Nierport VII

Nierport VII, situated in the Colonies region of the galaxy, was a small and barren moon. It was one of seven moons orbiting the planet Eeropha within the Eeropha system.

This desolate and impoverished satellite, Nierport Seven, located along the Hydian Way, was characterized by its cold, bleak environment. Despite having only a single settlement, it functioned as a useful refueling point for pilots en route to Coruscant. A few modest guesthouses and a café called "Food and Drink" served pilots unable to afford even Eeropha's inexpensive prices. The population of Nierport congregated around the refueling station, residing and working in structures constructed from thick stone blocks to insulate against the harsh wind and cold.

The claing bush, a thorny plant, was the only vegetation native to the moon, comprising its sparse flora. It flowered during a brief, month-long summer, followed by an intensely cold and frigid year.

Granta Omega hailed from Nierport VII. As a young man, he departed to attend the prestigious All Science Research Academy through Senatorial sponsorship, graduating in 33 BBY. Throughout his years of study, Omega never revisited the Eeropha satellite, not even for his mother's funeral. However, in later years, after his development and training, he would return. He developed a habit of returning whenever he experienced failure or loss in any business or other endeavor. For example, he returned when his titanite mineral venture on the planet Haariden was foiled by the Jedi in 26 BBY.

Behind the scenes

In Jude Watson's 2002 novel, Jedi Quest: The Master of Disguise, which marked Nierport VII's debut, the system was initially described as being situated within the Core, near Coruscant. However, the 2009 reference book, The Essential Atlas, later placed the system within the Colonies region.

