
Xanatos, a Human male individual with Force-sensitivity, was once a Jedi hopeful who ultimately failed. He was the second Padawan under the tutelage of Qui-Gon Jinn, who had previously instructed a young Jedi by the name of Feemor. Born to Telosian Governor Crion, he was also the sibling of Nason and the father of Granta, whose mother was Tura Omega.

During his final trial to become a Jedi Knight, Xanatos succumbed to the corrupting influence of his father's mind and power. After witnessing the death of his sister, Nason, in a riot and the demise of Crion at the hands of his former master, Jinn, he transformed into a Dark Jedi and assumed control of a mining facility located on his home planet, Telos IV.

Nine years later, Xanatos engaged in combat with Jinn and his new apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, on Bandomeer. Subsequently, he devised a scheme to destroy the Jedi Temple, but the two Jedi swiftly thwarted his plans. Following a final humiliation that almost resulted in his capture by Telosian authorities, Xanatos ended his own life by plunging into a pool of acid.


Early life

Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Knight, discovered Xanatos at a very young age. Impressed by his potential with the Force and sharp intellect, Jinn decided, after some initial hesitation, to bring Xanatos to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to assess his suitability for training. This decision meant Xanatos was separated from his father Crion, his sister Nason, and his home planet, Telos IV – the three things he held dearest. Crion permitted Xanatos to join the Jedi Order. Upon arriving at Coruscant, Xanatos attempted to impress the other younglings with his prestigious background. Qui-Gon disregarded this flaw and proceeded to train him as a Jedi.

In the Jedi Order

Having attained the rank of Jedi Master through the training of his first Padawan, Feemor, Jinn selected Xanatos as his second Padawan. Jinn mentored Xanatos for several years, undertaking various missions together. However, Xanatos's aggressive tendencies caused concern among the Jedi Council. During his time, he was the only Padawan to specialize in infrastructure models at the Temple, surpassing his rival Initiate, Miro Daroon.

Xanatos encountered Feemor at least once during a sparring session between Feemor and Qui-Gon in 53 BBY.

As a final assessment for Xanatos, Yoda, who doubted his readiness to become a Jedi Knight, dispatched him, Qui-Gon, Master Tahl, and Masterless Padawan Orykan Tamarik to Telos. The planet was experiencing a severe crisis, particularly after the murder of a Telosian priestess named Liora. Unbeknownst to others, her death was secretly orchestrated by Xanatos's father, Crion, who was the governor of Telos IV.

Fall to the dark side

The fall of Xanatos

Crion, now a corrupt governor of Telos, regretted his decision to send his sixteen-year-old son to the Jedi Temple. He urged Xanatos to assist him in proving the involvement of the Toprawans and the Antarian Rangers in recent events. However, Xanatos still harbored resentment towards his father, feeling abandoned and neglected. He spent time with his sister, Nason. Meanwhile, Qui-gon investigated the incident, sensing that Liora's killer was a Jedi, yet not a Jedi. During a major event, Nason was murdered by insurgents attempting to raid the area, fueling Xanatos's anger towards both the insurgents and his master, who he felt failed to prevent the tragedy. Furthermore, a lightsaber was discovered among the insurgents' corpses, seemingly linking the Antarian Rangers to the crime. Unbeknownst to Qui-gon, the lightsaber had been planted by a collaborator of the failed Jedi Dairoki, who was not only Liora's killer but also Crion's benefactor. Crion attempted to persuade his son to rejoin him, expressing his desire to unite Telos and uphold their family's honor. Xanatos sided with his father in the civil war, thus failing his final test. Under Crion's guidance, he sabotaged the first meeting intended to rally the Telosians against Toprawa. However, when Dairoki inadvertently confessed to committing crimes in Crion's name, Hukowl An Devi, one of the governor's top advisors, revealed the truth to the people of Telos. Xanatos was reportedly appointed as the head of the Telosian army.

Jinn pursued Crion, hoping to save Xanatos from his father's madness. However, the governor challenged Jinn to a duel. Xanatos watched in horror as his former master rushed to rescue Padawan Tamarik, destroying the sword Crion wielded and causing the governor to fall into the decorative fires of his palace, resulting in his immediate death. Jinn attempted to apologize, but Xanatos's unyielding anger over his father's death led him to embrace the dark side. He retrieved his father's burning right hand from the fireplace and pressed the ring (which had been cut by Jinn's lightsaber) to his right cheek. The broken-circle scar later became his "trademark" and the symbol for the Offworld Mining Corporation, a company he gained control of through deceit and conspiracy. Before Xanatos and Qui-Gon could engage in combat, rioters stormed the palace, forcing Xanatos to escape. He stole the Telosian treasury and fled the planet on a transport.

