There are multiple instances where the name Sienar is used.
- Gracalia Vatara Sienar: She is a pilot serving with the New Republic 's Vanguard Squadron .
- Raith Sienar: He held the position of CEO at Sienar Fleet Systems and is known for designing the TIE fighter .
- The Sienar family: A noble family prominent in shipbuilding.
- Republic Sienar Systems: This shipbuilding corporation supplied vessels to the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars . Sienar Design Systems, a subsidiary of Republic Sienar Systems and later Sienar Fleet Systems, was responsible for the IPV-2C Stealth Corvette.
- Sienar Fleet Systems: As the successor to Republic Sienar Systems, this company manufactured ships for the Galactic Empire . The TIE Advanced v1 was created at Sienar Advanced Projects Laboratory, a part of Sienar Fleet Systems.
- Sienar-Jaemus Army Systems: This entity was created as one of the successors to Sienar Fleet Systems to circumvent the Galactic Concordance and provide the First Order with weaponry.
- Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems: This was another successor of Sienar Fleet Systems, established for the same purpose of evading the Galactic Concordance and supplying arms to the First Order.
- Narro Sienar: He was the CEO of Santhe/Sienar Technologies and the father of Raith Sienar.
- Raith Sienar: He was a starship designer who contributed to the development of the TIE fighter and the Death Star .
- The Sienar family: A wealthy family involved in shipbuilding during the late Republic and throughout the Galactic Empire era.
- Republic Sienar Systems: This shipbuilding company had a long history of providing ships to the Galactic Republic during conflicts such as the Great Hyperspace War , the Mandalorian Wars , and the Clone Wars .
- Santhe/Sienar Fleet Technologies: The shipbuilding division within Santhe/Sienar Technologies.
- Santhe/Sienar Technologies: A large corporation that oversaw various smaller military manufacturing companies.
- Sienar Advanced Projects Laboratory: A design company responsible for the creation of the TIE Advanced x1 .
- Sienar Advanced Research Division: A testing facility for TIE fighters located near Curamelle , the capital of Corulag .
- Sienar Advanced Systems: Developed a novel engine design before the Clone Wars.
- Sienar Army Systems: A military manufacturer that served the resurrected Emperor .
- Sienar Design Systems: A subsidiary of Republic Sienar Systems that designed the Sith Infiltrator .
- Sienar Fleet Systems: A manufacturer widely recognized for its production of the TIE series .
- Sienar Intelligence Systems: A manufacturer specializing in assassin droids .
- Sienar Ships: A civilian-focused subsidiary of Sienar Fleet Systems.
- Sienar Technologies: The company that preceded Santh/Sienar Technologies.
- The Sienar Battleship: A Republic cruiser that saw action in the Great Hyperspace War.
- Sienar Mobile Command Post
- Sienar Systems augmentor
- Starpath
- Intruder missile
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