Places of worship and learning for various organizations were known as Temples. The following temples might be what you're looking for:
- Located on Tatooine, the B'omarr monastery
- Situated on Devaron, the Temple of Eedit
- The Temple of the True Vine
- The Temple of Central Isopter
- Found on Tython, the Force-henge
- The B'omarr monastery on Tatooine
- The Dark Force Temple located on Dromund Kaas
- The Hidden Temple
- The Temple of Fire on Yavin IV
- The Temple of Pomojema on Mimban
- The Temple of the Ancients on Lehon
- The Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster on Yavin IV
- The Temple of the Creator on Coruscant
- The Temple of Exar Kun on Yavin IV
- The Temple of the Infinite Spirit on J't'p'tan
- The Temple of the Modeler on Coruscant
- The Temple of Pain within the Tascollan Nebula
- The Temples of Vormijj on Pamorjal
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