Jinn informed the Council that Xanatos had "died" in the fighting on Telos. This was also symbolic, as he intended to disrupt Jinn's life and the lives of others he could exploit. Xanatos would continue to cause trouble for Qui-Gon Jinn and his new apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, in the years leading up to the Invasion of Naboo.

Taking over Telos

Sometime after the conclusion of the civil war, Xanatos became the most prominent citizen of Telos. His initial action was to "investigate" his late father's actions and fabricate evidence to exonerate Crion. He became a hero to his fellow Telosians and wielded significant influence within the government, including the current Governor of Telos.

Xanatos became the head of the Offworld Corporation, which was conducting mining operations in Telos's restoration areas, such as the Park of Sacred Pools. He diverted the citizens' attention with a gambling project supposedly controlled by the government called Katharsis, which would provide "tax breaks." The profits from Katharsis were supposedly used for the restoration of Telos; he supported libraries, parks, medcenters, and founded a healing institute named after him in Thani. In reality, Offworld, operating under the name UniFy, controlled Katharsis, which was rigged so that the winner received only a fraction of the credits, with the remainder, including profits, being used by Offworld to fund its mining programs. Any political group that spoke out against UniFy, such as the POWER party, was outlawed.

Around 45 and 44 BBY, Xanatos learned from Vox Chun, the Treasurer of Telos, that the latter's son, Bruck, was training at the Jedi Temple. Somehow, he had obtained the boy's file and filled his mind with ambition, mirroring what his father had done to him years ago. Undoubtedly, Chun would prove useful to Xanatos in the future.

Family man

At some point during the early stages of his career, Xanatos encountered a woman named Tura Omega. They engaged in an affair and eventually had a son, Granta. Xanatos had hoped that the boy would inherit his Force sensitivity, but he learned otherwise. Nevertheless, he intended to bequeath everything, including Offworld, to his own progeny in his will.

When Granta reached the age of three, Xanatos sent him and Tura into hiding on Nierport VII, a moon orbiting Eeropha. Tura worked at a refueling station to provide for Granta. Xanatos shared his past—his deep-seated hatred of the Jedi and Qui-Gon Jinn—with Granta and taught him some of his tactics, such as the "back door" strategy and his own modus operandi: Disruption + Demoralization + Distraction = Devastation, a maxim inspired by a tyrant in a previous mission that Xanatos underwent with Jinn at age sixteen.

The Final Campaign


Xanatos engaged his former master on Bandomeer.

In 44 BBY, Xanatos was contacted by VeerTa, who was in charge of the Home Planet Mine on Bandomeer. Hoping to make a profit, the Meerian informed Xanatos that she had discovered ionite. In exchange, Xanatos stated that if Offworld took control of the mines, it would be "for the good of Bandomeer." However, this was far from the truth. Although "galactically insignificant," Bandomeer would make him and Offworld very wealthy.

Seeing an opportunity to exact his revenge on Qui-Gon Jinn, Xanatos devised a backup plan in case his scheme for profiting off Bandomeer failed. He arranged for VeerTa to secretly transport Offworld mining supplies into storage rooms of the Agricultural Corps's Enrichment Zones and concealed them with coated transparasteel from his home planet of Telos IV. Unbeknownst to VeerTa, among the items were ion bombs encased in boxes imprinted with the broken circle. Xanatos then set up a series of charges to trigger a chain reaction around Bandomeer, intending to kill Jinn. More importantly, he wanted Jinn to die knowing that he could not save Bandomeer's citizens.

Later, Xanatos forged a message to Supreme Chancellor Kalpana that appeared to be from Bandomeer's governor, SonTag, requesting Jinn to serve as a diplomat for the peace meeting between Offworld and its rival company, the Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation. He also sent a somewhat taunting message to Jinn that read: "I have been looking forward to this day." Beside his name was a drawing of the broken circle.

