In 24 BBY, during a significant crisis for the Republic and a period of challenged authority for the Jedi Order, Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, strategically created the special office of Deputy Chancellor. Senator Sano Sauro from Eeropha was the only individual to hold this position, which was implemented for political reasons.
During the Galactic Republic's decline, a mutual distrust existed between many Senators and the Jedi. In the years leading up to the Clone Wars, Senators Sano Sauro and [Bog Divinian](/article/bog_divinian], both critical of the Jedi, joined forces with Roy Teda, a deposed tyrant from Romin, to incite anti-Jedi sentiment within the Senate. Their attempt involved proposing a ban on the Jedi Order's involvement in Senate activities. However, their efforts to exclude the Jedi proved unsuccessful. In 24 BBY, the Senate voted in favor of the Knights after a debate on the matter. Sauro even betrayed Divinian, choosing to support the Jedi after Palpatine offered him the position of Deputy Chancellor as a bribe.
Despite efforts to counter the growing anti-Jedi sentiment, a brutal attack on the Senate occurred. Granta Omega, a Force Blank and the true leader of the anti-Jedi faction, orchestrated the attack. The surprise assault in the Senate's Grand Convocation Chamber involved an army of seeker droids, resulting in the deaths of 46 individuals, including 21 Senators, 24 Senatorial aides and guards, and Teda himself, who was betrayed by Omega, a former protégé of Sauro in his youth. The betrayal mirrored Sauro's betrayal of Divinian. The damage from the Senate Building attack could have been far worse, considering the thousands targeted. Thanks to the Jedi's intervention, the impact was minimized. The Senate's continued support for the Jedi Order was ensured by the Order's efforts to contain the attack and Palpatine's appointment, thwarting the anti-Jedi faction's divisive goals.
Shortly after the Deputy Chancellorship's creation, Padawan Anakin Skywalker sought to understand Palpatine's rationale for appointing Sauro. While sitting with the Supreme Chancellor in his personal office, Skywalker observed the temporary garden outside the Galactic Senate complex. The twin horns of the bloodred claing bush, native to Sauro's planet, towered above the flowers and trees, prompting Skywalker's inquiry. He questioned why Palpatine would reward Sauro with the Deputy Chancellor position, given the Jedi's suspicion of his involvement in a plot to assassinate Palpatine.
Palpatine explained that the offer was made to Sauro before the anti-Jedi petition vote, ensuring Sauro's acceptance. Palpatine claimed to have foreseen Sauro's betrayal of Divinian, as the promise of a powerful office outweighed the risks of remaining loyal to a failing scheme. However, Skywalker still struggled to understand why Palpatine would reward Sauro for betraying him. Palpatine explained to the Forceful Jedi Padawan that his gesture had turned a bitter enemy into a friend, aligning Sauro's fate with his own. Furthermore, Palpatine would always be aware of Sauro's actions, allowing him to keep a close watch on this enemy of both the Jedi Order and the Supreme Chancellor.