Svivreni were a race of sentient beings who were short, furry, and equinoid. They originated on the planet of Svivren. The harsh, rocky environment of their homeworld shaped them into a resilient species that developed a civilization known for its industriousness and innate aptitude for geology. Their expertise in mineralogy and their characteristic stubbornness were particularly notable traits of the Svivreni. They possessed intricate systems of greetings and farewells, and they avoided the word "goodbye" due to a superstition that it brought bad luck.
The Svivreni were initially members of the Galactic Republic. They outlawed weapons on their planet, enforcing strict punishments, including execution, for criminals. This approach significantly reduced crime, contributing to Svivren's rise as a key trade hub. The species deliberately stayed out of the Clone Wars and sought neutrality during the Galactic Civil War. During the era of the New Republic, the Galactic Empire made an attempt to conquer Svivren, but the Svivreni, with their inherent tenacity, successfully resisted the attacks led by Grand Admiral Thrawn. Later, the species became associated with both the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and the Galactic Alliance Remnant.
Many Svivreni gained recognition as exceptionally skilled and dedicated miners, including notable figures such as Saqc'or and Kitalic Nirasik. Mihalik, another Svivreni, left his job and took the law into his own hands, hunting down those who had harmed his fellow workers. Svivreni also held positions in other fields, such as Torsteen, a crime lord, and Tyro Caladian and Curran Caladian, two senatorial aides. Tyro assisted Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, while his cousin Curran became a political fugitive under the Empire.

Predominantly humanoid in their physical structure, Svivreni were an equinoid sentient species. The height of an adult Svivreni generally varied from 60 to 90 centimeters, and rarely did they grow beyond one meter. Despite their stature, their robust build and resilience made them as strong as Human-sized species. Differing from many beings of comparable size, the Svivreni possessed long arms, enabling them to easily use standard-sized technological devices, like blaster rifles. Though their shorter legs hindered them from matching the running speed of a Human, they were still quicker than some taller species, for example, the Noghri. This was partly because their feet were cloven hooves.
Each Svivreni had a large, sturdy head featuring prominent eyes and a broad, protruding snout that they could use to snort. They also had upright, equine ears that twitched when they were stressed. Each Svivreni hand was equipped with four fingers that had three joints each and tapered from the hand to the nail.
A coat of short, rough fur covered nearly the entire body of a Svivreni, with the exception of the snout, eyes, hooves, and ears. They also had a mane of longer hair on top of their heads, which could be orange or copper, and additional hair growth on their arms. They traditionally allowed their hair to grow without cutting it, instead tying it into a ponytail. The mane of older Svivreni, who could live to be 125 years old, could reach from the head to below the waist. However, this trait wasn't exclusive to elders; younger Svivreni, like the young adult Tyro Caladian, could also have manes of that length. His cousin, Curran Caladian, who was considered young, had a braid that reached his knees. Other Svivreni, such as the miner Mihalik, wore their mane in several braids at the back to prevent it from getting in the way during physical activities.
Svivreni had a longer lifespan than Humans, with retirement typically occurring around ninety standard years of age. The negative effects of aging started to appear at fifty-five, which was comparable to a forty-one-year-old Human. However, they reached adulthood at sixteen, the same age as Humans, and adolescence at eleven, one year earlier than Humans.
The Svivreni had a reputation for their stubbornness throughout the galaxy. Once a Svivreni made up their mind, they were unlikely to change it. This determination gave them the strength to resist persuasive merchants and even the mind-influencing powers of the Force. As a species, they disliked and strongly opposed attempts to persuade them to do something they disapproved of. They also resisted the idea of external forces conquering their home. Although not every Svivreni was stubborn, it was a common characteristic. Many Svivreni mineralogists who worked outside planet Svivren were assertive enough to defend their ideas physically if necessary. As they aged and gained experience, they fought less but became even more resolute.

