Ferus Olin, a Human Jedi Padawan, was under the tutelage of Jedi Master Siri Tachi. Many Jedi regarded Olin as exceptionally mature for someone of his age, and he earned respect due to his strong commitment to the Jedi Order. He frequently found himself at odds with fellow Padawan learner Anakin Skywalker, whose views differed due to Olin's strict adherence to Jedi dogma. Olin, Skywalker, Tachi, and Obi-Wan Kenobi often collaborated on various missions, which took them to diverse planets such as Radnor, Euceron, Andara, Typha-Dor, Romin, Falleen, and ultimately, Korriban. A primary goal of many of these missions was the apprehension of the fugitive scientist and criminal Jenna Zan Arbor, who the Jedi later discovered was in league with Granta Omega, the individual responsible for the death of Jedi Council member Yaddle. Nevertheless, Zan Arbor consistently managed to evade capture.
In the time leading up to the Clone Wars, Olin chose to leave the Jedi Order, burdened by the guilt he carried over the accidental death of fellow Padawan Darra Thel-Tanis on Korriban, where Omega was killed in a confrontation with Kenobi. He later formed a friendship with Roan Lands on Bellassa, and they established a joint venture known as Olin and Lands. Their business centered around creating forged, new identities for individuals seeking to escape the Empire. Olin developed a deep affection for Bellassa, ultimately considering it his adopted home.
Not long after the implementation of Order 66, Olin established a rebel organization on Bellassa to oppose the Galactic Empire, which had recently seized control of the galaxy. He would later resume his Jedi training with the assistance of Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the few Jedi who survived the Great Jedi Purge. Olin also set up a sanctuary for Jedi fugitives on an asteroid concealed within an atmospheric storm. It was here that he initiated the early stages of what would become the Alliance to Restore the Republic. While searching for Jedi who had escaped the Empire, he was coerced into assisting Emperor Palpatine through blackmail. However, he operated as a double agent, gathering information and attempting to sabotage the Empire from within, eventually facing Darth Vader himself. His resistance movement extended across the galaxy, reaching planets such as Bellassa, Acherin, Coruscant, Naboo, Samaria, and Alderaan, among others. This continued until the Empire disrupted his early rebellion plans by destroying his secret asteroid base. Eventually, he accepted a mission from Obi-Wan to safeguard Princess Leia Organa on Alderaan, where he resided for several years. Darth Vader ultimately killed him a year after the complete destruction of that planet.

Olin's initial close collaboration with Anakin Skywalker occurred in 27 BBY during a mission focused on evacuating the inhabitants of Radnor. The planet faced a deadly airborne toxin that hindered many citizens' ability to escape imminent death. They, along with their respective Masters, Siri Tachi and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and four additional Jedi — Ry-Gaul with his apprentice Tru Veld, as well as Soara Antana and her Padawan Darra Thel-Tanis — were dispatched to the planet. The mission required the Masters and Padawans to split up due to a shortage of bio-isolation suits, which were necessary for investigating the area already affected by the toxin. With limited supervision, the more experienced Padawans, Olin and Skywalker, quickly found themselves in conflict over leadership issues.
Despite these conflicts, the four Jedi managed to work together effectively to uncover the cause of the toxin's release. While tracking a group of raiders who were looting the homes of fleeing civilians, the Padawans discovered that the criminals had obtained the evacuation schedule for the city of Tacto, which was still unaffected. This allowed them to steal from the fleeing citizens in an unusually organized manner. This information, combined with Skywalker and Veld's discovery that the planet's communications were being jammed from orbit, led them to the conclusion that the natives of the neighboring planet of Avon were planning to invade Radnor. They were using an offer of assistance in the evacuation as a cover to land an army of battle droids to quickly conquer the planet. The Jedi teams successfully thwarted the invasion and exposed Galen, the Radnoran scientist who had originally developed the toxin, as a traitor. However, Skywalker and Olin remained at odds even after their success. Distrusting Skywalker due to his desire for control, Olin warned him that he would be watching him in the future, further fueling their rivalry and mutual dislike.
Several months later, in 26 BBY, the two apprentices crossed paths once again, accompanied by their masters, at the Galactic Games on the planet Euceron. The Padawans, along with fellow apprentice Tru Veld, aided their masters in uncovering a scheme to manipulate the games. When Skywalker discovered that an illegal podrace was rigged in favor of a particular competitor, he decided to participate in it to uncover the methods of manipulation and the individuals responsible. Olin opposed this plan, believing that Skywalker was driven by the thrill of racing as much as the mission's success, which irritated his rival. Skywalker entered the race but discovered that he was the favored racer, rather than Hekula, the son of his former podracing rival Sebulba. He narrowly avoided death when his pod was sabotaged in an attempt to cause a dramatic crash into the crowd. Unable to prove the corruption and crimes of the celebrity athlete Maxo Vista and Liviani Sarno, the head of the Games Council, the Jedi left Euceron with a partial victory and the lingering animosity between Olin and Skywalker.
When Skywalker received private lightsaber training from Soara Antana, the Jedi Master selected Olin to surprise him with an attack after one of their lessons. Given the lack of affection between the two Padawans and Skywalker's exhaustion from training, Olin initially gained the upper hand. However, Skywalker succumbed to his feelings of anger, which fueled him and enabled him to defeat his fellow apprentice. This display of rage and Skywalker's lack of awareness of his error raised serious concerns for Antana, leading her to end her training with Skywalker after warning him about the temptation to yield to his emotions during battle.

When Gillam Tarturi, the son of Senator Berm Tarturi and a student at the prestigious Leadership School on Andara, went missing, his father suspected that political rivals had abducted him. Coincidentally, the Jedi Council suspected that a group of young mercenaries was using the Leadership School as a training facility. To investigate both Gillam's disappearance and the secret squad, Olin and Skywalker were sent to infiltrate the school disguised as students. This cover would allow them to identify and investigate the mercenaries in hopes of finding a clue to the motive behind Gillam Tarturi's disappearance. Upon arriving at the school, Olin befriended a troublesome student named Reymet Autem, the son of Senate Guard Sagoro Autem, who seemed to possess knowledge of the school's inner workings. While Olin attempted to learn about the mercenaries from Autem, Skywalker managed to infiltrate the secret squad. As he learned more about them, he gradually began to agree with the unit's ideals, leading him to join them on a mission to penetrate Andara's airspace. The mission was based on Ieria, a planet in the system, and Skywalker suggested Gillam might be there, trying to justify his planned participation in the raid. However, Olin strongly opposed the violation of the Jedi Code and attempted to dissuade his rival from participating in such a potentially inflammatory act. Skywalker agreed to meet with him later to consult Kenobi, but before the two Padawans could contact Skywalker's master, Olin disappeared.
He had initiated a search for Gillam in an effort to locate him before Skywalker left the school, hoping to eliminate Kenobi's apprentice's rationale for seeking Gillam on Ieria. However, Tarturi, who was hiding in the old and abandoned system rooms inside the school, stumbled upon him. Along with a few members of the secret squad, Tarturi imprisoned Olin there before secretly departing for Ieria. Even after discovering that Olin was missing, Skywalker chose to accompany the secret squad instead of searching for him, leaving the young Jedi imprisoned until Kenobi and Tachi arrived at the Leadership School to rescue him, under the guise of parents considering enrolling their children in classes there.
During his explorations of the system rooms, Olin had discovered Gillam's datapad. Using the Force to deflect the mercenaries' attention from it, he managed to prevent its confiscation. By studying the datapad, he and the Masters discovered that the Senator's son had orchestrated his own kidnapping and planned to blame it on his own father. The Jedi also realized that he was preparing to stage his own death by killing Skywalker and disguising the young Jedi's corpse as his own. The trio traveled to Ieria in an attempt to rescue Skywalker. However, Tarturi had underestimated the power of the Jedi, as the teenager easily disabled the squad's starfighters and attack droids sent to assassinate him. The other Jedi arrived in time to take the mercenaries into custody. However, Kenobi was infuriated by the fact that Skywalker had not even searched for Olin when he discovered that he had disappeared, creating a rift between the Master and his Padawan that would take time to heal.
