The following significant occurrences transpired in the year 3996 BBY.
- The destruction of the Great Jedi Library took place. [1]
- The conclusion of the Great Sith War occurred. [1]
- The Cron Supernova happened.
- Urkupp suffered annihilation.
- Gorman Vandrayk departed from Adascorp.
- Ulic Qel-Droma was stripped of his connection to the Force. [9]
- The spirit of Exar Kun found itself confined to Yavin 4. [9]
- Susejo, along with another Jedi , who are the only known victims of a sarlacc to be completely digested, met their end within the Great Pit of Carkoon.
- Czerka initiated mining operations on Tatooine, operating from their base in the city of Anchorhead.
- Battle of Mustafar [10]
- Dark Reaper campaign
- Duel on Kuar [11]
- Battle of Foerost
- Battle of Coruscant
- Duel in the Senate
- Battle of Kemplex Nine
- Battle of Ossus
- Battle of Al'Har
- Battle of Gyndine
- Battle of Denon
- Battle of Onderon
- Battle of Yavin 4
- Recapture of the Empress Teta system
- Battle of Toprawa
- Ambush in the Ansharii Caverns
Gar Anstak perished on Ossus.
Dominus met his end.
Zona Luka died.
Varda passed away.
The majority of the Dashade population was wiped out.
During the Second Battle of Coruscant, Vodo-Siosk Baas and Sidrona were killed.
In the Ambush in the Ansharii Caverns, Barrison Draay, Dossa, and Doctor Uburluh lost their lives.
In the Battle of Kemplex IX, Crado, Shoaneb Culu, Dace Diath, Aleema Keto, and Qrrrl Toq were killed.
Cay Qel-Droma died in the Battle of Ossus.
Mandalore the Indomitable was killed in the Battle of Onderon.
In the Battle of Yavin 4, Exar Kun experienced his mortal death [9] and Nayama was killed.