Thame Cerulian

Thame Cerulian, a celebrated Human male Corellian Jedi Master, dedicated his life to the service of the Jedi Order as a Consular. His tenure occurred near the close of the Golden Age of the Old Republic. Notably, he mentored the future Sith Lord and esteemed Jedi Knight, Count Dooku.


Thame Cerulian, a male Human, was brought to the Coruscant Jedi Temple in his infancy. He was then inducted into the Thranta Clan as a Jedi Initiate. His initial instruction came directly from Grand Master Yoda himself. Around 115 BBY, Cerulian received a copy of The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, a guide for Jedi Order members. He made several annotations in its pages, revealing his ambition to master Control abilities, which he felt were often overlooked by his peers. He also expressed his belief that he would become proficient in the Soresu lightsaber form. Known for his inquisitive nature and occasional playful comments, Cerulian boldly claimed he could win a smashball competition against Jedi High Council member Master Omo Bouri by utilizing a Five-point defense. However, his apprentice Dooku later noted in the book that Thame had limited knowledge of smashball.

After Cerulian successfully completed the Initiate Trials and graduated from the Jedi academy, he was chosen as a Padawan by the respected Jedi Master Unskette. Cerulian, proud to wear the robes of a Padawan, accompanied Unskette across the galaxy, diligently practicing the third form of lightsaber combat during their travels. During one journey, Cerulian and Unskette faced three chain-sickle wielding assassins on Filve, narrowly escaping with their lives. On another occasion, they arrived on Orto and discovered a Force-sensitive child suitable for joining the Order. However, the child's parents refused to give up their infant, even resorting to throwing stones at the Jedi, leading them to refer the case to the High Council. Later in his apprenticeship, after encountering a Matukai adept, Cerulian played a role in brokering peace with the Colicoids of Colla IV, a feat he considered worthy of being part of his Jedi Trials. When Cerulian had absorbed all the knowledge Master Unskette could offer, he was scheduled to undergo the Trials at the Temple in 103 BBY. Unlike some of his peers, such as Rouggle and Half-Moonsing, who failed to complete their assigned tasks, Cerulian successfully passed each test and was knighted by Grand Master Yoda. Upon his knighting, Cerulian received a special Jedi Credit, a customary gift for all Corellian Jedi, which he stored in his copy of The Jedi Path for safekeeping.

As a Knight, Cerulian developed a strong fascination with the dark side of the Force and the study of ancient Sith holocrons. As a researcher, Cerulian gained access to numerous texts and restricted documents within the Jedi Archives. Eventually, Cerulian was promoted to Master and appointed to the Jedi High Council, granting him access to the Holocron Vaults of the Archives. Convinced that the Sith would inevitably return, Cerulian aimed to acquire as much knowledge as possible to prepare for their eventual confrontation. In 89 BBY, Cerulian was impressed by the Initiate Dooku and chose him as his Padawan. However, before they could formally begin their partnership, Cerulian was called away on an urgent mission, forcing him to leave the Temple. During his absence, Dooku and his peer, Lorian Nod, broke into Cerulian's quarters and searched through his collection of Sith texts. Nod, captivated by what he found, was encouraged to break into the Temple's Vaults and steal the Dark Holocron. Upon discovering this, the Council expelled Nod for his deception and for blaming Dooku for the theft. Cerulian then returned, and Dooku's apprenticeship commenced, lasting until approximately 82 BBY. After receiving Cerulian's copy of The Jedi Path, Dooku added his own annotations, stating that Cerulian lacked a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of being a Jedi.

Personality and traits

Cerulian possessed a confident and self-assured demeanor, evident in the annotations he made in the Jedi Path book. He was confident in his ability to impart his skills to a Padawan, although his apprentice believed that he lacked the fundamentals of teaching. His role as a researcher suggests an inquisitive and thoughtful mind. The fact that he was allowed access to Sith Holocrons implies that he had a strong will capable of resisting the influence of Dark side artifacts. Despite his playful and somewhat arrogant nature, he maintained the belief that the Jedi had not truly vanquished the Sith.

Powers and abilities

After becoming the Padawan of Jedi Master Unskette, Cerulian devoted his efforts to mastering the third form of lightsaber combat. Cerulian was also skilled in meditation, frequently practicing it in a room within the Reconciliation Quarters. Based on his personal library, Cerulian possessed extensive knowledge of Galactic history.