In 25 BBY, Skywalker and Kenobi were dispatched to the planet Typha-Dor in the Uziel system, the only planet that continued to resist the invasions orchestrated by the system's largest planet, Vanqor. Their mission was to inform the members of a Typha-Dorian surveillance post that the Vanqors had nearly discovered their position and that they needed to evacuate. However, upon arriving, the two Jedi discovered that the members of the surveillance post had obtained the invasion plans that the Vanqors intended to use in their invasion of Typha-Dor. During the team's attempted escape, Skywalker was captured by the Vanqors and taken to Vanqor itself, where he was placed in the Zone of Self-Containment, a drug that induced a state of blissful content, by the criminal scientist Jenna Zan Arbor. Skywalker later discovered that the Zone interfered with his ability to use the Force. Meanwhile, Olin and Tachi, along with the Jedi Garen Muln, Clee Rhara, Ry-Gaul, and Tru Veld, were sent to rescue Kenobi and Skywalker and assist them in delivering the invasion plans to Typha-Dor. Kenobi managed to free Skywalker from the Vanqor prison, and the Jedi team arrived just in time to rescue the two from Vanqor forces. Evading enemy starships, the Jedi team safely arrived at Typha-Dor. When the Typha-Dorian General Bycha mentioned rumors of medical experiments being performed on the prisoners in the camp where Skywalker was imprisoned, the young Jedi revealed that he had undergone the procedure. This surprised all of the Jedi, especially Kenobi, as Skywalker had not yet informed them of this. Olin believed that Skywalker had refrained from telling his Master because he enjoyed the lack of feeling, suggesting that it even overcame his loyalty to Kenobi, which caused Skywalker to become defensive of his actions. Although the Typha-Dorians, with the Jedi's assistance, managed to force the Vanqor forces to surrender without firing a shot, Jenna Zan Arbor escaped Vanqor, prompting the four Jedi to continue their efforts to track her down.
At some point, Olin and Tachi embarked on a mission to the mining planet of Quas Killam, although the exact date of the mission is uncertain. On the planet, they oversaw peace talks between a trinium mining cartel and another faction, with both groups aiming to establish a coalition government. Despite the mission's success, Olin felt uneasy, believing that the cartel had made too many concessions to the other group. However, Tachi reminded him that their mission was complete and that they could not interfere with the government to investigate the Padawan's suspicions. Olin's misgivings were confirmed at the beginning of the Clone Wars. The cartel allied with the Trade Federation to seize control of Quas Killam's government, granting the Separatists control of all the factories and trinium mines. Many Killams not affiliated with the cartel were conscripted or killed. Later, during a mission undertaken by Tachi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala, the female Jedi Master reflected on the mission to Quas Killam with regret, wishing she had paid closer attention to the events there and potentially prevented the Separatists' takeover of the planet.
Over the following months, Kenobi and Skywalker tracked Zan Arbor across the galaxy, while Tachi and Olin provided occasional assistance. However, Tachi had pledged to help Kenobi finally capture Zan Arbor, and when Kenobi and Skywalker traced the criminal scientist to the planet Romin, Tachi and Olin planned to join them in capturing her.
However, the Senate's bureaucracy hindered the Jedi's efforts, as a law prohibited the arrest or transport of a galactic criminal off Romin. Corruption within the Senate had led to the passing of this law, allowing the planet's corrupt leader, Roy Teda, to profit by offering refuge to criminals. Undeterred, Kenobi learned that a gang of thieves known as the Slams had recently been captured by the Republic, and their capture had not yet been publicized. He convinced the Jedi Council to allow the four Jedi to impersonate the Slams in an effort to gain entrance to Romin, despite Olin's disagreement, who argued that the Jedi were above using trickery to capture Zan Arbor.
Upon arriving on Romin, Kenobi and Tachi separated from their Padawans, meeting with Zan Arbor and stealing her datapad while Skywalker and Olin explored the city. Before the Padawans could return to their villa, they were ambushed by mysterious assailants and captured. Their attackers took them to Joylin, the leader of the anti-Teda resistance, who revealed that a coup was planned against Teda in one day, during the reception Teda held for the wealthy residents of Romin. Believing the Jedi to be the Slams, Joylin asked them to steal codes from Teda's palace that would allow the resistance to deactivate his droid army, enabling a nearly bloodless transition of power. Despite Olin's objections to the plan, the Jedi agreed to assist the resistance in removing Teda from power, viewing it as an act of justice against the dictator.
That night, Olin, unable to sleep, encountered Kenobi in the garden of the villa where the Jedi were staying. He confided in the Jedi Master about his fears regarding Skywalker's power, but Kenobi disagreed. This would later haunt him after Skywalker became Darth Vader, as he would remember that Olin had warned him about the dangers of Skywalker's immense potential, and he had not heeded the young Padawan's warning. However, confessing his fears for his rival seemed to alleviate Olin's burden, and the two Jedi became less antagonistic towards each other during much of the remainder of their search for Zan Arbor.
During the reception the next day, the Jedi successfully stole the codes required by the resistance. However, with Teda's droids out of commission, the revolters vandalized much of the city, validating Olin's concerns. Teda and Zan Arbor fled the capital and summoned the Slams for a job. When the Jedi reached the hideout of the two, the real Slams, who had recently escaped from prison, arrived and denounced the Jedi as impostors. Zan Arbor recognized Skywalker from her experiments on him on Vanqor and realized that the impostors were Jedi. Consequently, the four were captured and sent to prison. Before they could be locked away, they freed the other prisoners of Teda and demoralized the dictator's army, forcing them to surrender. Teda and Zan Arbor were captured and brought before Joylin, the new leader of Romin, making it appear as though the Jedi had triumphed. Unfortunately, Joylin had ulterior motives. He released Teda and Zan Arbor and granted the true Slams permission to leave, intending to use their flight as justification for his planned execution of Teda's followers. Skywalker sensed his plan quickly enough that the Jedi would have been able to capture their enemies, if not for information discovered on Jenna Zan Arbor's datapad by Kenobi. She had been corresponding with Granta Omega, a notable enemy of the Jedi responsible for the murder of Jedi Master Yaddle. Hoping Zan Arbor would lead them to Omega, the Jedi instead planted a tracking device on the Slams' ship, allowing them to follow them to Omega.

The quartet of Jedi Knights journeyed to Falleen in pursuit of Zan Arbor and Teda. Their investigation on Romin had unveiled a connection between Zan Arbor, Teda, and Granta Omega, the affluent offspring of Xanatos, Qui-Gon Jinn's former apprentice. Granta Omega, a foe of the Jedi, bore responsibility for the demise of Jedi Master Yaddle. The Jedi suspected Omega was aiding Zan Arbor in perfecting the transmission of the Self-Containment Zone.
Upon reaching Falleen, the Jedi learned that Roy Teda, who had fled Romin alongside Zan Arbor, was residing in a lavish Falleen hotel. Tachi and Olin proceeded to investigate the hotel. Meanwhile, Kenobi and Skywalker turned their attention to a newly constructed factory, Blackwater Systems. This factory had been erected with disregard for safety regulations, and its owners had bribed inspectors to overlook these violations.
To conceal the illicit activities occurring within, the factory owners destroyed the facility. Tachi and Olin arrived just in time to rescue Kenobi and Skywalker, only to discover that their targets had already departed Falleen. Before the Jedi could continue their pursuit, Mace Windu summoned them back to Coruscant. They were needed to defend the Jedi Order against accusations from an anti-Jedi faction within the Senate, which sought to strip the Jedi of their official Senate authority.
During a Senate hearing concerning the Jedi's actions on Romin, Tachi and Olin stumbled upon what they believed to be the hideout of Omega and Zan Arbor. The Jedi Master and her Padawan requested assistance from Kenobi and Skywalker. However, upon entering the hideout, they found only three droidekas and a contingent of seeker droids. After destroying the droids, the Jedi found no evidence of Omega's plans. Later, they discovered that the criminals intended to exploit the Self-Containment Zone to steal the vertex being donated to the All Planets Relief Fund. The Jedi apprehended the Slams and thwarted the theft, only to realize it was a diversion. Omega and Zan Arbor's true objective was to deploy the Self-Containment Zone within the Senate to assassinate Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. They intended for Bog Divinian, the leader of the anti-Jedi movement, to propose the election of Senator Sano Sauro, an ally of Omega's, as Palpatine's successor. Omega and Zan Arbor nearly succeeded in releasing the Zone.
Kenobi arrived at the Senate in time to prevent Omega and Zan Arbor from unleashing the biochemical weapon. However, he could not prevent Omega from launching hundreds of lethal seeker droids, each programmed with the vital signs of Republic Senators, including the Supreme Chancellor. Skywalker, Tachi, and Kenobi attempted to prevent Omega's escape while Olin protected the Chancellor, but their efforts were unsuccessful. Omega and Zan Arbor once again evaded the Jedi. In the ensuing chaos within the Senate, Olin saved Palpatine's life, but twenty-one Senators, along with Roy Teda, perished in the carnage. For his heroic act of saving the Chancellor's life, Olin received a special commendation from the Jedi Council. The Jedi then resumed their pursuit of Omega and Zan Arbor.
