Mandalore the Indomitable

Mandalore the Indomitable, a title shortened to Mandalore by both allies and enemies, was a male Taung who held the position of warlord for the Mandalorian Clans leading up to and during the Great Sith War. In 3996 BBY, Mandalore the Indomitable, under the impression that the seven worlds of the Empress Teta system—controlled by a dark side organization known as the Krath—were vulnerable due to previous conflicts, spearheaded an invasion of Tetan territory with his Mandalorian Crusaders. The ensuing encounter with Ulic Qel-Droma, the Sith Lord commanding the Krath military, resulted in Mandalore the Indomitable making a personal vow of loyalty to Qel-Droma, committing his Mandalorian forces to bolster the Sith army.

Mandalore accompanied Qel-Droma in his ambition to seize control of the galaxy and overcome the Jedi Order, collaborating with the Krath sorceress Aleema Keto to devise an invasion of Coruscant, the Republic capital. Following Qel-Droma's capture by the Jedi during the battle, Mandalore later discovered that Keto, driven by ambition, had betrayed Qel-Droma, aiming to exploit his capture to seize complete command of the Krath forces. Recalling his oath to Qel-Droma on Kuar, Mandalore outwardly supported Keto while secretly seeking out Qel-Droma's ally and master, the Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun, hoping Kun would assist in rescuing Qel-Droma from his Coruscant imprisonment. Locating Kun on the jungle moon of Yavin 4, Mandalore secured the Sith Lord's assistance. Arriving at the Republic capital alongside Kun, Mandalore witnessed Kun and his Massassi warriors free Qel-Droma from the trial where he was being prosecuted for war crimes.

Appreciative of Mandalore's demonstrated loyalty, Qel-Droma entrusted his Mandalorian warlord with a specific mission while he and Kun launched an assault on the Jedi stronghold of Ossus: while the Sith Lords engaged Ossus, Qel-Droma instructed Mandalore to lead the majority of his warriors in a significant attack against the Republic world of Onderon. Despite initial successes in their offensive, the invading Mandalorians were ultimately repelled during the battle by the defending Beast Riders, under the leadership of Beast-Lord Oron Kira, forcing them to retreat to Dxun, Onderon's jungle moon. During the withdrawal, Mandalore became separated from his troops and was surrounded by predatory creatures indigenous to Dxun. The ensuing attack resulted in the death of Mandalore the Indomitable; however, his mask was discovered by one of his Taung soldiers, who then proclaimed himself the new Mandalore.


A pact with the Sith

Mandalore the Indomitable at the helm of his personal Basilisk war droid.

Over many generations, the title of Mandalore, rendered as Mand'alor in Mando'a, was a prestigious designation traditionally held by the recognized leader of the Mandalorian clans. At some point before 4000 BBY, a Taung warrior ascended through the ranks of the then-dominant Mandalorian Crusaders and assumed the title of Mand'alor. His followers began to call their new Mandalore "Indomitable" due to the unwavering fighting spirit he consistently displayed in numerous battles and campaigns. Under Mandalore the Indomitable's leadership, and in accordance with the traditions established by previous Mandalores, the Mandalorian Crusaders participated in several successful campaigns, such as the raid on Iskadrell, where the Mandalorians freed the slaves of the notorious Iskallonis, including the young Antos Wyrick, who was inducted into Mandalorian culture by Mandalore himself. These campaigns were guided by the Canons of Honor within Mandalorian tradition. These Canons stipulated that individual warriors could achieve personal glory through both combat and unwavering loyalty to their clan.

