The Eastern Enrichment Zone represented one of several Agricultural Corps Enrichment Zones situated on the planet of Bandomeer. Within the Eastern Enrichment Zone was the Enrichment Dome along with an administration building, the workplace of the Meerian named RonTha. The AgriCorps personnel stationed here were conducting research on Dactyl, a yellow crystal vital for the survival of the Arcona when residing on planets other than their homeworld. The researchers aimed to integrate this crystal into the standard food supply.
In 44 BBY, Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn dispatched his [apprentice](/article/padawan/legends] in training, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to the Eastern Enrichment Zone. His mission was to gain insight into the AgriCorps' endeavors at the facility and subsequently provide a progress report.
The young adult novel Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival, which is the second book in the Jedi Apprentice series authored by Jude Watson, included the Eastern Enrichment Zone.