Since Jemba the Hutt had recently passed away, Xanatos would have to take his place as Offworld's representative. Before attending the meeting in Bandor, the capital of Bandomeer, he arranged for a bomb to be placed in the Home Planet Mine, where its sensor was sabotaged. Arriving late, he found Jinn with Arcona Mineral Harvest chief operations manager Clat'Ha, Governor SonTag, and VeerTa. He adopted a cheerful demeanor towards his former master and spoke about how he "went astray" from the Jedi teachings before joining Offworld.

Moving on to business, Xanatos claimed that he desired peace between Offworld and Arcona Mineral Harvest. To further his deception, he proposed sending ten percent of Offworld's profits for the Bandomeer reclamation effort. Then, the bomb detonated in the Home Planet Mine. VeerTa, suspecting Offworld, lunged at Xanatos but was stopped by Jinn. Xanatos, feigning surprise, denied any involvement. SonTag sent VeerTa to assist the miners out of the wreckage.

Once the rescue was completed, Xanatos offered SonTag to rebuild the mine: he would send credits, droids, and anything else Bandomeer needed, as well as put recently unemployed miners to work at Offworld. Offworld kept its word—they even cleared the tunnels of debris before starting repairs—but this was only to maintain the deception.

Later, Xanatos traveled to the Eastern Enrichment Zone with five members of the Offworld Security Force, intending to capture the failed Jedi Initiate, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Entering alone, he went to the Dome and found Kenobi inside the secret storage compartment. He assured Kenobi that he was a "friend" and warned him that he would not succeed as Jinn's apprentice due to his cold nature. This was enough to fill Kenobi's mind with doubts.

Then, as if signaled by Xanatos, the guards stormed in while pretending to identify their employer and Kenobi as thieves. Xanatos activated his lightsaber and made a feigned attack on the guards, with Kenobi on the defensive: neither was willing to kill the guards. After Kenobi dealt with three guards, a fourth raised an electrojabber against Xanatos, under the pretense of striking the Dark Jedi. Kenobi rushed to apprehend the guard, only to be shocked in the ribs. He was then knocked unconscious from behind, either by Xanatos or another guard. Xanatos then sent Kenobi to the mines within the Great Sea of Bandomeer, but not before taking the boy's lightsaber and comlink.

Once that was taken care of, the Dark Jedi returned to Bandor to oversee operations at the northern azurite mining quadrant, which was the largest on the outskirts of the city. It was nightfall when he began leaving the administrative building. The shifts had been changed, and all miners had left the vicinity. Just as Xanatos passed the yard, Qui-Gon Jinn emerged from the shadows of the surrounding slag piles and blocked his path.

Xanatos did not show any surprise; it was hard to say whether he was inwardly startled that Jinn had been waiting for him or whether he had simply sensed his former mentor's presence and deliberately came to meet him. After Jinn declared that Xanatos's plans for Bandomeer were over, the latter revealed his lightsaber. He was angered when told that he had disgraced the weapon he carried but smiled with amusement.

The two men circled each other, verbally clashing over who betrayed whom and which one reveled in the other's misery. As Jinn explained that Yoda foresaw that Xanatos would fail back on Telos, the Dark Jedi seethed with anger. To him, Yoda did not understand even a tenth of true power: the power of the dark side. Xanatos reasoned that Jinn would have been rich by now if he had not been made "too good" by the Jedi teachings. Jinn countered that Xanatos would never own Bandomeer.

When the time for words had passed, Xanatos activated his lightsaber and attacked. Jinn mounted a sterling defense, managing to block and evade his former pupil's strikes. Knowing he could not wear Xanatos down, he went on the offensive, but Xanatos just laughed, countering Jinn's every move. The two combatants appeared to be evenly matched. Xanatos proclaimed that because of the suffering Jinn had caused him, he had surpassed him. But then, a mistake with his footwork caused Jinn to wound his shoulder; the Jedi Master pointed out that he was only deluding himself.

Suddenly, Xanatos drew out Kenobi's lightsaber with his other hand, causing Jinn to lose his focus momentarily. The Dark Jedi taunted him about the whereabouts of his "new apprentice" before lashing out with both weapons, hoping to intensify the duel. But Jinn remembered Xanatos's moves from when he trained him in the Jedi Temple and evaded his attacks. He grabbed Kenobi's lightsaber from Xanatos and escaped the mine to search for the missing Padawan; this was the first time he had ever fled from a fight. Xanatos called out after him, claiming that the Jedi had only escaped for now.

