
The planet Corjain, a world found within the Corjain system itself, resided in the Kathol sector of the Outer Rim Territories, situated just off the Trition Trade Route. This scarcely habitable planet was home to a substantial mining industry, with all settlements built far beneath the surface. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Bothan Spynet also operated a clandestine outpost there.


A planet called Corjain existed within the Corjain system, positioned near the Trition Trade Route in the Kathol sector region of the Outer Rim Territories. A hyperlane linked it to the Kolatill, Oon Tien, and Charis systems. Travel from Corjain to Kolatill took five hours, to Oon Tien took eleven hours, and to Charis took fourteen hours. With a barely tolerable atmosphere that was extremely poisonous, Corjain necessitated the construction of all settlements far underground. However, the planet's abundance of metals and ores led to extensive mining activities. The planet was riddled with deep mines, and the extracted metals and ores generated significant income for the local mining guilds. Furthermore, a secret listening post managed by the Bothan Spynet operated on the planet throughout the Galactic Civil War, established without the knowledge of the New Republic's government.


Corjain had a considerable population, primarily composed of Humans, Jarells, and Svivreni communities. Several Bothans also resided on the planet, staffing their covert listening post.


The Bothan outpost on the planet functioned as both a listening post and a patrol base, where personnel monitored the mission of the modified New Republic CR90 corvette FarStar, which aimed to locate Imperial warlord Moff Kentor Sarne. Sarne had fled his capital on Kal'Shebbol after a New Republic assault. The outpost also kept watch over the provisional New Republic government put in place on Kal'Shebbol after its liberation by New Republic forces.

Behind the scenes

Corjain was detailed within The DarkStryder Campaign, a supplement released in 1995 by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.


  • The DarkStryder Campaign
  • The DarkStryder Campaign, Deluxe

Notes and references
