
Dairoki, a Human male and one-time Padawan in the Jedi Order, departed from the Order's ranks before his training concluded. He journeyed to Telos IV, where he forged an alliance with Lord Crion and became romantically involved with Crion's daughter, Nason. Following Nason's death, for which Crion held Dairoki accountable, Dairoki escaped from the planet.


Early life

As a Force-sensitive male, Dairoki received his education in the ways of the Force from the Jedi Order at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant. Some time after his selection as a Padawan, an unexplained incident led him to leave the Order and vanish into the galaxy, eventually arriving at the planet of Telos IV.

Agent of change

Around 53 BBY, Lord Crion, who governed Telos IV, devised a strategy to suppress the growing planetary rebellion that posed a threat to his authority, a cause in which Dairoki offered his assistance. Through the strategic use of chaos and individuals from off-world, Dairoki established a connection between the insurgents of Telos IV and the neighboring planet of Toprawa. Given the strong nationalistic sentiments of the Telosians, Crion anticipated that the notion of off-world invaders collaborating with the insurgency would erode any public support for their movement. To that end, Dairoki became a trusted figure within the insurgency, while his connection to Lord Crion remained a closely guarded secret.

Their scheme initiated with the assassination of the High Priestess Liora of the Order of Than-Onna, a peacemaker cherished by all across the political landscape. Dairoki personally carried out this act, employing a Force-push to send the elderly woman plummeting to her demise from a high platform. Crion aimed to implicate Toprawa in this murder, reinforcing the deception that a nearby world was attempting to destabilize their society.

Liora, victim of Dairoki.

Dairoki subsequently convened with Nason, Crion's daughter, within a frozen cave situated outside the city of Thani. Upon noticing her trembling, she attributed it to the cold, but he detected her fear and sought to reassure her. He reminded her of her status as the heir to the planet, emphasizing that their plans would secure both her rise to power and the unification of the world upon her ascension to the throne. Nason acknowledged the rationale behind their actions but expressed reservations about the methods employed.

The Jedi Order, disturbed by the escalating tensions in the Telos system and the murder of the pacifist Liora, dispatched Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Xanatos, alongside Master Tahl and an unassigned Padawan, Orykan Tamarik, to investigate and prevent further conflict. Xanatos, being Crion's son, grappled with conflicting emotions, though Jinn reminded him that this was simply a test. Immediately upon their arrival to the planet, however, they were attacked, and their shuttle was shot down above the Chodo Habat Parkway. Utilizing the Force to ensure their survival, the Jedi emerged from the crash only to face an assault by Telosian rebels. Just as Xanatos was about to be killed by a rebel, Crion and his guard intervened to rescue them. With the battle concluded, Crion welcomed Xanatos back to his homeworld.

The ''Ranger'', Dairoki's collaborator.

Following guidance from Hukowl An Devi, one of Crion's advisors, the Jedi proceeded towards the capital. Concurrently, Dairoki reunited with Nason, inquiring if she had seen her brother since his arrival. Despite Nason's disguise, Dairoki experienced no trouble in recognizing her. He lowered her veil to kiss her, but she cautioned him, prompting him to redirect the conversation towards their political strategies. He reminded her of the necessity of leveraging her relationship with her brother to their advantage, although Nason expressed uncertainty about his susceptibility to manipulation.

The Jedi persisted in their investigation into Liora's murder, visiting the temple where she was slain. Orykan briefly managed to see the murder, but the darkness of the event overwhelmed her, causing her to collapse. Jinn also sensed fragments of what had transpired, becoming convinced that a Jedi had played a role in Liora's death. Meanwhile, Master Tahl visited the city's library in search of further information, and upon her departure encountered a man dressed as an Antarian Ranger who claimed that the attack on the Jedi was intended as a message. Tahl interrupted his conversation, leading the "Ranger" and his two companions to attack her. She defeated the two rebels, but the Ranger escaped, leaving the Jedi with more questions. That night, Jinn shared with Tahl his experience at the temple, describing the attacker's presence as feeling like, "A Jedi. And yet, not a Jedi". Tahl then drew attention to the historical tradition of Antarian Rangers training alongside Jedi, and how Yoda had declined Tahl's offer of enlisting their help in this mission; the two Jedi Masters concluded the night suspecting that a genuine Antarian Ranger may have murdered Liora.