Two days later, Xanatos learned of a deactivated transmitter in the Offworld loading dock on Bandor's harbor. He knew that Jinn was there. He mounted a speeder bike and traveled to meet his former Master, planning to chase him all the way to the Home Planet Mine. There, he would trap him and activate the ion bombs to exact his revenge.

Xanatos found Jinn and an escaped Kenobi on an Offworld landspeeder entering Bandor's outskirts. He fired with his speeder bike's laser cannon, driving them to his trap. As they reached the Home Planet Mine, Jinn and Kenobi jumped from their speeder. Xanatos sped toward them and narrowly missed a fatal blow from Jinn, all the while causing the elder Jedi to hurt his own shoulder. Knowing that Xanatos was too fast while mounted on his speeder, the Jedi fled into the mine.

Xanatos followed his quarry down the mine levels. On the way, he overheard Jinn telling Kenobi in Core 6 of what he had been told by VeerTa: Xanatos had no knowledge of the north turbolift leading to Core 5. The Jedi would be able to either catch the Dark Jedi by surprise or escape from the mine. But Xanatos caught up with the Jedi and blocked their path, proving Jinn's assumptions wrong, all the while rubbing all the elder Jedi's mistakes in his face. When he started referring to Kenobi as "clumsy," the boy leapt over Xanatos and wounded him in the lightsaber hand. A brief duel started between Xanatos and the Jedi before the former broke off and ran into Core 5, luring the latter into his trap.

As the Jedi entered Core 5, Xanatos set the ion bombs on a timer, blocked the tunnel with a hidden panel, and shut off the lights. He used the dark area to his advantage, attacking and withdrawing at a very fast, vicious pace. But Jinn and Kenobi barely managed to defend themselves and each other from Xanatos's onslaughts. As the Jedi's Force bond grew stronger, they drove Xanatos into a corner.

But Xanatos knew that the wall was a coated transparisteel door to a hidden turbolift. He slipped inside and shut the door before the Jedi struck the impervious transparisteel. He told the Jedi through an amplifier that they were going to die, lying about there being mixed gases to disguise the bombs. Then, the Dark Jedi ascended to the mine, wishing Jinn a painful death. He prepared to immediately take off from Bandomeer, believing Bandomeer and the Jedi to be now doomed.

However, with the help of Kenobi, Jinn had enough time to deactivate the bombs, ending Xanatos's plans. When Xanatos heard about this, he returned to Bandomeer. He infiltrated Governor SonTag's quarters, sneaked into Jinn's guest chamber, and stabbed a message through the Jedi's sleep-couch with a vibro-shiv. In the message, he vowed never to underestimate Jinn again while looking forward to their next meeting. Then, he likely returned to Telos, where he planned to strip-mine the planet to obtain wealth.


For some time, Xanatos had been involved in the changing political climate on Gala. When head of the Ministry of Councilers Lonnag Giba feared that Prince Beju would lose the gubernatorial election, he secretly asked Xanatos to lend Offworld financial support for Deca Brun, who was another candidate, and many Galacian industries. In return, Brun had created a company called Galacian Mining Corporation, a front for Offworld's activities, which would include the enslavement of his own people. Half of Gala would be under Xanatos's control.

However, Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered the plans in Brun's records and exposed the conspiracy to Queen Veda, the ruler of Gala, resulting in Giba's arrest and the election of Wila Prammi as governor. At first, when he had been captured by Brun's men, Kenobi feared that Brun would contact Xanatos about the boy's and Qui-Gon Jinn's presence on Gala; Xanatos would use him as bait for his former master. Now that the elections had brought a peaceful transition to Gala, Jinn knew that he would place everyone on the planet in jeopardy if and when Xanatos came after him there. He and Kenobi left as quickly as possible.

Attack on the Jedi Temple

Bruck Chun, the Jedi Initiate whom Xanatos turned to the dark side.

Elsewhere, Offworld's situation was dire. Despite pouring funds into a fruitless mining venture on a "hostile planet," Xanatos's stubbornness plunged the company into a financial crisis. Upon discovering the Jedi Council's safeguarding of a [crystalline vertex](/article/crystalline_vertex-legends]-filled ship within the Temple's Treasury Room, he saw an opportunity and journeyed to Coruscant himself. He breached the Temple via its underwater tunnels, concealing his airspeeder there for a quick escape. He also carried a waterproof bag on his back. Recognizing Bruck Chun's despair over his Padawan prospects, he twisted the young Initiate into his apprentice, tutoring him in dark side techniques. To ensure complete dominance over Chun, he secretly installed a listening device within the hilt of his accomplice's lightsaber. The Dark Jedi envisioned the Temple's destruction and his own escape with all the vertex.

