Lake level

The lake level was a five-story structure contained inside the Jedi Temple walls on Coruscant. Functioning as a place for meditative retreat, the lake and its surrounding beach offered a space for quiet reflection and contemplation.


This expansive chamber, constructed within the Temple Ziggurat, underwent multiple destructions and subsequent reconstructions throughout the Temple's extended history. It reached its completion in 1000 BBY under the governance of the Galactic Republic.

In 44 BBY, a series of robberies erupted within the Temple, prompting the Jedi High Council to task Jedi Masters Tahl and Qui-Gon Jinn with leading the investigation. After Jinn's quarters were breached, Master Tahl, despite her blindness, detected an unfamiliar scent originating from the lake within Jinn's room. Jinn then summoned Bant Eerin, the Mon Calamari Padawan, and instructed her to search the bottom of the vast pool for potential clues. Upon resurfacing, Eerin presented a chest resembling those used on her home planet, Dac. Inside the airtight compartment, Eerin revealed the stolen items from the Temple, which included the lightsaber belonging to former Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Shortly thereafter, Jinn and Tahl returned to the lake, intending to set a trap for the elusive thief plaguing the Temple. Due to increased security measures, the lake level's lights were deactivated, allowing the two Masters to move discreetly throughout the chamber. As Jinn prepared to apprehend a suspect, Tahl's Council-appointed navigation droid, TooJay, suddenly appeared and alerted the intruder, causing them to escape. Despite the failed trap, Jinn managed to catch a glimpse of the thief, identifying him as Padawan Bruck Chun.

Upon his return to the Temple, former Padawan Kenobi strolled around the lake with Eerin, contemplating how to demonstrate his commitment to the Order and the sincerity of his request for readmittance to the Council. During their walk, they noticed a horizontal turbolift car hanging precariously from a damaged shaft. Reacting swiftly, Kenobi accessed the service stairway to reach the room's lighting bank. Carefully entering the shattered shaft, Kenobi assisted Master Ali-Alann in evacuating the group of youngling clan he was leading to the nearest dining hall. Meanwhile, Eerin, having discovered the turbolift control malfunction, rushed to the High Council Tower to inform the Council. The esteemed members swiftly arrived at the lake and employed the Force to stabilize the car while the younglings were safely escorted out. After returning to ground level, the Council expressed gratitude to Eerin for her quick thinking while reprimanding Kenobi for acting independently. Citing safety concerns, the Council deemed the lake level unsafe and closed it for repairs.

Soon after Jinn and Tahl uncovered Xanatos, a Dark Jedi, as the mastermind behind the attacks, Eerin informed Jinn about the tunnels located beneath the lake. Jinn, Kenobi, and Eerin entered the lake and dove deep, accessing a hidden grate within a boulder. Navigating through the tunnel, they emerged into the main water service tunnel, which supplied water to the Temple's fountains and reflecting pools in that sector. After searching the tunnels, Jinn confronted Xanatos near the water purification units. Following a brief duel, Xanatos escaped, and Jinn and the Padawans retreated to the lake.

Decades later, as the devastating Clone Wars drew to a close, the Republic, which the Jedi had faithfully served, was dissolved and replaced by the Galactic Empire. By order of Contingency Order 66, the Temple was placed under martial law. Led by Darth Vader, the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic stormed the Temple, executing its inhabitants and causing significant damage. The Temple's lake level was left in ruins, the water supply cut off, causing the plants to wither and the water to become stagnant and murky.

For several decades, the lake level remained silent, gradually decaying due to neglect and disuse. With the demise of Sith Lords Darth Sidious and Vader, the Empire's power waned, eventually leading to its removal from Coruscant by the New Republic. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Coruscant suffered extensive damage from terraforming, causing the Temple to collapse and expose parts of its foundation. When the Galactic Alliance reclaimed the planet, Chief of State Cal Omas commissioned the Reconstruction Authority to rebuild the ancient structure as a tribute to the immense sacrifices made by the reformed Order against the Yuuzhan Vong. Although the structure was rebuilt using the original blueprints, it remains uncertain whether the lake level was reconstructed or replaced.


The lake level, situated within the Jedi Temple, comprised five stories of the massive building. Upon entering, the chamber's atmosphere was said to evoke the sensation of standing on a planet's surface. The floor was adorned with grass and flowering plants, and trees were strategically positioned near benches and rocks. An expansive lake occupied the center of the chamber, its clear green water gently lapping against the sandy beach. Younger apprentices often frequented the lake between classes for a relaxing swim in its tranquil waters. The lake's bottom, lined with stones and sand, concealed portals leading to the Temple's extensive water tunnels, which extended to the vast purification complex.

To enhance the illusion of being outdoors, the lake level's ceiling was equipped with carefully arranged light banks that simulated the appearance of the outside sky. Catwalks and service stairways, used by Temple employees to maintain the lighting systems, were located beyond the illusion. Furthermore, a horizontal turbolift traversed above the lake, connecting the dormitories to a dining hall.

