Jedi brute was a designation employed by the Jedi Order. It denoted one of the four rank positions within the Coruscant Jedi Temple Security Force. These brutes, together with the Gate Master, snipers, and Jedi Temple Guard, formed the initial defense against threats like agitators, fanatics, and those participating in riots.
Upon a Jedi Knight starting their own studies, separate from their Jedi Master, they could choose one of three Jedi classes: Guardian, Consular, or Sentinel. A Jedi Temple Security Force brute was a Guardian who specialized as a Peacekeeper stationed on Coruscant.
Typically, Temple brutes, who were stationed within the Temple Precinct, possessed imposing physiques and favored the use of double-bladed lightsabers when defending the Temple. Unlike the snipers, the brutes engaged in close-quarters combat.
The rank of Temple brute can be traced back to the era of the Ruusan Reformation and the subsequent restructuring of the Jedi Order under Grand Master Fae Coven. In her manual, The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, she formalized the Jedi's ranks and responsibilities. The term "Jedi Brute" remained in use until the Order's disbandment in 19 BBY. The Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic was revealed to be a Sith Lord, he promptly commanded the Grand Army of the Republic to attack the Jedi to prevent his removal. Darth Vader, the new apprentice of Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord, led the 501st Legion against the Temple in Operation: Knightfall as part of Contingency Order 66. The Temple's brutes mounted a valiant defense against the Sith and his forces, but they were greatly outnumbered. By the end of the assault, the brutes were largely, if not entirely, defeated.
Leland Chee has stated that the term "Jedi brute" was originally a gameplay term for a specific type of enemy, rather than a term used within the Jedi Order itself. Its inclusion in Daniel Wallace's The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force later changed this.