To enact his scheme, Xanatos tasked Chun with acquiring several items: a servo-utility unit toolbox for bypassing security and disrupting the Temple's systems; holographic files and computer records containing student names from A to H, including Chun's file; a Jedi instructor's meditation robe for Xanatos to blend in unnoticed; a fourth-year student's sports kit containing rebreathers for underwater use; all lightsabers from the senior training rooms, leaving older Padawans vulnerable; and the Healing Crystals of Fire, which Xanatos intended to place within the Temple's fusion furnace to trigger its destruction. Consequently, all classes and activities were suspended. At the training facility, Xanatos scrawled a threatening message for Yoda on the wall: YOUR TIME WILL COME. YOU MUST BEWARE, I AM TROUBLE.

Xanatos pressed Chun for updates on Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn. Through this, he learned of Obi-Wan Kenobi's departure from the Order to support a rebellion on Melida/Daan. Chun also revealed his rivalry with Kenobi, which once escalated into a Temple brawl. Coinciding with the thefts, Xanatos discovered Yoda was providing a blinded Tahl with a navigation droid named 2JTJ. He secretly implanted a transmitter within TooJay to monitor Tahl and Qui-Gon Jinn, who were leading the investigation. He maintained constant surveillance.

Chun stashed most of the stolen goods in a crate, hidden in the Temple's lake level. Unbeknownst to him, Qui-Gon Jinn and a blinded Tahl discovered the chest and lay in wait in the darkened level to follow the thief. When Chun returned for the chest, Xanatos, already aware of the trap, concealed himself from the Jedi. He began shadowing Jinn, who was trailing Chun, possibly intending to assassinate his former Master from behind. However, despite her blindness, Tahl detected the intruder by his heavier boots and the rustling of icus leaves. Suddenly, TooJay inadvertently alerted Chun, prompting him and Xanatos to vanish.

Later, with Jinn gone to Melida/Daan to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Xanatos staged a fake assassination attempt on Yoda to demoralize the Jedi. Disguised in the stolen meditation robe, he planted a bomb beneath a footbridge in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, Yoda's usual meditation spot. He emitted a surge of dark side energy, alerting Yoda to the bomb before it detonated. Satisfied, he slipped into a waterfall to escape and left a chilling message for the Council members in a meditation chamber: MASTERS, MEDITATE ON THIS: I WILL NOT FAIL NEXT TIME.

Upon Jinn and Kenobi's return, Xanatos infiltrated the Temple's tech center via the water purification tanks and sabotaged the cooling unit, lighting, and communication systems. These disruptions frustrated his old rival Miro Daroon, now the tech center supervisor. Subsequently, he entered the lake level and placed a time bomb in all but one of the repulsorlift engines of the horizontal turbolift, carrying caretaker Ali-Alann and a group of younglings. Additionally, he bugged the Temple's central core to disable all comm units and turbolifts. These actions were designed to distract the Jedi. Moreover, with the escalating danger, wings were being shut down, concentrating all Jedi in the central building, making Xanatos's task of destroying them much easier.

Xanatos fought his arch-nemeses, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, in the Jedi Temple.

Hearing that Jinn and Tahl had identified him as the intruder and that a Mon Calamari Padawan named Bant Eerin had discovered his entry point, Xanatos submerged in a purification tank to await the Jedi, concealing his presence for a surprise attack. Sensing Jinn, Kenobi, and Eerin arriving above the tank, he emerged from the water. He mocked Jinn's slow realization of the Dark Jedi's involvement and his reliance on children. He leaped toward the Jedi, prompting Eerin to dive for help.

Xanatos engaged Kenobi and Jinn, hoping to draw them away from his airspeeder. He recognized the Jedi's strategy to push him toward the tank, either to short-circuit his lightsaber or weaken his attacks. He planned to use the water to cover his escape. Moments later, a large wave surged from a conduit in the tank. As the Jedi jumped clear, Xanatos, defying their expectations, deactivated his lightsaber and allowed the water to carry him away.

