Bas-relief sculpture

Gomalo's bas–relief sculpture A particular kind of sculpture was the bas–relief sculpture. One such piece was created by Gomalo, a Rodian slaver. This sculpture portrayed a Tynnan, a Tarasin, a Rodian, and a Twi'lek, all displaying the emblem of the swoop gang known as the Dark Star Hellions. Rather than depicting specific people, this artwork functioned as an encoded map pointing to planets situated along the Corellian Run: specifically, Tynna, Cularin, Rodia, and Ryloth. A fifth star indicated the location of a nebula where Gomalo had hidden the carbonite-encased body of Jedi Knight Ji-Ad Sarain. Cham and Nog Teleus, Tynnan industrialists, came to own the sculpture; however, it was subsequently stolen. As a safeguard, Cham and Nog retained a holographic representation of the sculpture, even though they didn't value it highly. After Sarain was rescued, Cham and Nog rewarded those who saved him with miniature datapad-sized replicas of the sculpture, in addition to two hundred credits each for the recovery of the majority of their stolen art collection.