In 24 BBY, the Jedi Council observed a notable surge in the influence of the dark side. Consequently, they resolved to accelerate the promotion of Padawans to the rank of Knight. Given the significance of this decision, the Council opted for a cautious approach, initiating the program with a single test case: Olin. This decision provoked Skywalker, who believed he was superior to Olin and deserved to be the first to become a Jedi Knight. Furthermore, the Council disclosed to the two rivals and their respective masters, along with Darra Thel-Tanis and Tru Veld and their masters (Soara Antana and Ry-Gaul, respectively), that they had located Granta Omega and his companion, Zan Arbor, on Korriban. The Jedi inferred that the enigmatic and secretive Sith Lord had finally taken notice of Omega and decided to reward him for his dedication. They were dispatched to Korriban to apprehend Omega and Zan Arbor immediately.
During the journey to Korriban, Skywalker openly expressed his animosity towards Olin, provoking him and leaving Veld and Thel-Tanis in awkward silence as they unsuccessfully attempted to ease the tension between the two rivals. Upon landing, Skywalker and Olin were tasked with infiltrating the planet's black market to locate Zan Arbor and Omega by contacting a thief named Auben. However, upon making contact with her, they were ambushed by droids from the Commerce Guild army. They fled with Auben into a nearby Sith monastery, pursued by their fellow Jedi. Before the trio could escape the monastery, Olin and Skywalker sensed dark power within the hangar containing the exit. They retreated with Auben back towards the droids, unaware that they had sensed a Sith within the hangar. After reuniting with Darra and Tru, the four Jedi were attacked by numerous super battle droids. As Skywalker believed a Jedi victory was imminent, he noticed a shadowy figure heading towards the exit.
Believing the figure to be Omega, the young Padawan pursued him, only to be thrown back by a surge of Force energy from the fleeing man, who was in fact the unknown Sith. Despite the Jedi's efforts, the Sith escaped the hangar, killing Auben as he fled. During the battle with the droids, Veld's lightsaber was damaged. Following Skywalker's confrontation with Olin during the flight to Korriban, a rift had formed between him and Veld. Veld asked Olin, rather than Skywalker, to repair the lightsaber. Olin repaired it, unaware of a previous repair performed by Skywalker, which was offset by the power boost he had added. Skywalker witnessed Olin repairing the lightsaber but, angered by Veld's decision to seek Olin's help instead of his own, chose not to mention the need to double-check the area of the weapon he had repaired. The Jedi then traveled in an airspeeder to the Valley of the Dark Lords, where Kenobi had discovered that Omega and Zan Arbor planned to meet the mysterious Sith Lord.
During the flight to the Valley, the Jedi were forced to evade Commerce Guild security craft, but they successfully reached the Valley. In the Valley, they encountered a pack of tuk'ata, which they defeated, along with Korriban zombies activated by the ancient Sith to protect Omega. During the battle with the zombies, Veld's lightsaber began to malfunction due to the repair that Skywalker had failed to double-check. He switched lightsabers with Olin. When Veld's lightsaber finally failed completely, Thel-Tanis rushed to assist Olin, only to be shot with a blaster pistol by Omega. Her death caused Olin great sorrow, which would later lead him to leave the Jedi Order.
Omega, closely pursued by Kenobi and Skywalker, fled, intending to meet the Sith Lord. However, he was betrayed. The Sith Lord escaped Korriban, and Kenobi struck down Omega, ending his vendetta against the Jedi once and for all, but leaving repercussions throughout the Jedi that would never fully fade. Jenna Zan Arbor also escaped Korriban and disappeared for a time, eventually joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems as a scientist.
Olin, overwhelmed with grief and guilt for not informing Ry-Gaul about the damage to Veld's lightsaber and believing he had inadvertently caused Thel-Tanis's death, decided to resign from the Jedi Order. Upon leaving the Council Chamber after submitting his resignation, he encountered Skywalker outside. When he explained his reason for leaving the Order to his rival, Skywalker unintentionally revealed that he had known that Olin had fixed the lightsaber. However, lightsaber expert and Jedi Master Tolan Hing had informed Olin that the lightsaber failure was, in fact, caused by the piece that Skywalker had neglected to tell Veld to adjust. Veld, who was also present, was shocked by this revelation and ended his friendship with Skywalker. The trauma of Darra's death had brought him closer to Olin, and the two parted amicably. Despite the revelation of Skywalker's indirect involvement in Thel-Tanis's death, Olin left the Jedi with a promise to help any Jedi in need, even his rival. Later, after the execution of Order 66, Olin would return to the Jedi Temple in search of imprisoned Jedi but instead discover Tru's lightsaber alongside many others and was saddened by this apparent evidence of his friend's death.
Several months after resigning from the Jedi Order, Olin encountered Roan Lands in a cafe one morning. The two quickly became friends and established their own business, Olin and Lands, on the planet Bellassa. They provided protection to whistleblowers, such as Dona Telamark, shielding them from retaliation and enabling them to testify in court against unethical and corrupt businesses that compromised the quality of their products. During this time, Olin became a highly skilled slicer, recognized as one of the most proficient in the galaxy.
When the Clone Wars erupted, the two enlisted in the Grand Army of the Republic, serving as officers. During the initial stages of the Jedi Purge, Olin escaped the Empire's notice because he was no longer a Jedi and, therefore, not considered a threat to Palpatine's new regime. However, he refused to remain passive when he learned of the atrocities committed by Palpatine. He and Lands founded a resistance group on Bellassa known as the Eleven, comprising nine other Bellassans, including Wil Asani, Rilla, and Loran. The Empire, seeking to suppress the Bellassan resistance, prioritized the capture of Olin and Lands. Eventually, Lands was captured, and Olin narrowly escaped with his life. He sought refuge in the mountain cabin of Dona Telamark, his and Roan's first client, as he recovered from the wound he had sustained during his escape from the Empire. Despite his and Roan's pact never to rescue each other if captured, Olin planned to return to rescue Roan once his wound healed. However, his plan changed when his old friend Obi-Wan Kenobi tracked him to Telamark's mountain cabin.

Kenobi revealed that he had secretly transported Roan from prison to the Eleven's safehouse, where he was recovering from neurotoxins administered by the Empire. While Kenobi was in Ussa, the mass arrests that had taken place were hailed as proof of the risks involved in going back to the city. However, when Dona turned on the HoloNet the following day, Olin was left with no other option. The cabin's inhabitants learned that the Empire had issued an ultimatum: if Ferus Olin did not surrender to them within two days, all those detained in the mass arrests would be put to death. Although Olin intended to give himself up, his location was found out before he had a chance to leave the mountain cabin. Boba Fett and D'harhan, bounty hunters employed by an Inquisitor named Malorum, attacked the cabin sanctuary, and Olin was forced to flee with Kenobi into the old mining tunnels located beneath the building.
After narrowly escaping the bounty hunters, the two seized a landspeeder belonging to one of Dona's friends and safely made it to the Eleven's safehouse in Ussa. The Eleven and the two developed a strategy to make sure that all of the prisoners were safely returned in the event that Malorum double-crossed them. The Inquisitor did, in fact, try to double-cross the Eleven, claiming that the prisoners were rioting even as stormtroopers hauled Olin into the Imperial garrison. However, before the garrison's doors closed, Kenobi flew a small airspeeder into the garrison and, after cutting down his guards, fled into an air vent with Olin. The two were able to get out of the prison and find out that Malorum was looking into something that had taken place in Polis Massa. They then took a ship to leave the planet. However, their problems were not over. Boba Fett and his partner followed them in the Slave I, forcing the two to jump to hyperspace to the Red Twins, a system that had no Imperial presence. Trever Flume, a teenage street thief who had helped the two escape and was a former friend of Olin's when he was at Olin and Lands, hid on board the spacecraft, bringing the total number of people in the group to three.
Fett and D'harhan, however, tracked the three to the Red Twins spaceport. After a confrontation in the spaceport that resulted in D'harhan being taken into custody by the authorities, the three left the Red Twins. Boba Fett continued to follow them in his Firespray with the same tenacity as a mynock. Olin was able to get away from Fett by flying into an atmospheric storm, which caused him to crash-land on the planet Deneter.
