The Mission to Zigoola, which unfolded in 22 BBY during the era of the Clone Wars, involved a scheme orchestrated by Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. His target: Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Senator Bail Prestor Organa. The setting: the isolated planet of Zigoola, situated in Wild Space, and the location of a Sith temple.
Prior to the Clone Wars, while serving as the key negotiator between Alderaan and Chandrila for a joint mining project, Organa was approached by a group known as the Friends of the Republic. This group furnished him with critical data that enabled him to avert a significant diplomatic and humanitarian crisis, one that Organa believed threatened to engulf much of the Galactic Republic. Subsequently, he maintained contact with the Friends of the Republic, periodically receiving intelligence related to the impending war. In 22 BBY, the Friends contacted him via a secure comlink, revealing information about a society of beings wielding the dark side of the Force, known as the Sith, who were plotting an attack against the Jedi Order. Organa immediately shared this information with his friend, Senator Padmé Amidala, who had previously assisted the Jedi and whom he regarded as an honorary Jedi. After hearing the information, Amidala contacted the Jedi Temple, requesting Obi-Wan Kenobi to meet at her residence. There, Organa relayed the information to him, a tale which the Jedi Master met with skepticism. The meeting concluded shortly thereafter, with Kenobi promising to remain vigilant and aware of potential threats. Some days later, Organa received another message from the Friends, this time providing the specific location of a Sith temple on Zigoola. The Senator bypassed Amidala this time, contacting Kenobi at the Jedi Temple directly and meeting at Organa's apartment, where he informed his Jedi confidante that he had initial coordinates and would be making the trip to Zigoola with or without Jedi assistance. Deeming it too dangerous for a politician with limited combat experience to undertake such a crucial mission alone, Kenobi sought and received permission from the Temple to accompany Organa on his journey.
The operation unfolded across multiple phases, beginning as Organa's personal vessel departed Coruscant's airspace, triggering a pre-recorded message that notified the Friends of his readiness to receive coordinates. The initial leg of the journey took them to the region bordering Kuat, followed by a course to Atzerri. Despite their initial mutual dislike, the two travelers passed the time playing sabacc and engaging in philosophical discussions, with Kenobi meditating periodically and Organa attending to political matters for the Senate. While awaiting their next set of coordinates on Atzerri, Kenobi experienced intense nightmares during his meditations, but dismissed them as the Friends instructed them to proceed to Munto Codru, situated in the remote Outer Rim.
Near Munto Codru, the coordinates pointed to a single landmark: a dilapidated space station, which the two companions concluded was the headquarters of the Friends of the Republic. As Organa's vessel docked, it became increasingly evident that a recent conflict had occurred. Through examining discarded weapons and bodies, Kenobi determined that the station had been attacked by pirates. Quickly navigating the station, the pair reached the command center, where they found a woman fending off the remaining attackers and their assault droids. Largely through the employment of the Force and a lightsaber, the Kalarba pirates were defeated, and the woman revealed herself as Alinta, Organa's contact. With it becoming clear that Alinta had suffered a mortal wound, she made sure to provide the men with the final coordinates needed to reach Zigoola. She died soon after, giving them her final instructions to destroy the space station as they leave. Although Organa was initially hesitant, Kenobi upheld his pledge and the Friends of the Republic were obliterated into space.
Alinta's last coordinates guided the two into Wild Space, where they indeed located the Sith planet. With some apprehension, Kenobi attempted to land the ship, only to be overwhelmed by a Sith presence in his mind, compelling him to Force choke Organa and crash the yacht. While the Jedi Master managed to regain control just in time, he could not prevent their only means of transportation from crashing onto the planet's surface. After awakening and holding a brief discussion by firelight with his companion, Kenobi concluded that their only chance of survival was to reach the Sith temple and use an artifact to contact a Jedi at the Temple. Having spotted their destination during the crash landing, Kenobi and Organa began their journey, enduring days of intense Sith mental assaults; several complete breakdowns including one in a forest which led to a scathing lightsaber assault against the hallucination of Asajj Ventress darting through trees; and several recursions back into haunting memories such as firebeetles, the deaths of Tayvor Mandirly, Xanatos, and Qui-Gon Jinn and his and Anakin Skywalker's mutilation at the hands of Count Dooku during the Battle of Geonosis. Through heavy rain and lightning, Kenobi and Organa struggled towards the temple, utilizing Kenobi's discovery that pain dulled the Sith voices and instructing Organa to use his lightsaber whenever necessary. Although they reached the temple in more or less one piece, Kenobi collapsed just outside, forcing Organa to enter alone, despite his complete ignorance of the artifacts' functions. Realizing this, the Senator crawled outside and forced Kenobi to accompany him, tortuously finding a crystal that enhanced long-distance Force communication.
Meditating deeply on Coruscant, Grand Master Yoda sensed Kenobi's call, along with a powerful dark side presence that posed a mortal threat to any Jedi sent to rescue him. He contacted Padmé Amidala directly, requesting her to undertake the mission to Zigoola with Captain Korbel. Amidala accepted and completed the mission without incident, successfully rescuing Kenobi and Organa and returning them to Coruscant.
Kenobi's interaction with the artifacts triggered security measures within the Sith temple, causing its collapse and destroying its dark power and all dark side weapons contained within. Despite the severe injuries and exhaustion suffered during the mission, both Kenobi and Organa achieved their objective and forged a lasting bond, leading to Kenobi's trust in Organa as the adoptive father of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala's daughter Leia Organa Solo.