Soon after, the airspeeder was discovered and guarded by the Temple Security Force. But as night fell, Xanatos and Chun abducted Bant Eerin. They transported her to the Room of a Thousand Fountains, where Xanatos personally chained her beneath the waterfall pool. He tormented her with the promise of her imminent death, as Jinn and Kenobi would fail to rescue her in time. The Dark Jedi then contacted Jinn via his comlink, demanding the return of his airspeeder, fueled and placed in the [spaceport](/article/jedi_temple-legends], and the vertex within fifteen minutes. Failure to comply would result in Eerin's death. To verify his claim, Xanatos allowed the Mon Calamari to speak before ending the transmission.

Minutes later, through 2JTJ, Xanatos overheard Jinn and Kenobi debating whether to concede to his demands. Then, Jinn announced that Miro Daroon would shut down the Temple's power for twelve minutes to search for bugs. Observing them heading for the north wing, Xanatos took Bruck to steal the vertex from the security chamber via the duct system. He anticipated that once Daroon began shutting down the systems, the Temple would be vulnerable.

Unbeknownst to Xanatos, the Jedi had discovered the transmitter he had planted in TooJay. Moreover, Ali-Alann and Initiate Garen Muln, disguised in Kenobi and Jinn's clothing, were impersonating the Jedi. A fabricated voice track portrayed Kenobi as eager for battle, causing Xanatos to underestimate the boy. His own tactics were being used against him, leading him and Chun into a trap.

As the Dark Jedi emerged from the grate leading to the Treasury Room door, Jinn and Kenobi ignited their lightsabers, surprising them. Xanatos reacted in time, but Jinn quickly disarmed Chun. Now, Xanatos surprised the Jedi by taking Chun hostage and threatening to kill him and Eerin. Kenobi feigned impatience and indifference toward Chun, leading Xanatos to believe the Padawan had learned this from Jinn. Then, both Jedi charged simultaneously. Xanatos pushed Chun to engage Kenobi and ordered him to ensure Eerin's death. Chun obeyed, and Kenobi pursued him, leaving Jinn to face Xanatos alone.

Former master and student fought and taunted each other all the way to the High Council Chamber. Xanatos shattered a window and exited onto a ledge above the hangars fifteen stories below. Jinn followed and caught up to him above the landing platform. They battled on the narrow ledge, careful not to fall. In desperation, Xanatos revealed that he had rigged the fusion furnace to implode and hinted at the Healing Crystals of Fire.

Jinn hesitated as the lights in the Council chambers began to restore. Xanatos taunted him about Kenobi's decision to remain on Melida/Dawn, suggesting the Padawan wanted to escape Jinn. Then, spotting an air taxi twenty meters below, he jumped to it, throwing the driver to his death. He sped away, forcing Qui-Gon to descend toward the tech center.

As Xanatos fled to Telos IV, Jinn and Kenobi stopped Miro Daroon from reactivating the last system and retrieved the crystals, saving the Jedi Temple. Later, Xanatos learned of Bruck Chun's death. He would reveal this to Chun's father, Vox, making him believe that Kenobi struck the boy down in cold blood. He also divulged everything about Bruck's struggles and all he knew about Kenobi, which would be used for a trial on Coruscant in the near future. Then, the Dark Jedi began preparing his next scheme for his nemesis.

Downfall on Telos

Xanatos had preplanned his archenemies' demise when they arrived on Telos IV.

Jinn and Kenobi relentlessly pursued Xanatos to Telos, but the Dark Jedi had lured them into a trap. He used his influence to frame the Jedi for violating the Galactic Criminals Act, offering substantial rewards for their capture.

While appearing at the Katharsis dome in Thani the day before the main event, Xanatos stepped outside for a walk. Sensing Jinn and Kenobi's presence, he paused. He knew the Jedi were on the planet and likely nearby. Grinning with satisfaction, he returned inside the dome.

Later that day, Jinn and Kenobi were captured while infiltrating UniFy. Xanatos denied them the opportunity to clear their names at their trial, claiming they were "too dangerous to attend." Instead, he presented himself as the "star witness" with fabricated evidence of the Jedi's alleged crimes throughout the galaxy. He also had Vox Chun testify against Kenobi for the "murder" of his son, Bruck. Consequently, the Jedi were sentenced to execution.