In 3996 BBY, guided by the principles of the Canons, Mandalore the Indomitable led his Crusaders in search of a worthy adversary, against whom he planned to launch a new crusade. It was during this period that Mandalore began to hear rumors circulating about the military exploits of a fallen Jedi–turned–Sith Lord named Ulic Qel-Droma. Mandalore believed that Qel-Droma, who had taken control of the powerful dark side cult known as the Krath, had stretched the Krath's military resources too thin in their various expansion campaigns, making their home system of Empress Teta vulnerable to attack. Convinced that he and his warriors could seize the Empress Teta system, Mandalore led the Mandalorian Crusaders in a series of small raids to probe the strength of the Krath's defenses. Mandalore's attacks eventually drew Qel-Droma's attention when Basilisk war droids destroyed a crucial carbonite smelting facility, causing it to crash onto the surface of a planet within the Empress Teta system. In response, Qel-Droma instructed his aide, Captain Rooks, to establish communication with Mandalore. Qel-Droma then threatened the Mandalorian leader with annihilation unless he surrendered immediately. Dismissing Qel-Droma and his armies, Mandalore proposed what he considered a mutually agreeable counter-offer: a duel between the two warrior-leaders, Sith Lord versus Mandalore. Accepting the challenge to fight the Mandalorian leader, Qel-Droma stipulated that if he won the duel, Mandalore and his Crusaders would pledge loyalty to him and serve as part of his army. Honoring Mandalorian tradition, Mandalore the Indomitable agreed to Qel-Droma's terms.

Mandalore duels Ulic Qel-Droma.

On the Deep Core Mandalorian world of Kuar, specifically on the Plains of Harkul, Qel-Droma and Mandalore met before their respective forces. Believing he could diminish the Sith Lord's reliance on the Force, Mandalore informed Qel-Droma that their duel would not occur on the ground but high above the Plains of Harkul on a network of interconnected chains. Furthermore, to equalize the odds against his opponent, Mandalore informed both armies that he would be permitted to use his customized Basilisk war droid, while Qel-Droma would be prohibited from using any type of war mount. Unfazed by the Mandalorian leader's stipulations, Qel-Droma instead chose to rely on his Force abilities to overcome his opponent. Mandalore initiated the duel by attacking Qel-Droma with his Basilisk war droid, unleashing a barrage of blaster fire at the dismounted Sith Lord. Despite Mandalore's skill in combat and the use of the war droid, Qel-Droma was able to use the Force to evade the incoming fire and used his lightsaber to damage the Basilisk mount. Deprived of his war vehicle, Mandalore was compelled to engage Qel-Droma in hand-to-hand combat. However, realizing that the lightsaber still gave Qel-Droma an advantage, Mandalore challenged the Sith to discard his lightsaber and fight with a mythosaur axe, a traditional Mandalorian weapon. Qel-Droma accepted these terms and proceeded to fight Mandalore. Ultimately, Mandalore the Indomitable was defeated by Qel-Droma when his weapon was destroyed, and he was forced over a ledge by the Sith Lord. Unbeknownst to Mandalore the Indomitable, Qel-Droma's robes were enhancing his protection during the battle. Accepting defeat, Mandalore relinquished his warriors to Qel-Droma and requested that he be killed. However, Qel-Droma did not wish to kill his foe, instead telling Mandalore that he had a far better fate in store than death. Mandalore then pledged his loyalty to Qel-Droma, thereby allying the Mandalorian clans with the Sith—a decision that would impact both Sith and Mandalorian alike throughout the coming decades. With the Mandalorian Crusaders now augmenting his Krath armies, Qel-Droma began planning ways to further escalate his and Exar Kun's campaign against the Galactic Republic, known as the Great Sith War. Together with Mandalore, Qel-Droma established a battle plan which would see Mandalore and the Crusaders at the forefront of the fighting: an all-out attack on the enormous Republic shipyards orbiting the planet Foerost.

The Great Sith War

Attack on Foerost

With his Mandalorian Crusaders now under the command of Ulic Qel-Droma, Mandalore the Indomitable prepared his warriors for the upcoming attack on the Republic shipyards at Foerost. By the time of the Great Sith War, the Foerost shipyards had become renowned as some of the oldest and largest starship construction facilities in the galaxy. Qel-Droma aimed to shut down the shipyards due to Foerost's historically large production of ships for the Republic Navy, and to capture the newly completed fleet of three hundred warships stationed there unguarded.