A loss

Later that night, Dairoki once again met with Nason in the frozen cavern outside the capital. She noted his absence from the ceremony commemorating Liora's death, but he explained that while he could infiltrate any location undetected, he could not risk being seen by the Jedi. The man encountered by Tahl was indeed a false Ranger working for Dairoki, which made the scarred former Padawan even more cautious. Nason, despite sensing a shift in their relationship, was pleased that Tahl had been unable to question the "Ranger".

Nason, Dairoki's love.

The following day, Dairoki met with the false Ranger in broad daylight, as the man offered excuses for his close encounter with Tahl. Dairoki expressed dissatisfaction that the man had discarded his Antarian Ranger uniform, as the purpose of associating him with the insurgency was to link the movement to off-world influences. Like the other insurgents, the man remained unaware of Dairoki's manipulations, and Dairoki persuaded him to assist in preventing further attacks by the rebels. He then provided the man with a lightsaber, remarking that he would be remembered for his actions.

In the meantime, Nason and Xanatos engaged in a hoverbike race across the Telosian desert, with the Padawan's sister reminiscing about his past. They paused briefly, but as they resumed racing, Dairoki observed them from behind a nearby outcrop, appearing displeased. Nason and Xanatos returned to the capital, seeking their father. Tahl encountered them just as the sounds of blaster fire erupted nearby. The insurgents had launched an attack against Lord Crion and a small detachment of his guards, surrounding them near a fountain. Xanatos cautioned his sister to stay away as he, Tahl, and a newly arrived Jinn joined the fray. From a darkened alcove nearby, Dairoki watched, seething at the rebels' failure to follow his instructions. He also joined the battle, attacking an insurgent, much to Crion's anger—while Jinn immediately recognized the former Jedi. Nason became trapped during the fight, and as An Devi attempted to reach her, she was fatally shot through her abdomen. Dairoki, consumed by rage, attacked both insurgents and Crion's guards alike. The remaining rebels fled, as did Dairoki, who vowed to act "another day". Crion, in his fury over the loss of his daughter and Dairoki's betrayal, fired at the fleeing man but missed. In the aftermath of the battle, both Jinn and Tahl remarked that they recognized Dairoki by his extensive scars, and Tahl suggested that their mission might indeed be a test for Jinn.

A call to war

Later, the Jedi regrouped as Tahl was being reassigned to a different mission. They further discussed Dairoki's past, speculating that he might be on their side, given his apparent anguish at Nason's death and his actions against the insurgents. Simultaneously, the Ithorian An Devi confronted the Jedi, seeking clarification regarding the supposed Antarian Ranger's appearance and the discovery of a lightsaber on one of the fallen insurgents.

Lord Crion, Dairoki's benefactor.

That night, Jinn, disguised, met with a group of insurgents who believed him to be an arms merchant. Jinn sought further answers to the mysteries that had plagued them since their arrival, but the rebels betrayed the deal and attacked. Jinn ignited his lightsaber, removing his mask and defeating each of the rebels in turn. From a rooftop above, a sniper fired down at him while Dairoki watched from the shadows. After Jinn killed the sniper, Dairoki picked up the man's blaster rifle. The last surviving rebel, a leader named Welleques, was disarmed and questioned by Jinn, who demanded to know why a failed Jedi and an Antarian Ranger were assisting their movement. Welleques smugly claimed that the entire Antarian Ranger corps was involved and began to ask Jinn to let him go when Dairoki shot him in the head, killing him. Jinn turned to find Dairoki watching him and gave chase. However, by the time he reached the rooftop, Dairoki had vanished.