That night, Xanatos visited the Jedi in their cells at the Central Booking Station, explaining the courtroom proceedings. When Kenobi protested the unfairness of the trial, the Dark Jedi sarcastically reflected on how "fair" his life had been since meeting Jinn. He bristled when Jinn responded with typical Jedi "riddles." He then exploited Kenobi's guilt over Bruck Chun's death, mimicking the sound of the fallen Initiate's neck breaking. Mocking Jinn's belief that the Jedi Council would intervene, Xanatos revealed the Jedi's fate. He reveled in his revenge, watching his archenemy—his former master—face death. Before departing, he ordered a contingent of TSF guards to watch the prisoners.

In the morning, Xanatos stood at the top of the courtyard stairs amidst an angry crowd of Telosians. He watched with glee as Kenobi and Jinn were led into an energy cage. But when the executioners arrived and the cage's bars were deactivated, the Jedi ignited their hidden lightsabers, deflecting blaster fire as they escaped aboard two unidentified swoop vehicles that came to their rescue. Xanatos could only glare hatefully at his escaped prey. He knew they would meet again.

Xanatos later attended Katharsis, where a man named Denetrus won the wager. The Dark Jedi rose from the center ring and addressed the crowd about Katharsis's contributions to Telos. He then noticed the crowd's outraged shouts and looked at the viewscreens. He saw images of Offworld's operations in the Sacred Pools but remained calm. He was certain his Jedi adversaries had taken the recordings.

Xanatos calmed the crowd as they demanded an explanation. He assured them it was a conspiracy and that the Sacred Pools were in perfect condition. When he asked the Governor to open the Sacred Pools for public inspection, the old man agreed. Gaining the people's trust, Xanatos stepped aside briefly. He instructed a TSF guard to display Jinn and Kenobi's faces on the screens. Returning to the crowd, the Dark Jedi declared these two men responsible for the deception and asked if anyone had seen them. Someone in the crowd spotted the Jedi, revealing their location. The guards apprehended them before they could escape.

The death of Xanatos

Den, appearing impatient and indifferent, demanded his reward, drawing everyone's attention. Xanatos presented the vertex and credits to the winner, eager to conclude the ceremony quickly. As Den turned to the crowd, he asked the Governor to read the durasheet he had given him before the final Katharsis round. The Governor complied, reciting every detail of Den's wager, which accurately predicted the events in the ring. Den revealed to the crowd that he had rigged the Katharsis computer to win the lottery and that every contest had been fixed. He went on, denouncing UniFy, Offworld, and the "mighty Xanatos" for manipulating everyone on Telos. The crowd erupted in anger, demanding Xanatos's arrest.

However, Xanatos silenced the crowd again. Instead of offering a defense, he simply smiled and rebuked them as "pathetic fools." He fled aboard the winning contestant's swoop, the fastest of the round, evading the Jedi as he headed for the Sacred Pools. Unfortunately, the swoop ran out of fuel, forcing him to switch to a gravsled. He approached Tech Dome D, where transport could take him off Telos. Jinn blocked his escape route, causing the frustrated Dark Jedi to veer toward a landscape of black acid pools. Xanatos leaped from his gravsled and forced Jinn into a final confrontation.

As they fought, Jinn assured his former apprentice that he only sought to bring him to justice, not kill him. But Xanatos's hatred for the man he believed Jinn to be blinded him to reason. Moments later, Kenobi arrived to join Jinn in the duel. Xanatos taunted Kenobi about his feelings when he "killed" Bruck Chun, catching the Padawan off-guard long enough to kick him to the ground. He moved to finish Kenobi, but Jinn intervened, catching the Dark Jedi in a midair blade-lock. Both landed on their feet, and Xanatos resumed taunting Kenobi. Jinn countered that Xanatos, not Kenobi, was responsible for Chun's death by turning him to the dark side. Then, with silent encouragement from Jinn, Kenobi attacked Xanatos with renewed determination.

Together, the Jedi drove Xanatos toward the edge of an acid pool. Two swoops carrying Andra, leader of the illegal POWER party, and Den pulled up behind the Dark Jedi. Andra demanded Xanatos's surrender, stating he would face trial in Thani for his crimes. Surrounded, Xanatos defiantly told Jinn that he was his greatest failure.

Jinn tried to prevent him from committing suicide, but it was too late. Xanatos smiled as he leaped backward into the acid, hoping his death would forever haunt his former master. His body dissolved in seconds, followed by his black cloak. He was twenty-five years old.


