The Claing bush was a thorny, flowering species of bush that originated on Nierport VII, which is one of the seven moons in orbit around the planet Eeropha.
This wild bush, found solely on Nierport VII, flowered with violet blossoms during its single month of summer, also producing a berry from which claing juice was made. Its very large thorns, exceeding a meter in length, were a dark red color and grew upwards from the trunk.
Sano Sauro, a senator from Eeropha, valued the claing-bush thorns as symbols representing both his planet and his protégé, Granta Omega, who was born on that moon. Sauro's Senate office desk, long and low, was adorned with four of these tall, red thorns at its corners. Furthermore, when Palpatine appointed Sauro as Deputy Chancellor (a strategic move to keep this major opponent of the Supreme Chancellor nearby and under control), two enormous horns of the bloodred bush were prominently displayed above the exotic flowers in a temporary garden located in the outside courtyard of the Galactic Senate complex.