The Tascollan Nebula represented a nebula situated within the expanse of the Outer Rim Territories.
Contained within the Abrion sector of the Outer Rim Territories, the Tascollan Nebula was characterized by the presence of a solitary star.
During the era of the Great Hyperspace War, the Sith consort known as Valik Kodank undertook the construction of a Sith Temple, specifically the Temple of Pain, inside the nebula; she also endeavored to utilize certain Sith artifacts in an attempt to relocate the temple to the heart of a local sun. However, her scheme backfired, resulting in the temple's placement within an asteroid instead.

Subsequently, in the period preceding the Clone Wars, the Rodian slaver named Gomalo exploited the nebula, abandoning a carbonite slab containing the frozen Jedi Knight Ji-Ad Sarain to drift within it. Gomalo fashioned a bas-relief sculpture that pinpointed the carbonite's location. Sarain's retrieval eventually occurred during the Clone Wars, facilitated by a group of individuals hailing from the Cularin system.
Thaum Rystra later journeyed to the nebula and became an apprentice to Kodank's spirit. Subsequently, in 7 ABY, he lured a group of New Republic operatives to the location.
The Tascollan Nebula was originally conceived for the roleplaying adventure titled Light and Dark. It was later subjected to retconned to be the nebula featured in the adventure Portrait of the Artist as a Young Rodian. Dan Wallace, in a blog entry, wrote the name of the nebula as "Tascallon."