Granta Omega

A criminal of the human male variety, known as Granta Omega, was the progeny of Xanatos, a Dark Jedi, and the grandson of Crion, the Telosian Governor. Unable to accept that his father took his own life, Omega swore to avenge his death upon the Jedi Order.


Early life

Eighteen years prior to the Invasion of Naboo, Granta Omega entered the world on Telos IV. His parents were Tura Omega and Xanatos, the Dark Jedi who later became the First Citizen of Telos IV. At the tender age of three, he and his mother were sent into hiding on the moon of Nierport VII, where Tura found employment at a refueling station. Xanatos made sure to impart to his son everything he knew about the Jedi Order, including his former Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, and their supposed "misunderstanding" of the Force. Despite hoping that Omega would manifest as Force-sensitive, he soon realized this was not to be. Nonetheless, upon his passing, he bequeathed his fortune from the Offworld Mining Corporation to Omega.

In his youth, Omega departed from his home to attend the All Science Research Academy on Yerphonia with the sponsorship of Senator Sano Sauro. Two years later, his mother passed away; he did not return to Nierport VII for her funeral.

Harassing the Jedi

Kenobi and Skywalker encountering Omega.

Omega engaged a number of bounty hunters to try and capture the Jedi who were training on Ragoon VI. This occurred a few years after the Invasion of Naboo. Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker (along with their Jedi pilot Wren Honoran) were able to avoid the many traps set by the bounty hunters, including one set personally by Omega.

In 26 BBY, Omega resurfaced as "Dr. Tic Verdun" to launch an attack on Kenobi and Skywalker during a mission to rescue five scientists caught in a war on Haariden. It was there that Obi-Wan learned of Omega's scheme to seize control of the galactic bacta market by mining titanite on Haariden.

Upon returning to Galactic City, Kenobi conducted research on Omega. With the assistance of Jocasta Nu, the Jedi Temple archivist, he discovered that Omega hailed from Nierport Seven, a small moon situated less than a day's journey from Coruscant. Despite his fondness for collecting Sith artifacts and his complete lack of Force sensitivity, Omega possessed immense wealth, the sources of which Kenobi could not ascertain.

Omega later captured Anakin in an attempt to impress the galaxy's hidden Sith Lord. However, the boy managed to escape and, together with his Master, thwarted Omega's titanite venture by effectively chasing him off the planet as Haariden's great volcano erupted. Although the Jedi were caught in the ensuing disaster, they managed to free themselves and confront Omega, trapping him between themselves and a massive tidal wave. Despite this, Omega once again evaded capture by Kenobi and Skywalker, slipping away offworld.


In 25 BBY, Omega made an appearance on Mawan, disguised as a crime lord known as Striker (a name derived from the projectile pistols used by his gang during their initial raid on the populace). Yaddle, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker were dispatched to the planet to mediate peace between the warring factions, unaware that Omega was the mastermind behind the conflict and possessed the most extensive weapons cache among all the crimelords. Omega captured Skywalker once more, this time willing to kill him, his Jedi Masters (Kenobi, Yaddle, Yoda), and the entire population of Mawan with a bioweapon, all to further impress the Sith Lord. While Skywalker escaped and Mawan was saved, Omega succeeded in killing Master Yaddle, who had been protecting Anakin. As Omega prepared to flee Mawan from the heart of its capital city, Naatan, Obi-Wan Kenobi attempted to intercept him. During his escape, Omega revealed to Kenobi that he was the son of Xanatos and the grandson of Crion. Kenobi was taken aback by this revelation but realized that it explained everything: Omega had inherited his father's fortune from the Offworld Mining Corporation and his hatred for the Jedi.

Attacking the Senate

Omega attacks Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.

Omega collaborated with the scientist Jenna Zan Arbor over the following months. Together, they devised a plan to use the neuro-drug known as the Zone of Self-Containment to manipulate thousands of innocent individuals. During this period, Kenobi and Skywalker encountered Zan Arbor and were led through a series of puzzles on planets such as Romin and Falleen, ultimately leading them to Omega on Coruscant. There, they discovered Omega's plot to assassinate Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Although the assassination was foiled, and Palpatine was shielded by the Jedi Padawan Ferus Olin, several innocent lives were lost, including Senatorial aide Tyro Caladian, who had uncovered Palpatine's true identity but was killed before he could alert anyone. After a confrontation with Obi-Wan on his speeder bike, Omega once again managed to evade the Jedi.

Omega's last stand

Omega was ultimately granted an audience with the Sith on Korriban, accompanied by Zan Arbor. He met with the Sith Lord within a tomb in the Valley of the Dark Lords, and shortly thereafter, encountered the Jedi. He fatally shot Darra Thel-Tanis with his KYD-21 blaster pistol when she attempted to defend fellow Padawans Ferus Olin and Tru Veld. Subsequently, he fled and was pursued by Obi-Wan. Omega operated an E-Web heavy repeating blaster against Kenobi. The weapon malfunctioned and exploded, sending Omega crashing into a wall. Despite his weakened state, he attempted another attack on Kenobi, but Obi-Wan was compelled to kill Omega with his lightsaber. Omega's final words were, "I know who he is. You will wish you did," alluding to Darth Sidious.


Granta Omega

Some months after the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan revealed to Ferus Olin that Omega had been in contact with Count Dooku, known at that point as Sidious's Sith apprentice, Darth Tyranus.

Skills and abilities

Granta Omega possessed exceptional deceptive abilities, enabling him to evade detection while in close proximity to the Jedi on multiple occasions. Omega was a Force Blank—an individual devoid of any connection to the Force, capable of concealing himself within a "void," effectively shielding himself from detection by Force-sensitives. He exploited this ability to his advantage. People would forget having seen him, or if they did recall him, they often struggled to remember his face or his original appearance.

Omega was proficient in several languages, capable of speaking, reading, and writing Basic, Pak Pak, Huttese, and ancient Sith.

