The living quarters of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant encompassed several areas of the ancient structure. These included nurseries for younglings, sleeping areas for Padawans, the Knights' Billet, and private chambers for the Jedi Masters. In addition, a section was set aside for visitors, offering space for diplomats awaiting meetings with the Jedi High Council.
The accommodation sector was integrated into the Jedi Temple during various expansions following its initial construction in 3996 BBY. It reached its final, recognizable form around 1000 BBY.
Back in 88.5 BBY, Padawans Dooku and Lorian Nod secretly entered Master Thame Cerulian's private room. Their goal was to find anything that could provide Dooku with insight into his new master's thoughts. While examining Cerulian's collection of holobooks, Dooku came across a text detailing the method for accessing the Dark Holocron housed within the Temple Library. Later, after the holocron's disappearance became known, Dooku hurried to Nod's room, where he discovered the young man suffering from the effects of using the Sith artifact. High Council member Oppo Rancisis arrived shortly after Dooku, seized the artifact, and instructed the two to await summons from the High Council.
During the time of the series of robberies that plagued the Temple, Masters Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl were tasked by the High Council with leading the investigation. Jinn met Tahl in her quarters, where he was introduced to her new assistant droid, TooJay. This droid had been given to her after she lost her sight during the Mission to Melida/Daan. During the investigation, Qui-Gon's quarters were broken into by Bruck Chun, an apprentice working with the Dark Jedi Xanatos. Although nothing was stolen, Tahl detected a distinct odor in Jinn's room, which she traced back to the Temple lake level. Later, in Tahl's chambers, Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, met with Padawan Siri Tachi to discuss her knowledge of Chun's past. Jinn expressed his suspicion that Xanatos was working with Chun, a suggestion that made Tahl wary. After Xanatos revealed himself, the Temple's energy systems began to fluctuate. The senior students' wing experienced extreme heat and had to be flushed by Knight Miro Daroon. Due to the threat to the students at the Temple, Jinn and Tahl ordered them all to move to the heart of the Temple and set up temporary dormitories. Soon after, Jinn confronted Xanatos and successfully drove him from the Temple. Shortly afterward, the dormitories reopened, and the students returned to their rooms. After Tahl's death, Jinn would wander the Temple halls in the early morning, only returning to his quarters when Kenobi brought him sapir tea. One morning, near dawn, Master Yoda confronted Jinn and warned him about his inability to let go. Jinn heeded this simple scolding, and the late-night walks ceased.

During the 33 BBY Yinchorri Uprising, a group of Yinchorri warriors infiltrated the Jedi Temple as part of a plan devised by the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Sidious. After entering the atrium of the High Council Tower, the Yinchorri moved quickly through the Temple without encountering any resistance. They searched the living spaces of the youngest Jedi, intending to eliminate the Order's future generation of warriors, but were surprised to find them empty. Returning to the atrium, they were ambushed by the Jedi Masters present in the Temple, and all of the intruders were defeated.
In Master Anoon Bondara's quarters, Padawan Darsha Assant explained how she had failed her Jedi Trials in the Coruscant underworld. Assigned to recover the Fondorian Oolth, Assant had allowed him to fall to his death. Not believing he was dead, Master Bondara accompanied Assant to check the area for his body. On this mission, Bondara was attacked and killed by Darth Maul, the secret Sith apprentice of the elusive Darth Sidious.
Despite the ongoing battles of the Clone Wars, life in the Temple continued with lightsaber practice and military strategizing. Diplomats and envoys frequently moved in and out of the visitor accommodations, authorized to use the Temple's public areas without Jedi escort or guard. During the war, Governor Wilhuff Tarkin brought an armored Boba Fett into the Temple at the request of Anakin Skywalker. Claiming to have crucial information for the Office of the Supreme Chancellor, Fett refused to reveal his identity, intending to make another attempt to assassinate Mace Windu, the man who had killed his father. Sneaking out of his temporary room, Fett quickly headed to the Council Members' level, only to discover Windu's quarters were empty.
