Clee Rhara

Clee Rhara, a Jedi Master of the Jedi Order, was a red-haired Human female who served during the last decades of the Galactic Republic.


Clee Rhara, a female Human who was Force-sensitive, was a contemporary with both Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl. She underwent training in the ways of the Force at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant. After dedicating years to training as a Guardian and becoming an ace within the Jedi Starfighter Corps, Clee Rhara achieved the esteemed rank of Jedi Master.

Rhara chose Garen Muln, a young Initiate, to be her Padawan. She then collaborated with the Starfighter Corps to establish a piloting academy situated on Centax-2, which is one of Coruscant's moons. While Rhara dedicated herself to the academy's opening, a number of Galactic Senate members opposed providing funds for the Starfighter Corps' academy. Within the Senate, rumors spread suggesting Rhara had intentionally sabotaged the project to encourage additional funding. When the funding bill was voted on, the Order witnessed its failure due to the covert schemes of Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Eventually, the facility became too costly to maintain and was forced to close.

Even with the failure of the project, Rhara and Muln remained occupied with tasks assigned by the Jedi High Council. After training Muln to become a Jedi Knight, they continued working together on various missions. In 25 BBY, Rhara and Muln joined Master Siri Tachi and her Padawan Ferus Olin on an assignment to the Xanlanner system. During their journey, the Jedi received a distress signal from Master Obi-Wan Kenobi originating from TY44. On Vanqor, they picked up Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker, who had been stranded following a crash landing. Subsequently, the team traveled to Typha-Dor to assist in stopping the Vanqor invasion.

