
In the Mid Rim's Dufilvian sector, the Filvians called the arid and sweltering planet of Filve their homeworld, a world of intense temperature.


Serving as a crucial hub for starship maintenance, commerce, and data exchange, it housed an spaceport operated by the Galactic Empire. Furthermore, it was the planet of origin for one of the four Human leaders within the Trade Federation. Numerous affluent corporations from the galaxy's, including Sienar and BlasTech Industries, established branch locations on Filve.

To escape the severe climate, both local inhabitants and visitors resided in massive, self-regulating, climate-controlled cities that dotted its deserts. These interconnected urban centers allowed for complete avoidance of outdoor travel. The world's population was approximately 6 billion.


During the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, Filve suffered considerably from Imperial forces, both through direct assaults on the planet and collateral damage from space battles above. By the time the Battle of Yavin occurred, Filve demonstrated strong support for the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Following its initial deployment, the cruiser Dominant was tasked with protecting the Dulfilvian system, before being reassigned to Filve's reserve fleet.

In 9 ABY, the Star Destroyer Judicator attacked the planet as a strategic feint, drawing New Republic forces away from Ukio by leading them from Ord Pardron and back. While Leia Organa Solo attempted to negotiate with the Filvian governor, Joruus C'baoth gave the order to destroy the Millennium Falcon.

Behind the scenes

In the PC game Star Wars: Rebellion, a mistake places Filve and the Dufilvan sector (a misspelling of the correct Dufilvian sector) within the Outer Rim Territories. Additionally, the game depicts the planet with an inaccurate graphic showing oceans.

