Draigons were a type of avian species that originated from an unknown watery planet situated somewhere in the region between Bandomeer and Coruscant. Their diet consisted of fish they caught in the oceans of their home planet, but this was not their only source of sustenance. These creatures possessed [silver](/article/color/legends] scales covering their bodies, powerful legs, large wings with a single claw on each, yellow eyes, and sharp, dagger-like teeth. It was said that Draigons bore a resemblance to flying Ithorian razor sharks.
In the year 44 BBY, Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with a group of Offworld Mining employees, were traveling aboard the freighter Monument when it crash-landed on the Draigon's native world. Initially, Obi-Wan and his Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, thought the Draigons posed no threat; however, they soon discovered this was incorrect. Whiphid criminals, acting under the orders of their Offworld Mining Corporation supervisor, Grelb (who, in turn, was taking instructions from his superior, Jemba), attempted to shoot Qui-Gon as he scaled a cliff in an effort to recover stolen dactyl hidden within a cave in the cliff's face. After retrieving a stash of dactyl, Qui-Gon Jinn leapt from the cliff and landed on a Draigon, persuading it to carry him down to the ground. The blaster fire was agitating the Draigons to the point of frenzy, but the Whiphids were too engrossed in their task to notice.
Eventually, Grelb realized that his subordinates were being consumed by the now-enraged Draigons. Despite his attempt to evade the avian predators by squeezing into a narrow opening, the Hutt was overcome and devoured. Subsequently, other Draigons launched an assault on the Arcona who had sought refuge in the caves, but with the assistance of Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, they were repelled. The two Jedi killed so many Draigons that their accumulated bodies nearly blocked the cave entrance.