Orykan Tamarik

Orykan Tamarik was a Padawan of the Twi'lek species, specifically a Rutian female, who dedicated herself to the service of both the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order during the time that Thoris Darus held the position of Supreme Chancellor.


As a Twi'lek who exhibited sensitivity to the Force, Orykan Tamarik underwent training at the Jedi Order's academy located within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to learn how to wield the Force. She was chosen to be the Padawan of Jedi Master Casieck Akinslesh, and under his guidance, she constructed her own lightsaber that emitted a blue blade. The unexpected passing of Akinslesh in 53 BBY had a profound effect on her. After a period of mourning, the Jedi High Council determined it was appropriate to find her a new master. Because Master Tahl was scheduled to accompany Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Xanatos on a mission to Telos IV, the High Council made the decision to evaluate Tamarik's compatibility with the Noorian Jedi Master.

Tamarik felt uneasy around Xanatos, but she was capable of defending herself when insurgents ambushed the Jedi's ship upon their arrival, forcing them to ignite their lightsabers. Tamarik later went with Xanatos and his master to the rooftop where High Priestess Liora was murdered; Tamarik was able to use the Force to sense the actual murder take place while neither Xanatos or Jinn could see it. Tamarik collapsed from the shock of feeling the reverberations of the murder through the Force and was escorted back to her quarters to recover. Later at a gala for Crion, the ruler of Telos, Tamarik began talking with Princess Nason, Xanatos' sister. While attempting to introduce the two, Xanatos made insensitive anti-alien remarks causing brief tension at the party. Meanwhile, Tahl and Jinn discussed Tamarik's future in private but were overheard by both Padawans; Xanatos' jealousy caused him to interpret Jinn's praise of the girl as meaning that she would eventually replace him as the Jedi's apprentice.

When Tahl departed for Landor, Tamarik was left with Jinn, as the mission was assessed as being too risky for her. Tamarik remained in her quarters as civil war broke out across the planet. She subsequently joined Master Jinn in combat when it was revealed that Lord Crion had orchestrated the war to solidify his position as dictator. Tamarik lost her lightsaber and was nearly killed by Crion, but Jinn intervened, slaying the would-be tyrant and throwing his body into the decorative fires within his palace. Xanatos, having just witnessed his master slay his father, attacked Tamarik as his anger rushed over him. Wearing the Twi'lek down easily, Xanatos was distracted by Jinn and was unable to achieve his goal of finishing Tamarik off with his lightsaber. As the fighting erupted over the capital, Jinn and Tamarik were able to escape, while Xanatos disappeared into the fray. While Tamarik returned by shuttle to the Jedi Temple, Jinn refused to return as he had to meditate on his failures with his former apprentice.

