The private residence of a prominent member of the High Council, Mace Windu, who previously held the title of Master of the Order, served as his personal space from the time he joined the High Council until the Order's demise during the Great Jedi Purge.
Upon his appointment to the High Council, these living spaces were given to Master Windu. Within these walls, Windu would engage in meditation to connect with the Force and provide guidance to any Jedi seeking his wisdom.
Following the events of the Mission to Er'stacia, Master Windu convened with Yoda in his private rooms to discuss the mission's outcome. Later, while engaged in meditation together, they received a communication from Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was investigating the attempted assassination of Senator Padmé Amidala on the planet Kamino. During his time on the water-covered world, Kenobi had an audience with Prime Minister Lama Su, who revealed the existence of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Jedi Masters were taken aback by Prime Minister Su's claim that the Jedi Council had commissioned the army's creation and were even more troubled by their inability to sense its development through the Force. Recognizing the diminished clarity of the Force, they resolved to conceal their weakening abilities to avoid bolstering the confidence of the emerging and enigmatic Sith Lord.
Shortly after the First Battle of Geonosis marked the beginning of the Clone Wars, Windu gathered with Master Tholme and Jedi Quinlan Vos to discuss a proposed clandestine operation aimed at infiltrating the highest levels of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Vos expressed his desire to leverage his extensive network of informants to gain proximity to Count Dooku and uncover the identity of the second Sith. Windu indicated his willingness to consider the proposal, but emphasized the need to consult with Master Yoda before Vos could embark on the mission. With Yoda's approval secured, Vos departed from the Temple and initiated his prolonged campaign to destabilize the Separatists.
While Jedi Kenobi was undertaking a covert mission on Zigoola, Master Yoda experienced a distress signal through the Force from the troubled Jedi. In the early hours of the morning, as the rest of the Temple remained asleep, Yoda urgently made his way to Windu's room and awakened him. Upon sitting up on his sleeping pallet, Windu concurred that Yoda should dispatch non-Jedi assistance to prevent succumbing to the influence of the Sith presence on the planet.
Following the Battle of Xagobah, the young bounty hunter Boba Fett encountered Jedi Anakin Skywalker and conveyed that he possessed critical information for the Supreme Chancellor. Skywalker arranged for Governor Wilhuff Tarkin to escort the bounty hunter to the Jedi Temple until arrangements could be made with the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. Once inside, Fett began devising a plan to assassinate Master Windu. In the time leading up to Windu's scheduled visit to the Chancellor's Office, Fett stealthily navigated through the Temple's service corridors to reach the Council Members' Level. Preparing to eliminate the Master, Fett opened Windu's door only to find the room unoccupied. Concluding that Windu had recently departed, the bounty hunter jumped out of the window and utilized his jetpack to fly to the Senate Building.
Windu was present at the Temple when Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was revealed to be the elusive Darth Sidious. As one of the few individuals in the galaxy to uncover this shocking truth, Windu proceeded to the Chancellor's Office and attempted to arrest the Sith Lord. Ultimately falling victim to the Sith, Windu met his demise, and the Temple was seized by the Grand Army's 501st Legion during Operation: Knightfall.
Situated on the Council Members' Level of the High Council Tower, access to the room was granted through a dark-colored door located off a corridor that encircled the tower's central core. The room, characterized by its bare and hexagonal design, was sparsely furnished with a few meditation cushions and a sleeping cot. A slender holoprojector occupied the center of the room, enabling Windu to receive updates from Jedi operating in the field. Adorned in a rusty-red color scheme, the chamber was surrounded by pillars that framed windows offering views of the cityscape of Galactic City.

Initially, Mace Windu's room within the Jedi Temple was intended to be a formal office, featuring a desk where Mace would receive Obi-Wan Kenobi's report. However, George Lucas believed that the Jedi would not maintain office spaces within the Temple, leading to Mace's chamber adopting the Spartan aesthetic reminiscent of Yoda's quarters.
In the original shooting script, the scene set in Mace's quarters was initially designated as taking place in Yoda's chamber.