Flume had not had time to trade the stolen Imperial ship for one with a hyperdrive while they were fleeing the Red Twins. Olin's options were greatly reduced as a result, and he was forced to travel to the planet Acherin to refuel. When they arrived at Acherin, however, they landed right in the middle of the war. A resistance movement on Acherin was putting up a desperate last stand against an Imperial fleet, and Olin was forced to land by one of its starfighters. Commander Raina Quill, the pilot, led the three to the resistance's stronghold, the hidden city of Eluthan, after finding out that Kenobi was a Jedi. There, they were introduced to Toma, the leader of the resistance. Olin and Raina both volunteered to fly a fighter against the Imperial forces, but their resistance was ineffective. The Empire shot down ship after ship until Toma was forced to order a retreat. Riwwel, the Admiral in charge of the Imperial fleet, refused to accept Toma's surrender and instead ordered annihilation as punishment. After Raina and Olin left their fighters and boarded Toma's escape craft, the group barely managed to escape Eluthan before Riwwel's Star Destroyer started bombarding the city from orbit.
Raina flew the ship through Imperial fighters to the atmospheric storm where Olin, Kenobi, and Flume had gotten away from Boba Fett. Before making the jump to hyperspace, they intended to take refuge inside of it. They did, however, find an uncharted asteroid inside the storm that was capable of supporting life and was moving around inside of it. Raina landed the ship there, where she and Toma remained while waiting for Kenobi, Olin, and Flume to get back from Ilum. According to Toma, this planet was the sanctuary that Garen Muln, a Jedi who had fought on Acherin during the Clone Wars and was a close friend of Kenobi, had fled to after Order 66 was issued.

Kenobi informed Olin during the flight to Ilum that he would need to save Garen on his own. Even though he didn't tell Olin, Kenobi had chosen to go to Polis Massa after receiving direction from the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn to make sure that records of his visit to the asteroid with Yoda and Padmé Amidala were destroyed. Olin accepted the plan in spite of his anger and confusion with Kenobi. The Jedi Master revealed to Olin the location of a secret entrance through the caves, which would allow Olin to enter the caves without drawing the attention of the Imperial garrison that was certain to be on Ilum. Olin was unfortunate in that the passageway passed directly through the center of a gorgodon nest, which was home to fearsome native Ilum creatures.
Kenobi left Olin and Flume on Ilum after dropping them off, leaving the two alone on the icy planet. Much to the young thief's dismay, Olin left Flume outside the cave's entrance and entered the gorgodon nest. He narrowly avoided an attack by the creatures, but he continued unhindered into the crystal cave. Olin made his way to the cave's rear, where he met a worn-out, tattered Jedi named Garen Muln, after having visions of his former master Tachi, his rival Skywalker, and Palpatine's apprentice Darth Vader.
Before the Jedi could tell Olin much about how he got to the cave, a painful howl echoed through it. Stormtroopers were exterminating the gorgodons in an effort to reach Olin, who they had discovered was on Ilum. Muln gave Olin his lightsaber, to which Olin added the crystals he had taken from the cave, and tried to convince the Jedi apprentice to leave him. Olin, however, turned down the weakened Jedi. He persuaded Garen to cause a distraction for the stormtroopers waiting at the cave's main entrance, while he destroyed the Imperials, wielding a lightsaber for the first time since his days in the old Jedi Order. Flume, who saved the two Jedi from yet another Imperial onslaught by hotwiring an Imperial ship, helped them escape the Crystal Cave.
Kenobi picked up the three in Toma's ship in a hidden cave that the Jedi had previously used as a hangar. After meeting up with Olin's friend Roan, who had brought him the supplies he needed to build a secret base for Jedi refugees on the asteroid, they went back to the asteroid. Kenobi was forced to return to Tatooine because he couldn't risk leaving young Luke Skywalker unprotected any longer, which made Olin angry because the apprentice was unaware of Kenobi's reasons for remaining hidden. Olin, however, had other priorities. He found out from Garen that another Jedi had sought refuge at the Crystal Cave: Fy-Tor-Ana. She had traveled to Coruscant in search of additional Jedi. Olin came to the conclusion that Fy-Tor had been taken prisoner by the Empire after combining this information with D'harhan's suggestion that there was a Jedi prisoner on Coruscant. He set out to rescue her on Coruscant with Flume, leaving Raina and Toma to care for Garen at the asteroid.
Toma's ship, however, needed to be refueled en route to the galactic capital. As fate would have it, the nearest refueling station was on Korriban, the location of Olin's most recent mission and the scene of Darra Thel-Tanis's death. Olin decided to land on the Sith burial world partly to put himself to the test and see if he could withstand the dark side. However, after landing, Sith ghosts enticed Olin to stay on Korriban and learn how to use the Force more effectively. Olin fought off the dark forces and made the decision to carry on to Coruscant. Before leaving, however, Olin saw Jenna Zan Arbor on Korriban, who left the city of Dreshdae to return to the Valley of the Dark Lords even as Olin and Flume left the former Sith stronghold.

Olin was devastated to see the Jedi Temple in its current, ruined state after being set on fire during Order 66, when he returned to Coruscant for the first time since leaving the Jedi Order. Olin intended to break into the Temple in order to free the Jedi Fy-Tor-Ana, whom he thought was being held there by the Empire, based on information he had gathered from D'harhan and Garen Muln. He hired an air-taxi pilot to fly over a burned tower of the Temple, allowing him and Flume to rappel down and enter the former Jedi stronghold without drawing the attention of stormtroopers.
Olin entered the area inside the Temple where he had first met Anakin Skywalker many years prior. Olin solemnly remembered the young Jedi he had known and looked upon his death with sadness, even though the two had never gotten along, because Obi-Wan Kenobi had tricked him into thinking Skywalker had been killed by the Empire. Before the two left the room, they narrowly avoided running into stormtroopers, escaping only because the white-armored troops' helmet sensors malfunctioned. Olin used his knowledge of the Temple's various passages to lead Flume through the Room of a Thousand Fountains, among other locations, before eventually arriving at the vast building's basements. There, they came across a sizable pile of lightsabers that had been taken from Jedi who had been killed by the Empire during the Jedi Purge. This devastated Olin, especially when he discovered the lightsaber of his friend Tru Veld among the others, which made his death all but certain.
Flume's hearing of stormtroopers entering the room, however, startled Olin out of his reverie. Olin and Flume fled the area, barely escaping their pursuers, realizing that the Empire had spread rumors that a Jedi was being held captive in the Temple in order to trap any survivors. The damage, however, had already been done. The Empire was now aware of the two intruders' presence.
Olin and Flume fled to Malorum's private office, which was located in what had once been Yoda's quarters, in order to avoid scrutiny. Olin believed the Inquisitor was not in the Temple, so he saw the unlikely location for an infiltrator to hide as both a secure refuge and a chance to slice Malorum's files and try to help Obi-Wan Kenobi by telling him why Malorum was looking into the world of Polis Massa. Malorum, however, was present at the Temple. He had gotten back earlier than expected, forcing Olin and Flume to hide behind a wall panel in his office just prior to his arrival with Darth Vader, who was at the Temple for an unexpected visit.
The Inquisitor revealed during Vader's visit that he had placed spies in the lower levels of Coruscant, and when Vader mentioned that he had heard of another Jedi on Coruscant, Malorum claimed that he had a spy in the Jedi's group. However, when he revealed his investigations into rumors about Polis Massa to Vader, the Sith unleashed his fury on the Inquisitor, choking him with the Force. As yet another mention of Polis Massa appeared, Olin's curiosity was piqued, making him realize the necessity of Kenobi's detour while Garen was rescued. They and Flume, however, were not yet secure. In Vader's rage, he tore off the panel that the two were hiding behind, exposing them to Malorum and the Dark Lord. While Vader simply let them escape, likely to humiliate his rival Malorum, the duo managed to elude Malorum.
Olin and Flume stole an airspeeder after using the Force to confuse a squad of Imperial guards, and they were able to get away from the Temple safely. Olin still thought Fy-Tor-Ana was on the planet, even though they had learned she wasn't in the Jedi Temple. He and Flume flew to Dexter's Diner in search of Dexter Jettster, an old friend of the Jedi and Kenobi in particular. Olin believed that Dexter Jettster would be the one to know where a fugitive Jedi would be hiding if anyone did.

When Olin made his way to Dex's Diner, he was taken aback by the devastation he found. The absence of Jettster left him without any leads to track Fy-Tor. However, he encountered a woman who, after ensuring he was not a spy for the Empire, advised him to venture into the Orange District when the sun went down. From this woman, he found out that Jettster was rumored to have become one of the Erased, a group of individuals who had been active during the time of the Republic, and who had chosen to disappear rather than be arrested or even killed. Understanding the veiled meaning of her warning, Olin and Flume proceeded deeper into the lower levels of Coruscant, heading towards the Orange District.
