The Knights' Billet served as a residential area. It was comprised of dormitories and was situated within the accommodation sector of the New Jedi Order's Temple.
Following the Yuuzhan Vong's defeat, Cal Omas, the Galactic Alliance's Chief of State, authorized the construction of a new Jedi Temple. This was to replace the structure that had been originally routed by the Galactic Empire. The Reconstruction Authority handled the construction. They utilized salvaged blueprints from the Galactic Civil War to build the new Temple's interior. The Knights' Billet was finished when the rest of the Temple was completed. It remains unknown whether it was a new construction or a reconstruction of a previous location.
During the Dark Nest Crisis, most of the Order's Jedi Knights were away from the Temple. They were on assignments, either tracking down pirates or collaborating with Admiral Nek Bwua'tu in the Utegetu Nebula. This left the Billet almost empty. Luke Skywalker, who had recently been appointed Grand Master, summoned Knights Lowbacca, Tesar Sebatyne, and Tahiri Veila to the Billet. They were to meet with him and Master Cilghal to discuss their possible involvement in a security breach between the Order and Bornaryn Trading. The Grand Master found the Wookiee and Barabel Jedi waiting in the conversation salon. He allowed Jedi Veila to continue her lightsaber training in the exercise pen. Veila eventually entered the room to involve herself in an argument between the Masters and the Knights. Skywalker claimed that the Knights were still influenced by UnuThul of the Killiks and were leaking Order secrets to influence the High Council's decision to launch a preemptive strike against the Chiss and Killik forces. After constant dodging and pointless accusations, Skywalker labeled the Jedi as Killik Joiners and ordered them to go on a meditative retreat to Dagobah, warning that failure to stay on Dagobah would be considered their resignation.
The Billet, situated in the Temple's accommodation sector, consisted of several private sleeping quarters for the Order's many Jedi Knights. This tenth-floor accommodation suite also featured a conversation salon, a snack galley, and an exercise pen. The salon was furnished with tables and chairs for Knights to engage in in-depth discussions about politics or the Force. The exercise pen, located at the end of the main hallway, had a transparisteel window. This allowed those in the hall to watch the training taking place inside.