Dairoki then infiltrated Lord Crion's bedchambers, bypassing numerous armed guards and awakening him. Crion yelled at him for being there, but Dairoki reminded him that Nason was the one he was supposed to meet. Crion mocked him, and Dairoki told him that his daughter was much more than just a contact. Crion accused him of causing Nason's death, while Dairoki explained how he had attempted to stall the rebels for longer. Dairoki apologized for his failure to protect Nason, but informed Crion that his planting of the lightsaber should solidify the Antarian connection to the insurgency, and therefore the rebels' connection to Toprawa. Crion dismissed Dairoki's ideas, asserting that if the Jedi had seen him, then his manipulations would not deceive them, especially after Tahl, the only person that could identify the ''ranger'' was called away. Instead, he ordered the failed Padawan to leave the planet immediately. When Dairoki protested, Crion struck him across the face and threatened to end him if he didn't leave his world. Without a word, Dairoki slipped back into the night.

The manipulations of Nason and Dairoki did indeed succeed, however, and the next morning Minister An Devi delivered a speech to scores of Telosians, outlining the supposed conspiracy between the insurgents, the Antarian Rangers, and the Toprawan government. Diplomatic relations with Toprawa were severed, native Telosians were repatriated, and Toprawans were deported from Telos IV. Evoking nationalist sentiments and the memories of Nason and High Priestess Liora, An Devi called for unity and strength. Later that day, Crion himself addressed hundreds of Telosian soldiers. He commanded the military to crush all those who supported the insurgency, even if it meant waging war in their own streets. His son, Xanatos, had abandoned Jinn and joined him, and Crion used his appearance to claim that the Jedi Council supported this action.

Abandoning the mission

Shortly after Crion's call to war and the ensuing violence engulfed the capital, Dairoki slipped into Minister An Devi's apartment as the man watched another Ithorian sleeping. Dairoki assured the minister that they shared the same goals, and An Devi in turn acknowledged recognizing him from his assistance during the attack that killed Nason, as well as remembering his visible grief. Dairoki expressed frustration with Crion's actions, fearing that the lord was losing focus in his mourning. The scarred man worried that after all their efforts to unify Telos IV, Crion would allow the violence to escalate and worsen the situation. He lamented that Nason and Liora's deaths would be in vain, inadvertently revealing that he and Crion were ultimately responsible for both. Horrified, An Devi suddenly attacked him, but Dairoki swiftly kicked out the Ithorian's leg, knocking him to the ground. As An Devi shouted after him, Dairoki fled the minister's apartment and jumped out into the city, declaring aloud that he had had enough of the planet and intended to leave.

All of Dairoki's fears materialized after he fled Telos IV. Widespread violence resulted in countless deaths, while An Devi used the information disclosed by Dairoki to enlist Jinn and Tamarik in helping him quell the chaos. An Devi revealed to all Telosians that there was no external conspiracy and that Crion himself had betrayed them. Although Crion's guards remained loyal to their lord, An Devi's speech incited even more people to rebel against Crion's rule. Jinn pursued Crion, hoping to rescue Xanatos from the madness his father had unleashed, but the lord instead attempted to duel Jinn. Wielding a sword against Jinn's lightsaber, the fight was brief, and Crion fell to his death amidst the decorative fires of his palace. Succumbing to his father's machinations and the dark side of the Force, Xanatos betrayed the Jedi, attacking both Tamarik and Jinn, and disappeared amidst the mob violence that overwhelmed the palace. With the truth behind Crion's conspiracy exposed and with Xanatos and Dairoki abandoning the cause of unifying Telos IV, the civil war ended, and the two sides negotiated a cease-fire.

Personality and traits

Dairoki was a scarred and deformed male, with bloodshot eyes and large scars across his face and scalp. His skin was an ashen grey and his blonde hair seemed to grow only in certain areas.

Dairoki, having been a member of the Jedi Order, possessed some Force powers. He could enter and exit secure buildings unnoticed and was a capable combatant. He also could ascend buildings and leap from rooftops using the Force.

Despite abandoning the Jedi Order, Dairoki did not appear to be entirely consumed by the dark side. He committed the murder of High Priestess Liora without remorse and disregarded the lives of the insurgents and their potential victims, yet he also believed that these deaths should have significance, representing the cost of maintaining Telos IV's unification. He shared a close relationship with Nason and held deep affection for her. While he kept his distance, prioritizing his mission, he did attempt to kiss her publicly at one point. When she was killed by insurgents, he was overwhelmed by grief but sought to prevent the civil war from destroying the planet. After being rejected by both Crion and Minister An Devi, he ultimately abandoned the mission and the planet altogether.