As they explored the streets of Coruscant, the pair managed to interpret the woman's hints, deducing that the orange streetlights, reminiscent of a setting sun, were a key identifier. However, when Olin attempted to enter a cantina to gather information, he was promptly ejected by a Whiphid. Unwilling to be deterred, Olin tried again, only to be confronted by a group of thugs who brandished weapons and prepared to force him away. Just before they launched their attack, Dexter Jettster emerged from the cantina. Recognizing Olin, he intervened, preventing the thugs from harming him and Flume, and invited them inside.
Once inside the cantina, which served as Jettster's hideout, they were introduced to the Erased, who turned out to be the very thugs who had been so eager to attack them moments earlier. Jettster expressed his surprise at Olin's presence on Coruscant, and was even more astonished when the Jedi informed him that Obi-Wan Kenobi, a close friend of Jettster, was still alive. The Besalisk revealed that he had seen a Jedi matching Fy-Tor's description, and voiced his suspicion that the Jedi Temple was actually a trap set by the Jedi, a suspicion that Olin confirmed. As a result, he had cautioned her against going to the Temple. Jettster explained that when Ana departed, she had instructed him that if he ever needed her help, he should seek out Solace.
Olin's warning to the Erased about Malorum's plans to crack down on the lower levels of Coruscant led the group to decide to search for Solace, a legendary refuge said to be located deep within Coruscant's crust, and considered virtually impossible for the Empire to find. Jettster skillfully persuaded the Erased to appoint Olin as the leader of the expedition; Olin was not pleased with this, but offered no objection. Before setting out, Olin contacted Kenobi and informed him of the latest events on Coruscant. Kenobi cautioned the Padawan that it was imperative to stop Malorum's investigations into Polis Massa.
Although Jettster decided to remain in the Orange District, Olin, Flume, and the rest of the Erased embarked on their journey deeper into the underworld of Coruscant in search of Solace. Upon finally reaching the lowest level of Coruscant, they were ambushed by a local street gang of about fifteen members. Olin's combat skills, combined with the assistance of the Erased, allowed him to easily defeat the gang. During the fight, Flume was attacked by a duracrete slug that emerged from a hole in the duracrete; however, a well-aimed vibro-shiv from Keets Freely stunned the slug, causing it to retreat. That night at the Underworld Inn, Flume noticed that there was enough space in the crack where the slug had appeared for someone to enter. Olin trusted the boy's intuition; after all, some rumors suggested that Solace was located beneath Coruscant's crust. Without hesitation, Olin gathered the Erased, and they returned to the site of the battle.
After climbing beneath the duracrete, Olin, Flume, and the Erased discovered the remnants of an ancient transportation system, confirming that sentient beings had once lived within the tunnel. Inside the caverns, they encountered a creature who identified himself as "Guide." He claimed that he could lead the group to Solace. Realizing that they had few other options, Olin agreed to let him guide them. However, when they arrived at the refuge, it became clear that Solace was not a place, but a person— Guide. Guide proved to be untrustworthy, and turned the Erased over to the refuge's inhabitants. However, Olin's drawn lightsaber triggered a reaction. The mysterious man addressed Olin as a Padawan, not quite a Jedi; this revelation caused him to realize the true identity of "Guide"... it was none other than Fy-Tor-Ana in disguise.
Upon recognizing Olin, Fy-Tor instructed the crowd to disperse. Olin shared his plans to locate and gather fugitive Jedi, but she disagreed. Ana stated that her identity was now Solace, not Fy-Tor; she believed that the hidden city provided her with everything she needed, and that she was powerless to stop the Empire. When the Padawan informed her of Malorum's claims that there was a spy within her organization, Solace refused to believe it. It was only when Olin told her about the collection of lightsabers in the Temple that Fy-Tor began to believe that the Empire needed to be fought. She, Olin, and Flume devised a plan to reenter the Temple and retrieve the lightsabers, preventing them from falling into Sith hands; additionally, she and Olin could access Malorum's data files to verify whether he actually had a spy within her organization.

To infiltrate the Temple, Solace developed a plan. She had previously constructed a customized ship using parts from a mole miner and an ARC-170 starfighter, which was capable of burrowing beneath Coruscant's crust. The two Jedi intended to use this feature to get under the Temple, and then make their way to the surface, emerging in an abandoned turbolift shaft. The plan worked flawlessly, and they reached the Temple without any problems. However, as soon as the three entered, something seemed amiss. Olin nearly tripped over a conductor wire in the middle of a corridor, and there were no stormtroopers to be seen. Furthermore, when the group arrived at Malorum's office, it was completely empty. Unable to extract any information from Malorum's files, the Jedi decided to collect the lightsabers and leave as quickly as possible. However, in a moment of insight, Flume connected the strange events. By opening a power vent, he discovered that the conductor wire was being used to drain power from the Temple's core to power a bomb. Malorum was attempting to destroy the Temple; moreover, he intended to blame it on Darth Vader by claiming that he had given the order to do so, even though Vader had only suggested the idea to prove that Malorum was keeping private files outside the main Imperial databanks. Unable to bear the thought of abandoning the Temple to its destruction, the Jedi chose to risk their lives and try to disable the explosives.
Although they successfully deactivated the bomb, the three were not yet safe. Squads of stormtroopers with AT-RTs entered the Temple before they could escape, led by Malorum himself. Realizing that without a drastic measure, Solace and Flume had no chance of escape, Olin surrendered to the stormtroopers, giving his companions time to flee in Solace's specialized craft. However, the Jedi first entrusted Solace with his lightsaber, unwilling to allow it to be captured by the Empire.
Upon waking up in a prison, Malorum entered and interrogated Olin, trying to discover the identity of the Jedi who had infiltrated the Temple with him. When Olin refused to divulge the information, Malorum simply walked out without saying anything.
That prison was located on the planet Dontamo, specifically in Dontamo Prison. After being introduced to the prison routine by his cellmate, Prisoner 934890, Olin immediately began searching for a way to escape. However, when Olin fought Prisoner 677780 over rations, the man immediately began plotting to retaliate against Olin. One morning, the Jedi was ambushed by "Prisoner 67" and five of his henchmen. Only the quick thinking of Clive Flax, a fellow prisoner and a friend of Olin from the Clone Wars, saved Olin from being suffocated. The two devised a plan and managed to steal a starship, but were nearly shot down by Imperial fighters over Dontamo. Only the timely arrival of the Erased prevented Olin and Flax from being reduced to space dust. They traveled to Alba-16, where Olin learned that the ranks of the Erased had been reduced by an Imperial raid on Solace's hidden city. However, when Keets Freely informed Olin that Malorum had gone to the planet Naboo, the Jedi remembered Obi-Wan Kenobi's warnings that Malorum's investigations into Senator Padmé Amidala's death had to be stopped. He, the Erased, and Flax departed for Naboo.

After speaking with former Captain Gregar Typho and Queen Apailana, Olin and the Erased tracked Malorum to the residence of Ryoo Thule, the grandmother of the late Senator Padmé Amidala. Olin found her near death after being mortally wounded by the Inquisitor, and with her last breath, the old woman warned him that Malorum suspected the truth of a great secret, which Obi-Wan Kenobi considered crucial to protect. This secret was the knowledge of the Skywalkers' existence. Upon spotting Malorum, the group pursued him in boats, but the Inquisitor destroyed them using wrist rockets, and managed to escape. Only the assistance of a Gungan bongo pilot named Yunabana saved the Erased from drowning. Yunabana brought the group before Boss Rugor Nass. He and Olin contacted Queen Apailana for a holoconference, where the Jedi revealed a daring plan. The Gungans and the Naboo would attack and destroy the Imperial garrison while Olin neutralized Malorum. According to Naboo intelligence, the Empire was storing illegal explosives in their garrison; if these were detonated after the Imperials were killed, it would destroy the garrison and prevent the Empire from retaliating against the Naboo, as they would not want it known that they were storing outlawed weaponry.
Olin forced Malorum back into the Theed Royal Palace, pushing him towards the Theed reactor core, where Qui-Gon Jinn and Kenobi had fought Darth Maul during the events of the Battle of Naboo. As a Jedi, Olin had assumed that he would easily defeat Malorum; although he had sensed Malorum's aptitude for using the Force, he had not anticipated that Malorum would be trained in the use of a lightsaber. He quickly realized his mistake when the Grand Inquisitor revealed a red lightsaber and attacked. The battle was surprisingly evenly matched, and the two combatants progressed through a corridor containing energy walls, eventually emerging at the edge of the melting pit where Qui-Gon Jinn had been killed.
In the end, Malorum was narrowly defeated by the former Padawan. Trapping Malorum against the melting pit, Olin left himself vulnerable to an attack. The Inquisitor took the bait and charged at him, only to be disarmed and have his lightsaber knocked into the pit. In an attempt to leap across the pit and summon the lightsaber with the Force, Malorum was consumed by desperation; he lost control and fell into the melting pit, taking the secret of the Skywalkers with him.
