Battle of Filve

The Battle of Filve occurred amidst the broader Thrawn campaign, serving as a strategic misdirection to pull the New Republic's attention away from the pivotal Battle at Ukio.


Map illustrating the series of attacks led by Thrawn against Filve and other planets within the region, all as part of his larger scheme to seize Ukio.

The attack on the world of Filve was implemented as a clever deception, designed to divert the New Republic's military resources away from Ord Pardron. This strategic maneuver consequently rendered the planet Ukio more vulnerable to attack. Although Grand Admiral Thrawn's forces launched an assault on the planet, the Millennium Falcon and Rogue Squadron were operating in the system. Leia Organa Solo was undertaking a diplomatic mission to Filve, intending to reassure the Filvians, however, the Millennium Falcon was unable to successfully arrive at the planet.

The Battle

The Millennium Falcon, along with Rogue Squadron, attempted to make their escape. However, Joruus C'baoth, who was overseeing the Battle at Ukio, detected Leia Organa Solo's presence. Consequently, he dispatched Captain Brandei's entire fleet with the specific objective of capturing her. The Rogues and the Falcon ultimately managed to achieve a safe escape by executing the Cracken Twist.


Once more, C'baoth's interference disrupted the Grand Admiral's meticulously crafted battle strategy, affording the Filvians a significantly extended period to fortify their defenses. This outcome incited Thrawn and Pellaeon's intense displeasure towards the Jedi.

