
Pamorjal, a planetary body, was situated within the Pamorjal system, found in the Expansion Region region of space, according to galactic legends. Its planetary designation is planet.

Geographic features

This world, Pamorjal, held the position of fourth planet within the Pamorjal system, orbiting the star known as Garbat. Its surface was predominantly covered by dense jungles, alongside numerous swamps and lakes, but lacked extensive open ocean areas. Notably, the Pamorjal Badlands, a desolate and barren landscape, was situated within its southern hemisphere.


Millennia prior to the events of the Galactic Civil War, a conflict unfolded on Pamorjal between a Dark Jedi and a contingent of Jedi. The Dark Jedi wielded a dark side artifact named the Soulsaber, and its use resulted in the creation of the Badlands. Ultimately, the Jedi prevailed against their adversary, and the surviving Jedi Masters departed with the Soulsaber, intending to conceal it. The remaining Jedi Knights stayed on Pamorjal and erected the Temples of Vormijj, within which they concealed a map leading to the Soulsaber's hidden location.

Pamorjal remained largely isolated from the broader galaxy until approximately two decades before the Galactic Civil War, when it fell under the dominion of the Galactic Empire. The planet was governed by Imperial Governor Taj Vellion, who delegated much of the day-to-day administration to the Pamorjal planetary ruling council. The wood derived from Garna trees, a tree species native to Pamorjal, gained popularity in the Core Worlds, leading mega-corporations like TaggeCo to initiate extensive harvesting operations. An underground resistance movement, known as the Pamorjal Freeman's League, or PFL, emerged to oppose the mega-corporations and launched attacks against their assets on the planet, in an attempt to drive them away.

In the year 3 ABY, the Dark Jedi Thaum Rystra journeyed to Pamorjal with the objective of uncovering the Soulsaber's location. A group of agents from the Rebel Alliance were in pursuit of him, and upon their arrival on the planet, they were ambushed at the Temples of Vormijj by the PFL, who had been misled by Rystra into believing that the Alliance agents posed a threat to them.