Leaving the melting pit behind, Olin exited the palace to find that the Empire had been routed. He and Flax successfully destroyed the explosives, preventing blame from being placed on the Naboo. They, the Erased, and Solace planned to return to the secret base with much-needed supplies for Toma, Raina, and Garen. However, before they could set a course, Olin received a message from Emperor Palpatine himself. The Emperor offered Olin amnesty for all his past "crimes" if Olin would agree to meet with him on Coruscant. Even if Olin declined the Sith's offer, Palpatine stated that the Jedi would be allowed to accept the amnesty and go free without any repercussions.

Olin decided to listen to what Palpatine had to say. Accompanied by the Erased, he traveled to Coruscant, although he was the only one who met with the Sith, along with Sly Moore and Moff Tarkin. Palpatine requested that the Jedi help the planet of Samaria. A desert world entirely dependent on technology, Samaria had been devastated when a bug was introduced into its computer mainframe, causing critical systems everywhere to malfunction. Despite his sympathy for Samaria, Olin was unwilling to work for the Emperor, and intended to accept the amnesty offered by the Sith. However, Palpatine had a condition. He informed Olin that his friends Roan Lands and Dona Telamark had been arrested and would be executed unless Olin assisted him on Samaria. Unable to let his friends die, the Jedi agreed to travel to the desert planet.
On his way to an Imperial starship, Olin managed to convey the details of his encounter with the Emperor to the Erased, who used disguises to get close to him without attracting the attention of a trailing prowler droid. When he reached his ship, Solace, disguised as another pilot, informed him that she and the Erased would free Lands and Telamark. With this knowledge, Olin departed for Samaria. However, Keets Freely and Curran Caladian chose to remain on Coruscant with Dexter Jettster in case they were needed there.
Upon arriving in the capital city of Sath, Olin met with Prime Minister Aaren Larker and the resident Imperial Advisor, who turned out to be none other than Bog Divinian, whom Olin had met at the Galactic Games. Although Divinian attempted to assert control over him, he grew impatient when Olin failed to solve the problem quickly and left the Jedi alone, instructing him to report to him if anything happened. Despite his skills in slicing, Olin was unable to make any progress in discovering the source of the computer virus. He was forced to seek other methods of finding clues. Eventually, he cross-referenced the records for requests to buy spacecraft with the Sath mausoleum. Correctly assuming that the saboteur would attempt to leave the planet and would be afraid to file for a refund, he found the few who did not request their money back listed in handwritten records. When Olin checked the mausoleum on a hunch that the slicer would have stolen the identity of someone who was already dead, he discovered the slicer's alias—Quintus Farel, who had actually died in a speeder crash at the age of two.
Olin left the mausoleum, where he met up with Flax, who had arrived on Samaria to assist him. As they made their way to investigate the ship that "Farel" had purchased, the two managed to lose a trailing seeker droid in the city's chaotic traffic; however, unbeknownst to him, Divinian had also planted a sensor tag on his boot. After questioning the starship salesman, the pair learned that Farel lived in the Fountain Towers, a recently constructed district of Sath. Soon after, Olin discovered the sensor tag and tossed it onto a passing vehicle, hoping to throw Divinian off his trail. The two then headed for the Fountain Towers.
Olin and Flax tracked down the saboteur's ship in the Fountain Towers' hangar, but they saw something unexpected inside— a child's laser lasso. Olin was surprised that a child was involved with the saboteur, but he continued to follow "Farel." Entering the Fountain Towers, Flax sliced the security keypad to the saboteur's apartment, and the two stealthily entered, only to find that it was empty. However, Olin was not fooled by the ruse. He and Flax entered the unfinished tower nearby and discovered the saboteur's real apartment. Entering in the same manner as before, they confronted the saboteur, only to discover that it was Astri Oddo, Divinian's former wife.
During a discussion with Oddo, Olin realized that her son, Lune Oddo Divinian, was Force-sensitive. He and Flax expressed their shock at the realization that Oddo had sabotaged the entire planet's infrastructure to protect Lune from Bog, but Oddo was unapologetic. As she pleaded with the two to let her go, Olin sensed the arrival of Darth Vader at the Fountain Towers.
He, Oddo, and Flax fled their room, knowing that Vader's men would soon begin searching the Towers. The three headed to the roof in order to cross construction beams at the top to reach the hangar next door, which contained Oddo's cruiser. Along the way, they encountered Solace, Flume, and Oryon, with the freed Lands and Telamark in tow. When Solace questioned Astri about her motives for sabotaging the Sath computer systems, the woman offered more information than she had to Olin and Flax; she revealed that Larker had given her permission to do so. The Sathan Prime Minister intended for the disruption in the systems to provide his people with the opportunity to establish a resistance movement, and when the computers came back online, records containing information such as who had fought for the Republic during the Clone Wars or who had criticized Palpatine when he was the Supreme Chancellor would be missing; the Empire would have to start from scratch to identify their enemies.
After successfully crossing to the hangar of the Towers, the two Jedi destroyed a squad of stormtroopers and reached the cruiser. However, attacks from Imperial forces nearly destroyed it, and the group was forced to commandeer an airspeeder. They managed to reach the Imperial vessel that Solace had commandeered, but Olin chose to stay and continue attempting to learn the Empire's plans as a double agent. Despite his concerns about the consequences of remaining so close to his enemies, the Jedi decided to take the risk and remained on Samaria.

Even though the slicer had escaped Samaria, Palpatine considered Olin's efforts in the computer crash successful, implying that it had been Darth Vader's responsibility to capture the culprit. In a private conversation with Olin, the Emperor instructed him to offer amnesty, similar to the one the Jedi had received, to the fledgling Sathan resistance. Olin agreed, planning to use the offer as a means of contacting the resistance. By trailing the aide of Prime Minister Aaren Larker, he managed to make contact with the members of the Sathan resistance— these individuals used the codenames "Nek," "Dinko," and "Firefolk."
A few days later, Nek contacted Olin with information. Bog Divinian, in an attempt to prevent a trade agreement between Samaria and its technological rival Rosha, had electronically linked his newly acquired Personal Droid Helper to two Roshan prowler droids. Fearing that Divinian would try to blame the Roshan delegation currently in Sath for something, Olin went to the diplomatic wing of the city Residence Tower, where the Imperial Representative was meeting with the delegates. Suddenly, a thief in an airspeeder used a liquid cable to snatch Bog's droid and fled. However, the speeder was closely followed by the Roshan droids; Divinian had programmed them to fire at his droid with low-power weapons, creating the illusion that the Roshans had attempted to assassinate him.
After catching the thief, Olin discovered that it was none other than Flume, who had left the asteroid alone to make contact with Flame, the leader of a galaxy-wide resistance movement known as Moonstrike. They had tried to steal the droid to learn what Divinian was up to— the droid would have recorded every conversation it had overheard while at the Representative's side. Olin returned the droid and left Flume, but refused to take Flame to meet his resistance movement.
However, Vader, who was suspicious of Olin, ordered him to capture the thief, threatening to institute mass arrests if the Jedi did not comply. Confused by the situation, the Sith's threat made Olin wonder why the Empire was so concerned with Samaria. In conversation with the resistance, Flame, and Flume, Olin had a moment of clarity. After learning that Roshan droids could transfer information from a mainframe without any sort of plug-in, the Jedi realized that the Roshans could combine their technology with the Sathan ability to transfer large amounts of data at once. Although Roshan droids could not carry much data at once, a merging of the two technologies could theoretically create a "commander" battle droid—one that could input enormous amounts of data and transfer it to an Imperial droid, overloading and destroying it. At last, Olin had figured out the reason why the Empire was so concerned about the Sathan-Roshan trade agreement— they feared what the two societies could accomplish with the exchange of technology.
However, they realized that the Empire likely knew this as well. After meeting with the delegation urgently, Olin informed them of the possibility of merging their technology with that of the Sathans. Flame quickly evacuated the Roshans from the planet, returning them to Rosha once they realized that the Empire planned to assassinate them. Additionally, Aaren Larker sacrificed his life by posing as the thief of Divinian's droid. Although he believed that he would remain free because of his popularity with the Sathans, he was imprisoned, and Darth Vader ordered his murder a day after his interment. Olin did believe that Flame and the delegation had reached Rosha safely, however, until the Sith apprentice revealed to him a HoloNet broadcast glorifying the Empire's invasion of Rosha. Olin had been tricked— the Empire had really been planning to invade Rosha, not Samaria— and he believed Flame and Flume to be dead after seeing the wreckage of their ship on the Imperial broadcast.