The Svivreni were skilled miners and mineralogists, and their reputation in these fields was well-earned. This skill led some of them to become scouts. Large businesses from other planets frequently hired Svivreni professionals to oversee mining projects on planets or asteroids. The species seemed to have a natural talent for evaluating the value of mined materials, from gems to more common minerals, although this ability was refined through education. The Svivren Xenomineralogy Institute was considered one of the best academic institutions for studying this science due to the skill of its graduates. The achievements of qualified Svivreni in mining and metallurgy, especially in the private sector, were as famous as their determination. Because Svivreni miners often needed to use many tools, they favored trousers with numerous pockets and pouches. They preferred sleeveless robes to allow their arms to move freely. Recognition from their peers was important to Svivreni mineralogists, even though they couldn't agree on who was the best mineralogist in history. However, they all acknowledged Saqc'or as one of the toughest mineralogists, Svivreni or otherwise, ever.
Some historians have compared the Svivreni to the equally stubborn Human settlers of Poderis, but while the Poderisans tried their best to improve their struggling world, they never achieved the same level of success as the Svivreni. Through hard work and dedication, the Svivreni transformed their challenging planet into a major trade world with at least seven spaceports, including one with advanced technology, repair facilities, and storage areas comparable to those on Coruscant. They imported food and pharmaceuticals from other worlds and exported computers, droids, and other advanced and intermediate technology. As a result, Svivren had a population of 8.5 billion sentients, including native Svivreni, Humans, Sullustans, and a significant number of Ewoks during the New Republic era. Becoming an important trade world led the Svivreni to develop traditional clothing for their traders, including robes and turbans. The Farrimmer Cafe bar and grill, located on the Mynock 7 Space Station, served a popular, fragrant dish called Svivreni treat, which consisted of seasoned enyak bobs over teerlop-zikody.
Since their planet had constant traffic from offworlders, the Svivreni enforced strict laws that prohibited personal weapons for citizens and visitors anywhere on the planet, except for the standard equipment carried by the well-armed Svivreni security forces. However, around 4 ABY, several smugglers managed to hide significant caches of blasters near Wrils. Violent acts on Svivren were punished with immediate public executions, which, along with the weapons ban, helped keep crime rates low and discouraged scoundrels from visiting the world due to the risks involved. Despite the effectiveness of these harsh laws, other galactic groups criticized them.
The Svivreni valued both the fur covering their bodies and the manes on their heads. Some Svivreni were known to smooth their facial fur with their hands when they were nervous or focused. The hair on the head was considered most important, and they traditionally let it grow without cutting it, believing that its thickness reflected the bearer's intelligence and fertility. Elders, who were recognizable by their manes that reached below their waists, were particularly respected in their culture. However, younger Svivreni sometimes had unusually long hair. Many Svivreni tied their hair with leaves of Nalvar grass from Svivren as a sign of respect for their homeworld, while others used metal rings.
The Svivreni had various traditional greetings and farewells, depending on the relationship between the Svivreni and the person they were speaking to. The most affectionate greeting involved opening a hand, closing it, and then placing it on the heart. Svivreni considered it bad luck to say "goodbye" in any language, so they preferred to say phrases like "The journey begins. So go." when parting from a loved one. When saying goodbye to a close friend, a Svivreni would raise a hand with spread fingers, and the friend would mimic the gesture so that they could press their palms together.
The species' native language was impossible for Humans to reproduce because it relied on the Svivreni vocal range. Not all Svivreni learned Galactic Basic Standard, but some did. Svivreni names were typically either one word, such as Mihalik or Saqc'or, or two words, such as Casin Mak or Kitalic Nirasik. Relatives shared the second name, as seen with cousins Curran Caladian and Tyro Caladian.
The Svivreni originated on the rugged, mountainous planet Svivren, located in the Svivreni sector of the Outer Rim. The planet had extreme seasons in its various climate zones, and certain areas, like the mines of Nalvar, were particularly harsh on their inhabitants. As a result, the Svivreni evolved into a muscular species that was much sturdier than many other sentients. These same conditions also contributed to their natural resilience.

They became skilled miners by overcoming the challenges of Svivren. Historians agree that the Svivreni's tendency towards stubbornness developed due to the significant natural dangers on the planet during the species' biological and cultural evolution. The Galactic Republic discovered Svivren during the last millennia before the Battle of Yavin, and the species joined the galactic government sometime before 19 BBY. The planet became important because of its rich mines. The Svivreni's geological skills became well-known, and many of them left their world to work in that field. Others became Jedi Seers and traveled throughout the Outer Rim and the Unknown Regions.
