Temple employee

The personnel of the Temple were citizens from the Galactic Republic who were hired by the Jedi Order. Their purpose was to keep the Jedi Temple on Coruscant in working order.


Old Jedi Order

The Temple was a sprawling structure that acted as the primary location for the Jedi Order to train students and house knights. Because of this, it always needed to be maintained and kept in good repair. Within the Temple Precinct, Jedi held offices where they were tasked with hiring and supervising non-Jedi workers who cleaned and maintained the Temple's vast collection of artifacts, all under the direction of the Council of Reassignment. Jedi would employ supervisors to oversee and guide these workers.

The jobs were categorized into distinct groups. These factions included maintenance, technicians, caretakers, and security. Maintenance workers ensured the functionality of doors, turbolifts, and droids. The Temple housed a fleet of maintenance droids that were deployed for basic checks and repairs. Technicians primarily focused on the electrical, temperature, and lighting systems within the Temple. There was also a specialized subdivision responsible for the upkeep of starfighters and transports located in the Temple's hangars. Caretakers were responsible for polishing statues, shining marble surfaces, dusting holobooks, and performing other tasks to enhance the Temple's aesthetic appeal. Droids were also available to assist with these duties. Non-Force sensitive members of the Temple Security Force collaborated with the Jedi brutes and snipers to protect the Temple from intruders.

Maintenance corridors were constructed alongside the main halls, allowing workers to move discreetly. These halls were dimly lit, sparsely decorated, and often cluttered with storage crates, creating a bleak and incongruous atmosphere. Laundry chutes connected to automated laundry facilities located behind the main hall's façade. Jedi Initiates often speculated that descending through these chutes was impossible, although they never specified how this was prevented.

During the waning years of the Republic, Lorn Pavan worked as a maintenance worker for the Jedi until he was compelled to resign after attempting to contact his son, Jax Pavan, who was training at the Temple's academy. In addition, the Jinzler family were employed within the Temple, as their daughter was also a member of the Order. When the Clone Wars began in 22 BBY, public sentiment turned against the Jedi, leading to increased security at the Temple. During the Temple bombing during the war, several mechanics were killed, including demolitions expert Jackar Bowmani.

During Operation: Knightfall at the end of the war, the Grand Army of the Republic invaded the Temple and began massacring its inhabitants, including both Jedi and their support staff. Some of the employees who managed to escape later joined Whiplash, an underground anti-Imperial organization dedicated to dismantling the Empire and restoring the Republic.

New Jedi Order

Years after the Galactic Empire's downfall, the New Jedi Order once again hired citizens to maintain the new Jedi Temple and the Ossus Academy. When both locations were evacuated during Darth Caedus's rule, the caretakers accompanied the Jedi to help maintain secrecy.

