Delaluna, in the Junction V system, was known as its moon.
Prior to the Battle of Naboo, the inhabitants of Delaluna faced accusations of creating a powerful superweapon called the Annihilator. Despite denials of its existence, fear gripped the population of Junction V. This rumor originated from One of Count Dooku's old friends, a former Jedi Padawan. He then established a planet where the only fear was of his power, until Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi demonstrated the information to be false.
Shortly before the Clone Wars, Delaluna and Junction V achieved peace following a conflict. They then collaborated with Vicondor and [Bezim] to construct the Station 88 Spaceport. During the Clone Wars, this group of planets maintained their allegiance to the Galactic Republic.