The Svivreni who remained on their planet worked hard until Svivren thrived as a trading post. As offworlders became more common, the Svivreni became intolerant of outlaw offworlders. The species outlawed all violent crime and the possession of weapons. Smugglers avoided Svivren, considering it too dangerous for them.
In the years leading up to the Separatist Crisis of 24 BBY, the Svivreni viewed themselves as a peaceful species, and some of them became concerned about the growing unrest in the galaxy. Senator Sano Sauro of Eeropha, a Core Worlds planet, secretly plotted to take control of Svivren's mines and use them in a weapons development project. However, his scheme was discovered and prevented. Despite their efforts, the local Svivreni were unable to prosecute Sauro due to a lack of evidence, and the Senator faced no negative consequences for his actions.
Svivren was not directly involved in the galaxy-wide conflict known as the Clone Wars (22 BBY–19 BBY). After the war ended, the planet Berchest attempted to establish itself as a trading center, but it never became as important as Svivren.
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Svivren remained an important galactic trade center with an Imperial presence, although the Svivreni Trade Alliance maintained control over the government. The rise of the Alliance to Restore the Republic in 2 BBY marked the start of the Galactic Civil War. The Svivreni dismissed the conflict as "political infighting" and refused to take sides. Nevertheless, many individual Svivreni assisted the Alliance in their fight against the Empire, even if they preferred working for private interests.
In 9 ABY, during the Thrawn campaign, Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn specifically included Svivren on his list of planets to conquer. Thrawn dispatched the Imperial Navy from Farstine, which arrived in the Svivren system on 44:7:24 to lay siege to the planet. The Svivreni's characteristic stubbornness empowered them to organize a strong resistance. The Empire was unprepared for this, and the initial attacks on Svivren were unsuccessful. The Empire retreated but then sent more forces to occupy Svivren. The planet became a significant problem for the surprised Imperials, who accomplished little more than becoming frustrated. This failure to secure a victory soon became widely known. Smuggler Samuel Tomas Gillespee mentioned the Empire's troubles on Svivren and compared the situation to their easy victory at the Battle of Ukio.
That same year, despite the Imperial blockade, Svivreni traders visited the trading city of Calius saj Leeloo on Berchest, ostensibly for business reasons. They encountered Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, who was searching for clones working for Thrawn. Initially suspecting that the Svivreni might be Imperial clones, Skywalker used the Force to scan them. Thrawn's death shortly afterward in the Battle of Bilbringi led to a significant loss of control within the Empire. The Navy withdrew from Svivren, never having managed to conquer it. The Svivreni believed that their determination had helped them resist conquest and became even more committed to repelling any potential invaders.
Because the Svivreni were clearly opposed to Imperial occupation, pilots from the New Republic found the planet appealing. Unlike other planets near Imperial Space, such as Morishim, Svivren was a place they could visit comfortably, enjoying a level of freedom rarely found elsewhere.
Later, when the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances was formed, several Svivreni assisted this new government, although they still preferred working in the private sector.
Svivreni commonly left their homeworld to work in mineralogy, geology, or related fields. They were often hired by large corporations to manage and oversee mining projects on planets and asteroids. Many Svivreni considered this "fieldwork" to enhance their education, and once they gained sufficient experience, they left these positions to become self-employed. Notable Svivreni in this category included Saqc'or, a veteran miner who worked in the Moddell sector and whom the Empire attempted to forcefully recruit for its Death Star project before 4 ABY. Another prominent miner was Kitalic Nirasik, who had worked in nearly every aspect of the mining industry before becoming the chief executive of Southern Bandomeer Consolidated. Nirasik's company threatened the planetary monopoly of the Offworld Mining Corporation, partly because Nirasik offered his miners better working conditions and a higher chance of survival than Offworld did. At the same time, foreman Nirasik knew how to profit from his good deeds.

