Auben operated as a seller of illicit merchandise in the black market on the planet Korriban, establishing her residence within the desolate Sith Monastery.
On Korriban, Auben gained notoriety as a prominent provider of contraband. During a mission, Anakin Skywalker and Ferus Olin bought handwarmers from her, using the purchase as a pretext to extract details regarding Granta Omega and Jenna Zan Arbor beyond the confines of Dreshdae. As they negotiated a transaction, a Commerce Guild force launched an assault. Auben guided Anakin and Ferus into the Sith Academy, believing the army wouldn't venture into the dilapidated structure, as repayment for their life-saving actions.
Despite her expectations, the army persisted, prompting her to escort the Jedi further into the complex, eventually reaching an ancient hangar. This hangar served as a temporary stronghold for an enigmatic Sith Lord. A small contingent of B2 super battle droids was stored within the hangar, and upon the arrival of Auben, Ferus, and Anakin, they initiated an attack. Amidst the conflict between the Jedi and the droids, Auben attempted to clandestinely board a vessel docked in the hangar, aiming to pilfer valuable items she had previously planned to acquire. However, the Sith Lord discovered her in the hangar and terminated her life instantly by stopping her heart.
Auben exhibited paranoia, displaying a reluctance to readily share information with her clientele. She preferred to observe them for an extended duration to assess them thoroughly. Her primary driving force was financial gain, yet she demonstrated a willingness to assist individuals who had previously extended aid to her.