Lorian Nod was a male Human Jedi who served both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. He was a member of the Agricultural Corps after being removed from the Coruscant Jedi Temple's academy in the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Eventually, Nod abandoned the Order and became a pirate in the Outer Rim of the galaxy, later getting elected to a position on the planet Junction V.
Lorian Nod, a Force-sensitive Human born on the planet Junction V in 102 BBY, received training in the Force from the Jedi Order at the Coruscant Jedi Temple. As an Initiate within the Temple's academy, Nod was placed in a clan of fellow students where he quickly befriended Dooku. As a student, Nod did not have his own lightsaber and intended to become a Jedi Consular when he achieved knighthood. After training together for over a decade, Nod grew envious when Jedi Master Thame Cerulian selected Dooku in 89 BBY to be his Padawan. Shortly after Dooku began his apprenticeship, the two explored Cerulian's private chambers while the Corellian Jedi was away.

Driven by a desire to learn more about the Jedi Master, they uncovered various documents and journals, including one containing information from a Sith holocron stored in the Holocron Vaults of the Temple Archives. Intrigued by the device, Nod tried to persuade Dooku to assist him in accessing it. Dooku, citing the Archives' and Vaults' regulations, refused and rebuked his friend for even suggesting it. Undeterred, Nod secretly entered the Vaults and stole the Dark Holocron, accessing its forbidden knowledge in his own quarters. Overwhelmed by the dark side of the Force emanating from the holocron, Nod sought Dooku's help. As Dooku reprimanded his friend for the theft, Jedi Councilor Oppo Rancisis sensed the darkness and confiscated the holocron. Nod falsely accused Dooku of stealing the holocron, leaving Dooku speechless in shock.
In the following days, the Council placed the former friends on opposing teams for a group exercise in Coruscant. The teams were tasked with acquiring a muja fruit from the Old Galactic Market in the Senate District, and they eventually clashed, leading to a fight between Dooku and Nod. Upon their return to the Temple, the Council summoned them to a meeting. Dooku, angered by Nod's betrayal, explained that Nod alone had sought the holocron and bore the sole responsibility. Consequently, the High Council deemed Nod unfit to continue his Jedi training at the Temple, not for the theft itself, but for his dishonesty and implication of a friend. Dooku was allowed to continue his apprenticeship with a warning regarding his pride.
Following the High Council's decision, the Council of Reassignment assigned Nod to the Agricultural Corps, a branch of the Order's Service Corps, where he remained for the next thirteen years. Eventually, Nod deserted his post and became the leader of a band of space raiders in the Outer Rim.
In 76 BBY, Darth Tenebrous, a Sith Lord, secretly hired Nod to abduct Senator Blix Annon. During the kidnapping, he encountered a now older Dooku, who had become a Jedi Knight and was training sixteen-year-old Qui-Gon Jinn. Nod managed to capture the two Jedi on Von-Alai but could not hold them. Their escape nearly cost Nod his life after a brief confrontation with an enraged Dooku. Before Dooku could kill him, Padawan Jinn calmed his master, and Nod was arrested, tried, and imprisoned.
Released around 52 BBY after a lengthy imprisonment, Nod returned to his homeworld and rose to lead the Guardians, a group dedicated to protecting the world from the corrupt government of Delaluna, Junction V's moon. By propagating fear of a destructive weapon called the Annihilator, supposedly in the possession of the Delalunan government, Nod seized control of the planet's government for eight years. It was only when Qui-Gon Jinn, now a Master, and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi stopped on Junction V during a mission and learned of the supposed Annihilator threat that Nod's power was questioned. The two Jedi soon uncovered Nod's lies and propaganda, and with the aid of Cilia Dil, they overthrew him and returned him to prison.
After nearly two decades in prison, Nod reevaluated his life and changed his perspective. Upon his release, he returned to Junction V to genuinely serve its people rather than pursue personal gain. Through a legitimate election, Junction V, along with Delaluna, the Bezim and Vicondor systems, established the Station 88 Spaceport under Nod's leadership. As his constituents prospered, the galaxy erupted into war, with the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems engaging in the Clone Wars. Weeks after the war began, the Confederacy sought to control Station 88 due to its strategic Mid Rim location. Dooku, now the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, contacted Nod, suggesting that his support could sway the other leaders controlling the spaceport to join the Confederacy. However, Nod intended the opposite and contacted Grand Master Yoda of the Jedi Order, hoping to atone for his past misdeeds. Nod informed the Order that he would be attending a meeting with the other rulers and Dooku on the Separatist-held world of Null to formally reject the Confederacy's offer.
The High Council dispatched Obi-Wan Kenobi, now a Knight, and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, to Null to secretly meet with Nod and spy on Dooku during the summit. Shortly after their arrival, Samish Kash, the leader of Delaluna, was assassinated by the Confederacy in an attempt to draw out the Jedi, whom Dooku suspected were present. Kenobi, wary of the forced alliance with Nod due to their past encounter, suspected that Nod was a traitor and a Separatist sympathizer. After confronting Nod, Kenobi discovered that the assassination attempt had failed and that Kash was still alive. At the conference, the rulers of Junction V and its neighbors announced their refusal to join the Separatist cause, prompting Dooku to order their deaths. As the droids prepared to carry out the assassinations, the Jedi intervened, defeating the Separatist forces and saving the leaders. Seeing Dooku fleeing during the battle, Nod followed his former friend into a hidden hangar, intending to prevent his escape. Sensing Nod's approach, Dooku waited and impaled him from behind with his crimson lightsaber, killing Nod.
Dooku never forgot Nod's betrayal from their time as young Padawans. During the Battle of Coruscant in 19 BBY, he briefly remembered Nod's act of treachery.