Several mineralogists from Svivren, who once worked for major corporations, decided to become independent contractors during the early years of the New Republic, effectively ending their previous professional affiliations. These individuals believed in their own capabilities to the extent that they wished to select their own clients and set their own fees, seeking acknowledgement from others for their expertise. One such mineralogist was employed by Executive D'gaat, tasked with analyzing D'gaat's Vendusii Crystal mine.
Once Svivren evolved into a trading hub, Svivreni merchants became a familiar presence throughout the galaxy, easily identified by their distinctive robes and turbans. In 9 ABY, a group of Svivreni colonists shared the scarcely habitable planet of Corjain, located in the Kathol sector, alongside Twi'leks and Jarells. Some Svivreni who engaged in less reputable activities turned to crime. For instance, the smuggler Torsteen commanded a band of pirates and utilized his scavenger droid, named Bruthus, to gather space debris in the Corporate Sector's outskirts. Conversely, some Svivreni discovered their calling as Jedi, departing from Svivren in service of their duties.
On their home planet, Svivreni had a stricter approach to alien lawbreakers. They stringently prohibited violent crime and the possession of weapons. Smugglers generally avoided Svivren, deeming it too risky. However, members of the New Republic seeking to avoid the Imperial Remnant often enjoyed a level of freedom on Svivren that was rarely found elsewhere.
During the final years of the Galactic Republic, cousins Tyro and Curran Caladian both enjoyed promising careers as assistants in the Galactic Senate on Coruscant. Tyro, who provided expert advice regarding bureaucracy and investigation, became friends with and assisted the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi in several missions aimed at defeating enemies of the Jedi, including Granta Omega, Sano Sauro, and Jenna Zan Arbor. Tyro's investigations eventually uncovered a conspiracy, leading to his assassination by a politician who sought to protect his secrets. His cousin Curran later became a political fugitive under the Galactic Empire, but he continued to fight for what he believed in. Pursuing this goal, Curran Caladian joined an outlaw group known as the Erased and collaborated with the Jedi Fy-Tor-Ana and Ferus Olin.
During the New Republic era, a Svivreni miner and constable named Mihalik was so incensed by the damage caused by criminals during the meleenium heist on Qua'Tahc that he abandoned his job and began an unauthorized pursuit of the perpetrators across the galaxy aboard his personal starship. General Airen Cracken of the New Republic was compelled to issue a warrant for Mihalik's arrest on charges of unauthorized military and police actions, but neither Mihalik nor his targets were ever seen again.
The first mention of Svivren and the Svivreni occurred in The Last Command (1993), authored by Timothy Zahn. The first Svivreni character to appear in a published story with a name was Tyro Caladian in Jedi Quest: The School of Fear, by Jude Watson, a book released ten years after The Last Command.
Prior to that, West End Games had already expanded the species' background in The Last Command Sourcebook (1994), by Eric S. Trautmann. This book contains descriptive entries and statistics for both Svivren and the Svivreni, and the Svivreni are also briefly mentioned in the entry about the planet Poderis. The book also featured the first published illustration of a Svivreni, created by David Plunkett. The species' description is almost entirely replicated in The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook (1996) and subsequently in Alien Encounters (1998). The latter source omitted a paragraph detailing Thrawn's attempted invasion and a roleplaying rule concerning their stubbornness. This rule is also absent from the Svivreni stats in Heroes & Rogues (1995).
Wizards of the Coast's roleplaying game presents differing statistics for the Svivreni in Star Wars Gamer #9 (2002) and in Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds (2004), disagreeing on the Svivreni's size for game mechanics. Both sources describe Svivreni as one-meter tall sentients, but Gamer classifies their size as "Small," which imposes restrictions on the amount of weight Svivreni characters can carry and the length of weapons they can use, while also making them harder for enemies to target. Geonosis, conversely, considers Svivreni to be "Medium-sized," thus exempting them from these special rules. A player raised a question in Jedi Counseling #69, a section of Wizards' website, about a possible error in Geonosis. Wizards responded by creating a specific trait for the Svivreni, reasoning that their musculature was too developed to apply the rules used for Jawas and other "Small" species. Instead, Svivreni are considered medium-sized characters for most purposes, except for dodging and targeting, where they are treated as small, making them more difficult to hit.