Aboard an Imperial vessel, Olin came across evidence of a significant Imperial scheme referred to as Twilight. Given his recollection of the scope of Order 66, the Jedi deemed it crucial to uncover the specifics of this new operation. However, Palpatine reassigned him, ordering him to travel to his home planet, Bellassa, and assist Darth Vader in modifying the Bellassan factories to prioritize communication and infrastructure technologies. Though not explicitly stated by the Sith Lord, Olin understood that his presence was intended to demoralize the resistance on his homeworld, fostering a sense of inevitable defeat. Despite his reservations about potentially undermining the Bellassans' spirit, Olin consented, hoping to gather more intelligence about Twilight.
As Palpatine anticipated, Olin's arrival on Bellassa provoked considerable resentment among the populace. Despite the distress caused by his presence, Olin continued to attend Imperial meetings with scientists who were reshaping the planet's industry, ensuring he remained above suspicion in the eyes of the Empire. After arranging a meeting with Lands, he resolved to expose the Empire's activities on Bellassa, thereby concluding his role as a double agent. Once the Jedi could find a way to get in, he, Lands, Flume, and Doctor Amie Antin, a member of the Eleven, would infiltrate the Imperial facility.
Through conversation with Russell Wake, a gardener who also served as the head of security at the facility, Olin convinced him to grant him and his team fifteen minutes inside. That night, the four successfully gained entry and separated within the facility. They gained access to Moff Tarkin's office and copied his files to a datapad, discovering that Jenna Zan Arbor had joined the Empire's ranks. Olin then rendezvoused with Flume, who informed him that Vader had executed Wake. Realizing the possibility that he might not escape, Olin entrusted the datapad to Flume, instructing him to deliver it to the Eleven, before departing to locate Lands and Antin.
However, Vader had already confronted the two resistance members. With the aid of the dark side of the Force, the Sith fatally struck Lands, even as Olin attempted to delay him. Stunned, Olin launched an attack on Vader, only to realize that the Dark Lord had intended for him to do so, inciting him by murdering Lands. The Sith easily evaded Olin's assault and choked him with the Force before commanding stormtroopers to detain Antin and the Jedi.
Expecting execution, Olin was surprised when the Emperor entered his cell and offered to teach him abilities that would empower him to defeat Darth Vader. Palpatine informed the Jedi that he could impart the power over life and death, asserting that his apprentice had been exceeding his authority. Olin accepted the Sith's proposition when Palpatine declared that he would grant Olin command of the Inquisitorius, giving him authority over those hunting Force-sensitive individuals. With the intention of relocating the Force-sensitives to his secret asteroid base rather than surrendering them to the Empire, Olin agreed to become the Emperor's student.

Initially, Palpatine did not provide Olin with new techniques to master; instead, he simply instructed the Jedi to embrace, rather than resist, his anger. Fueled by the memory of Vader's execution of Roan Lands, Olin completely destroyed a training room. Despite this, Olin continued to believe that he was only feigning allegiance to the Empire. Consequently, he secretly convened with the Eleven and Flame, informing them of the Empire's plans for the captured Amie Antin and assisting in the preparation of a rescue operation. Furthermore, Solace revealed to him that Ry-Gaul had survived Order 66, and during an encounter between the two, both Masters detected a trace of dark-side influence in Olin, leading them to question his ability to withstand corruption.
Without Ry-Gaul and Solace's knowledge, Olin did not return directly to Bellassa's Imperial garrison following their meeting. Unwilling to depart Bellassa as planned without speaking to Roan Lands's family, he met with Enna and Alexir, Roan's parents, and provided them with details regarding the events of the night of their son's death. Also present was Roan's cousin Malory, and upon discovering that she had been offered a position at the EmPal SuRecon Center and declined it due to her opposition to working for the Empire, Olin urged her to reconsider. Hoping to use her as a connection to infiltrate EmPal, where he suspected the Sith had received his array of prosthetics, he sought to investigate Darth Vader's identity. Initially hesitant, Malory eventually agreed after Olin explained that he needed her to accept the Empire's offer in order to help him avenge his friend's murder.
Having concluded his affairs on Bellassa, Olin returned to Coruscant to meet Hydra, the new Grand Inquisitor. With her assistance, Olin gained access to the list of reported or suspected Jedi sightings and was surprised to find an individual matching Ry-Gaul's description listed as the highest priority—the Empire had successfully located a Jedi. He was also provided with a list of suspected Force-sensitives, including a young Alderaanian child. However, much to Olin's dismay, Hydra announced that she would be accompanying him. Olin managed to postpone the search for a day to initiate his investigations at EmPal, where he met Malory, who devised a plan for him to access the facility's records. Although he found nothing, Olin instinctively knew that Vader had been created in EmPal.
While continuing his investigation, Olin noticed Jenna Zan Arbor within the facility, though he disregarded her as his focus was on Vader. He later located Vader in the tower, and while struggling with the dark side and his hatred for Vader, he suppressed them, believing that uncovering Vader's true identity was the key to defeating him. Upon returning to the room where he had seen Jenna, he was shocked to discover that she was using Lune Oddo as a test subject, with the coerced assistance of Linna Naltree. Employing a mind trick on Jenna as a diversion, Olin escaped with Lune aboard an Imperial vessel hijacked by Flume and a former Imperial teacher named Maggis.
After delivering Lune to a secure location on Coruscant, Olin contacted Kenobi, informing him of his assignment to track down Force Adepts, and revealing the existence of Moonstrike. Kenobi advised against initiating a resistance prematurely, as the Empire had already consolidated its power, and instructed Olin to investigate the baby on Alderaan without the Empire's knowledge, emphasizing that it was a task he must undertake. Trusting Kenobi's judgment, Olin agreed.
Upon arriving on Alderaan with Hydra, Olin knew that Bail Organa would despise him for aligning with the Empire. Reflecting on Mustafar, he considered it as Vader's birthplace. However, after determining that Leia was Force-sensitive, he contacted Kenobi, demanding answers. After uncovering a spy on the planet, the Emperor arrived to "restore" order. Vader then uttered words that Olin recognized from long ago, spoken by Anakin Skywalker: "Save your fears for yourself." It was then that he realized that Vader was, in fact, Skywalker.
Olin tapped into the power of the Sith holocron provided by Emperor Palpatine in an attempt to gain dark side power to defeat Vader. During a confrontation with Vader, he revealed his knowledge of Vader's secrets—both his past as Anakin Skywalker and his murder of his wife, Padmé Amidala. However, Vader appeared largely unaffected by Olin's revelations. Following a fierce battle, both survived, although Olin sustained serious injuries. Vader eventually discovered the location of the secret asteroid base due to the betrayals of Flame and Toma, who were both discovered by the resistance then abandoned and killed respectively. He drew upon the power of the Force and eventually returned to Obi-Wan Kenobi. He accepted a mission to live on Alderaan, as Fess Ilee, protecting Princess Leia Organa -- "she would never know him, but he would always be there."
After Vader informed the Imperial Senate that Princess Leia's ship had been destroyed over Tatooine, along with Leia herself, her adoptive father, Bail Organa, dispatched Olin to ascertain the truth. Consequently, Olin was off-planet when Alderaan was destroyed by the Death Star. Having heard rumors of Leia's survival, Olin traveled to Delaya, Alderaan's sister planet in the system, hoping for her eventual appearance. Leia did, in fact, arrive there shortly after the Battle of Yavin, accompanied by her allies Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Luke Skywalker, on a mission from the Rebel Alliance to Delaya and to Alderaan's refugees. During their visit, Olin learned of the death of his friend and mentor, Kenobi. Leia invited Olin to join the Rebellion, but Olin declined, believing that his presence in the Force would serve as a beacon to both the Emperor and Vader, thereby endangering those he was tasked with protecting.
Olin resolved to investigate Vader's activities. Discovering that Vader was searching for the individual responsible for destroying the Death Star, Olin began tracking Slej Hant, whom Vader had tasked with acquiring the information. However, an informant alerted Olin to another Imperial involved in the mission, stationed on a satellite in the Zoma system, who was close to obtaining the information, as was Hant. Obi-Wan, in spirit form, appeared to Olin and provided him with a plan. Olin hired a Balosar to enlist Han Solo's services to steal a shipment of glitterstim from the satellite in the Zoma system, hoping that Solo would inadvertently uncover the information needed to thwart the Imperial's plan to eliminate Luke.
