along the Trition Trade Route. The primary industries on Kolatill focused on manufacturing repulsorlift vehicles and components. Kolatill was home to 400 million inhabitants, including Humans, Twi'leks, and Jarell, and featured diverse terrain, including mountains, plains, wetlands, lowlands, and agricultural complexes. The planet's axial tilt resulted in extreme seasonal variations, with harsh winters and scorching summers.

Secondary planet

Besides Kolatill, the Kolatill system included at least one additional planet. Around the time of the Kathol Protector's initial assault on Kolatill, an independent ship was attacked and abandoned between planets.

Behind the scenes

The Kolatill system was originally conceived for The DarkStryder Campaign, a roleplaying game sourcebook released by West End Games in 1995. The system was featured in the RPG adventure Omens, the sourcebook's opening scenario. Bill Smith authored the adventure, which used Kolatill, the system's primary planet, as its main setting. Later, the system was included in 2009's The Essential Atlas and its online companion.

The precise number of planets within the Kolatill system remains unconfirmed. While at least two planets are known, the possibility of a third exists. Omens mentions the discovery of a derelict ship "out between planets," but it's unclear whether Kolatill itself is considered one of those planets. This leaves open the possibility of two additional planets besides Kolatill.