After his death, Xanatos left Offworld to his son, Granta Omega. Seeking to avenge his father's death, Omega followed Xanatos's path, although he believed Jinn killed his father and refused to believe Kenobi's version of events. He would then emulate Xanatos by attempting to corrupt Kenobi's Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, to the free life.

Kenobi had a vision of Xanatos's death while on the Sith planet of Zigoola in 22 BBY.

Xanatos would be remembered even by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious. Sometime after his fall, he was the protégé of Senator Sano Sauro, teaching the Senator everything he knew about midi-chlorians. This inspired Senator Sauro to devise a plan to use Force-sensitive children to train pilots for the Galactic Empire, ensuring the Empire would have an invincible fleet within a decade. Anakin Skywalker, now Sidious's Sith apprentice Darth Vader, deemed it an absurd plan.

Personality and traits

Xanatos possessed exceptional intelligence and strategic acumen, even as a young Padawan. He always had ulterior motives and seemed to anticipate his adversaries' moves. He was manipulative, deceptive when necessary, and, like all Dark Jedi, pursued his own interests. He could also be arrogant. Qui-Gon Jinn recognized these traits but chose to overlook them out of affection, like a father blind to his son's flaws.

Because of his deep love for his father Crion, Xanatos used the late Telosian governor's name as the password for the datapad stored in his office on Bandomeer.

Turning to the dark side drove Xanatos insane. While driven by greed, his primary motivation was revenge. He was willing to sacrifice wealth and destroy entire worlds to see Jinn dead. Despite his hatred for the Jedi Order, he despised Jinn even more. He effectively employed destructive tactics, and while his arrogance and singular hatred for Jinn were significant, they were not his fatal flaws. His ultimate downfall was his inability to trust anyone, even minions like Bruck Chun.

Powers and abilities


Xanatos was a brilliant swordsman and an exceptionally skilled duelist. His lightsaber mastery was unparalleled in his class, and his ability to focus on the Force rivaled his masters. He also achieved near-perfect scores on preliminary tests during his time as a Padawan.

Based on his lightsaber skills, Xanatos likely practiced Ataru like his former master but also demonstrated proficiency in Jar'Kai, attacking Qui-Gon Jinn in the Offworld mining area on Bandomeer with his and Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsabers. He may have also studied Makashi, refining his dueling abilities over time to achieve what Jinn described as "economy and grace," indicating a conservative approach that prevented fatigue. He occasionally adopted a reversed Shien grip. Xanatos possessed the strength to generate shockwaves up Jinn's arms, suggesting proficiency in Djem So. He initially used a blue lightsaber crystal for his blade before succumbing to the dark side and replacing it with a synthetic red one. Xanatos frequently employed Dun Möch in his duels with Jinn, even temporarily breaking Obi-Wan Kenobi's will. He was also ambidextrous, switching hands with his lightsaber to strike from unexpected angles.

While dueling Jinn, Xanatos appeared to have grown more powerful, though his footwork remained a weakness. However, this was not evident in their final battle on Telos, suggesting he may have overcome this deficiency. Obi-Wan Kenobi considered him faster than any fighter he had encountered and the best at the blindfold test. Xanatos also incorporated kicks and grabs into his attacks.

As a Force-user, Xanatos was cunning. He strategically employed telekinesis, used Force speed to outpace opponents, and utilized Force Jump to engage them. He was also skilled in Battlemind, Force sight, Force healing, telepathy, and the mind trick, which he refined into Force fear during his time as a Dark Jedi. Xanatos could tap into Force rage, enhancing his strength and speed. Perhaps his most notable ability was Force stealth, which he used to infiltrate the Jedi Temple with ease, revealing himself only to hint at his power or prepare an ambush. Yoda described him as particularly strong with the dark side.

Other abilities

Beyond his Jedi training, Xanatos was a master technician and a genius in infrastructure. He also became proficient at piloting speeders, swoops, and gravsleds.

Xanatos was adept at using blasters, ranging from hold-out blasters to pistols. On one occasion, upon arriving on Telos IV, he accurately fired a blaster when his lightsaber was missing.

Xanatos was fluent in several languages, including Basic, Twi'leki, Mon Calamarian, binary, Rodese, and Quarrenese. While he understood Shyriiwook, he could not speak it.

Behind the scenes

Xanatos and his father Crion's last name remains unknown. Xanatos's mistress, Tura Omega, passed her surname to their son, Granta.