Later, when Luke and Lune Divinian found themselves in a precarious situation involving a Star Destroyer, Olin, piloting a hijacked TIE fighter, transmitted Imperial docking codes—to enter the Star Destroyer—and hyperdrive coordinates. When Luke and Div hesitated for too long and other TIE fighters launched an attack, Olin engaged the other fighters. The time gained by Olin's attack allowed them to jump to hyperspace. Olin followed, and the three reunited on a small, remote moon. Seeing Div triggered old memories, and to shield Luke from the truth, he incapacitated him with an injection. Div believed that Olin had turned to the dark side, piloting a TIE and knocking out Luke, but Olin clarified the situation while Luke was unconscious. After Luke awoke, the three returned to the Rebel base on Yavin 4.
Over the preceding months, the Imperial assassin X-7 had made multiple attempts to assassinate Luke Skywalker. Ferus proposed a plan to persuade X-7 to defect to the Rebel Alliance by fabricating evidence that he was Trever Flume. They executed this plan on the world of Belazura, the adopted home of Astri, Clive, Trever, and Div. The plan achieved only partial success, and X-7 betrayed the Rebels to the Empire during the Battle of Belazura. Ferus confronted X-7 and killed him.
Ferus remained with the Rebel Alliance, continuing to conceal his Jedi past and working alongside Div at the base on Yavin 4. They eventually learned that Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia had disappeared after a Mission to Nyemari. The Rebels planned to attack the Imperial High Command in the Sixela system, although Ferus suspected it was a trap. Ferus received guidance from Kenobi and managed to locate Luke, Han, and Leia on a moon in the Sixela system. The rogue Imperial commander Rezi Soresh was attempting to transform Skywalker into an emotionless, obedient Assassin to replace X-7, and sought to lure the Rebels and Vader into a trap. Upon the arrival of the Rebels and Imperials, they engaged in battle, and Soresh unleashed a weapon that would eventually destroy the star system. After Olin and Princess Leia completed the evacuation of prisoners from the moon, Olin sensed Vader's presence. To facilitate Leia's escape, Olin engaged Vader in a duel, attempting to buy time. After a brief battle, during which Olin taunted Vader, Vader stabbed Olin in the heart. Following Vader's departure from the corpse, Princess Leia discovered Olin's body. In death, Ferus was reunited with his friend Roan Lands.
By sacrificing himself at the hands of Darth Vader, Olin provided the rebels with an opportunity to escape. Several years later, they succeeded in defeating Vader, Emperor Palpatine, and the Empire. Through his sacrifice, Luke Skywalker survived and was able to establish a New Jedi Order, meaning Olin indirectly aided Skywalker by saving his life.

Despite the strict emphasis within the Jedi Temple that no student should be considered superior to another, Ferus appeared to possess every advantage. He was consistent and intelligent, a physically gifted athlete, and well-liked by all the students. He excelled in every endeavor, inspiring admiration and emulation, and everyone at the Jedi Temple spoke of him with praise, with the sole exception of Anakin Skywalker.
Ferus was driven by a constant need to excel, which resulted in numerous acquaintances but a lack of truly intimate relationships or close friendships. However, his friendship with Roan Lands after leaving the Jedi Order enabled him to become more open and independent.
Ferus Olin had thick dark hair with streaks of gold. Later in life, he adopted a disguise to appear harmless, described by Leia as a "paunchy old man with a bulging belly."
Ferus Olin was regarded as the most exceptional Padawan in the entire Jedi Order, second only to Anakin Skywalker. This sentiment was echoed by Obi-Wan Kenobi years after the Fall of the Republic. Even Emperor Palpatine stated that Ferus had the potential to surpass all of his Inquisitors and even Darth Vader in power. The Dark Lord purportedly intended to replace Vader as his apprentice if Ferus proved worthy, presumably because Vader had lost access to his original potential due to his injuries on Mustafar.
Similar to his Force potential, Ferus Olin's lightsaber skills were second only to Anakin's as a Padawan. Having trained under Siri Tachi (whose own master was Adi Gallia), Ferus Olin's preferred lightsaber style as a Padawan would likely have been Shien with a strong emphasis on Ataru. He often initiated combat with a Shien defensive stance and was proficient at integrating unarmed strikes into his lightsaber sequences. He was also described as highly acrobatic, utilizing overhead flips, defensive rolls, and spinning strikes in his duels. Furthermore, he was exceptionally skilled at blast deflection and redirection, a primary aspect of the Shien fighting style, capable of "boomeranging" a steady barrage of blaster fire back onto a group of fifteen thugs.
Like all Padawans in the Jedi Order at that time, he was also taught the principles of Shii-Cho. However, Ferus truly distinguished himself as a lightsaber duelist during his training under Emperor Palpatine. Ferus had always been interested in Form VII: Juyo, even asking his Master Siri Tachi if it was acceptable for a Jedi to enjoy battle for battle's sake, with her response being that Mace Windu does it. While he never formally trained in Form VII before leaving the Jedi Order, he adopted this fighting style during his dark side training. This is evidenced by his two duels with Darth Vader. In their first duel, relying solely on Shien and Ataru, Vader easily overwhelmed and could have killed Ferus at any moment. In their second duel, after his training with Palpatine, Ferus was able to contend with Vader evenly, employing Dun Moch tactics to provoke the Dark Lord's rage and then feed on it himself to become even more powerful. This is actually not a tactic of Juyo, but instead Mace Windu's more advanced Form VII: Vaapad that Siri had explained to him years earlier, which Ferus was instinctively using.
As previously mentioned, Ferus was considered naturally gifted with the Force by figures such as Siri Tachi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and even Emperor Palpatine. While his magnitude and access to rarer Force abilities eluded him while he was still in the Jedi Order, they became manifest during the Imperial Era. After refining his powers in battle, receiving instruction from Obi-Wan Kenobi, and delving into the dark side under Palpatine, Ferus became skilled enough with physical augmentation and Force Valor to match Vader's raw strength and speed in their final duel on Alderaan.
Ferus also possessed the rare Battlemind ability, enabling him to connect with his companions and use the Force to enhance his and their skills. He could conceal his Force signature from Grand Inquisitor Malorum using Force Stealth, telepathically communicate with Leia from a great distance to reassure her that everything would be alright, and even mind trick a strong-willed person like Jenna Zan Arbor. It is also heavily implied that he's using a Force-based illusion to disguise himself later in his life, as Leia swears she sometimes sees him as a youthful-looking man instead of the overweight, "repugnant" man he disguised himself as.
His telekinesis was also very powerful. As a Padawan, he could use Force pushes and waves with casual ease. Later on in his life, he could lift heavy objects like the beam of a building, use powerful waves to shatter transparisteel windows, and even use Force Repulse to wreck an entire training room with a telekinetic storm. Ferus could even, with the aid of Obi-Wan Kenobi, manipulate the water molecules in the air to create water currents in a form of Alter Environment.
Lastly, although he turned away from the dark side, Ferus often used Palpatine's lessons to bolster his physical capabilities through his rage. In doing so, he gained access to Force screams powerful enough to destroy objects.
Ferus Olin was conceived by author Jude Watson as a rival to Anakin Skywalker in the Jedi Quest series. Subsequently, after he departed the Jedi at the conclusion of that series, Watson reintroduced Olin as the protagonist of the Last of the Jedi series.
Watson confirmed on Twitter that, when she was writing Olin, she intended for him to be read as gay. She also commented that, in her mind, Ferus Olin and Roan Lands were married.
In Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice, Ferus is described as wielding a red lightsaber, but on the cover of Jedi Quest: The Master of Disguise, he is depicted with a green weapon. Further complicating the matter is his Jedi weapon emitting a bronze glow during the Granta Omega-masterminded Seeker-droid battle in the Senate Building in 24 BBY, as recounted in Jedi Quest: The False Peace. It is possible that Olin changed the crystals used in his lightsaber between the events of the Jedi Quest novels, therefore accounting for the change in blade color.
Although it is mentioned in Secrets of the Jedi that Olin and Siri Tachi embark on a mission to Quas Killam, the exact chronological placement of this event is never specified in canon material. Given that it is mentioned that he and Tachi did not assist Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker throughout their search for Jenna Zan Arbor, this article has speculated that the mission to Quas Killam occurred during that period.
Rebel Force: Uprising appears to present a contradiction regarding the disposition of Olin's body. Pages 132 and 133 suggest that Luke, Leia, and Han carried his body to the Millennium Falcon, and subsequent pages imply that his body was loaded onto the Falcon. However, on page 136, the narrator states, "Ferus and Div were lost in the inferno," implying that Olin's body was left on the planet. However, this could mean that the lives - souls - were lost to a planet that was destroyed in fire. While the body was saved, the life had left while on the planet.
A 2007 issue of Game Informer mentioned that Ferus Olin would be one of the Jedi opponents in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. This proved to be untrue.