An almost untouched world located within the Koornacht Cluster, J't'p'tan (more commonly referred to as Doornik-628E) became inhabited by the Galandan people (originating from Galand). These settlers were followers of a religious sect known as H'kig, seeking refuge from a conflict on Rishi. The planet's name originated from four revered glyphs: "Jeh" (representing the Immanent), "Teh" (representing the Transcendent), "Peh" (representing the Eternal), and "Tan" (representing the Conscious Essence). Notably, only the final glyph was deemed sufficiently secular to be written out in full.
J't'p'tan landscape, around the Temple of the Infinite Spirit
Over many years, the H'kig dedicated themselves to the construction of the Temple of the Infinite Spirit, a significant religious structure. Towards the end of the Empire's reign, a Force-sensitive group known as the Fallanassi sought refuge on J't'p'tan, having fled Lucazec in the Outer Rim. During the Yevetha's "Great Purge," the Fallanassi shielded the H'kig and their temple. They achieved this by using a Force illusion to make it appear as though the temple was already destroyed, thereby eliminating any perceived targets. Following the New Republic's victory over the Yevetha, the Fallanassi departed, and J't'p'tan faded back into obscurity.