During the final months of the war, Padawan Whie Malreaux was stationed at the Temple with his master, Maks Leem. He was tormented by nightmares while sleeping in the Temple dormitories. In these dreams, he saw a dark woman forcing him to kiss a wounded girl, and later, his own death at the hands of a lightsaber-wielding horror.
The Clone Wars concluded with Master Windu uncovering the truth: Darth Sidious and Chancellor Palpatine were the same person. Moving to arrest the Sith, Windu was killed by Anakin Skywalker, who had turned traitor and become Darth Vader. To catch the Jedi off guard, Sidious ordered Vader to lead the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic to seize the Temple and massacre its occupants. While the senior Padawans and Knights were armed, many of the younglings hid in their rooms, waiting for the attack to end. However, the Jedi protecting the dormitories were killed, and the clone troopers rushed in and shot the children in their beds.
Shortly after the Temple was occupied by the Galactic Empire, former Jedi Ferus Olin infiltrated the Temple to find the rumored Jedi Prison. Using a service corridor from one of the Council spires, Olin headed toward the accommodation sector to position himself closer to the Room of a Thousand Fountains several levels below. While in the area, Olin and Flume noticed that the accommodation sector was not as heavily damaged as the rest of the Temple.
When Sidious and Vader were killed, the Empire lost its balance and was eventually ousted from Coruscant. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Coruscant was devastated by terraforming, causing the Temple to crumble. Following the planet's reclamation, the Galactic Alliance Chief of State, Cal Omas, ordered the Reconstruction Authority to rebuild the ancient structure as a tribute to the Order's great sacrifices against the Yuuzhan Vong.
Rebuilt to resemble its state from decades prior, the accommodation sector began to fill with Padawans and Knights as the restored Jedi Order grew. In the Knights' Billet, Grand Master Luke Skywalker summoned Knights Tahiri Veila, Tesar Sebatyne, and Lowbacca to discuss their connection to the Killiks nests. He determined they were Joiners and that their judgment was compromised, exiling them to Dagobah for meditation and reflection.

Situated in the northwest corner of the Temple, the accommodation sector occupied the floors directly beneath the Jedi Archives and Library. Divided into several levels, the sector included nurseries, youngling dormitories, the Knights' Billet, private rooms for senior Knights and Masters, temporary residences for Knights between assignments, and visitor quarters for diplomats and politicians visiting the Temple. Like the rest of the Temple, the rooms contained minimal furniture, providing only essential items, and featured pillars.
The Temple nurseries, overseen by older Jedi, housed the youngest Initiates brought to Coruscant by the Acquisition Division. As they grew older, the younglings were sorted into clans and placed in dormitories supervised by a clan leader. The dormitories in the accommodation sector were large enough to house an entire clan of initiates, each overseen by a Jedi Knight or Master. Once the Initiates were chosen to become Padawans, they moved into slightly more private chambers within the dorms, all located along a central hallway. These chambers were equipped with a small cot and a desk. All rooms were designed to maintain an atmosphere suitable for the different species of Jedi within the Order. Bant Eerin was known to maintain a moist, humid atmosphere in her room due to her Mon Calamari biology.
Young Knights were placed in the Knights Billet, a more spacious dorm environment that included a common room, snack annex, and lightsaber training dojo. After years of active duty, Knights regularly based at the Temple were granted their own private quarters with connections to the Archives and Library databases. Like the Masters' chambers, these rooms had closets and bookcases concealed by sliding panels. Each room contained a sleep couch, a sofa, a workbench, and a table with chairs.
In addition to the permanent residences, temporary living quarters were assigned to Jedi undertaking long missions. During the Clone Wars, Jedi like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were assigned these quarters due to their constant assignments during the conflict. Like the other accommodations, these rooms were maintained by Temple employees and cleaning droids.