Jemba, a Hutt, held the position of overseer for the Offworld Mining Corporation's operations on Bandomeer. After a crash landing on an uncharted world, he subjugated the Arconans aboard his vessel. He compelled them into servitude, exploiting the dactyl nutrition vital for their survival, which he had pilfered. His demise occurred unexpectedly when Grelb, his second-in-command, inadvertently shot him. Grelb's intended target was Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was instrumental in locating the concealed dactyl.
In the year 44 BBY, Jemba journeyed aboard the Monument, a vessel transporting Offworld Mining Corporation miners, to the planet of Bandomeer. There, he encountered Qui-Gon Jinn and a young Obi-Wan Kenobi, leaders of the Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation. During a pirate assault on the ship, Jemba managed to seize the dactyl. He then forced the Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation workers into his service, a situation that persisted until the Monument was forced to execute an emergency landing on an isle of an unknown planet characterized by five moons.
Shortly before the entire crew was forced to evacuate the ship due to rising floodwaters, Jemba, together with his henchmen, hatched a scheme to conceal the purloined dactyl somewhere within the mountain range. However, their plans were disrupted by an encounter with the indigenous draigons. Not long after this encounter, Jemba received news from Grelb, his right-hand man, that the Jedi had successfully located the dactyl. Enraged by this revelation, Jemba resolved to eliminate the Jedi. He promptly launched an assault on Obi-Wan, who was actively defending the cave entrance against an onslaught of draigons. Simultaneously, his subordinate conceived the same plan, firing his weapon even faster than Jemba could. However, Obi-Wan skillfully evaded Grelb's blaster bolt, which instead struck Jemba squarely in the chest.