Mandalore and Qel-Droma, during the attack on Foerost.

Concealed by a Sith illusion cast by Aleema Keto, Mandalore, his warriors, the Krath forces, and Ulic Qel-Droma approached the Foerost shipyards. The entire attack force was disguised as a single starship, named "Golthar's Sky," broadcasting that it was damaged and required repairs. When Republic workers at Foerost attempted to assist the Golthar's Sky, Keto dispelled her illusion, allowing the attack force to execute its mission. Mandalore and his Mandalorian Crusaders spearheaded the assault, successfully breaching the shipyards' defenses and providing air cover for the advancing Krath ground forces using Basilisk war droids. Thanks to Mandalore's leadership and charisma, the Mandalorian warriors fought their new crusade efficiently, effectively ending the battle before it truly began.

With the majority of the Foerost shipyards secured by his warriors, Mandalore accompanied Qel-Droma and Keto to the yards' central control facility. Upon arrival, Qel-Droma and his commanders approached the Republic personnel, demanding the command codes for the three hundred Republic warships docked in drydock. The Republic officials initially refused, claiming they did not possess the codes; in response, Mandalore promptly executed the nearest captive, asserting that he knew the codes were present despite their denials and demanding that someone surrender them. Shocked by the tactics employed by Mandalore and Qel-Droma, the remaining Republic personnel decided to provide the attackers with the command codes.

At that moment, Exar Kun, the other Dark Lord of the Sith, contacted Qel-Droma, while Mandalore continued to extract the necessary codes from the Republic prisoners. With the command codes now in his possession, Mandalore informed Qel-Droma that the ships were now theirs and that they could proceed with their plans to invade Coruscant. Although Kun initially opposed any attack on Coruscant, suggesting that Qel-Droma and Mandalore await the arrival of his Brotherhood of the Sith, he eventually relented after a verbal exchange with Mandalore. The Mandalorian leader told the Dark Lord of the Sith that his Crusaders were the best soldiers in the galaxy and that he and Qel-Droma could handle an attack on Coruscant without having to wait for a handful of Force users. With Kun's approval, Qel-Droma, Mandalore, and Keto began their preparations for a full-scale Krath invasion of the Republic capital.

Betrayal on Coruscant

With the attack on Foerost completed and Kun's reluctant approval secured, Mandalore, Keto, and Qel-Droma prepared for their invasion of Coruscant. Leaving behind a hologram containing misleading information about the Krath's plans, Mandalore and Qel-Droma successfully convinced the Republic that their next target was the Republic jump station at Kemplex Nine. With the majority of the main Republic fleet en route to Kemplex Nine under the command of Fleet Captain Vanicus, Mandalore led his Crusaders alongside Qel-Droma and the Krath in a surprise attack against Coruscant.

Mandalore leading his warriors during the invasion of Coruscant.

Catching Coruscant virtually undefended with the Republic fleet heading to Kemplex Nine, Krath starships and Mandalorian Basilisk war droids descended upon the planet. Unbeknownst to Mandalore or Qel-Droma, a significant contingent of Jedi was present on Coruscant, led by Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Despite being heavily outnumbered by the Mandalorian Crusaders swarming Galactic City, the Jedi mounted a strong defense against the invaders. Nevertheless, Mandalore and his Crusaders managed to force the Jedi to retreat to a more advantageous position. With his Crusaders continuing the fight in the streets of Coruscant, Mandalore accompanied Qel-Droma and Keto in their attack against the main Republic military command center. During this time, Mandalore received intelligence from his spies that the Republic was storing a collection of newly developed weapons near the command center in a depot. Following agreement from Qel-Droma, Mandalore set out with a selection of his warriors to capture the new Republic weapons. Arriving at the weapons depot, Mandalore had his soldiers set charges on the depot's entrance, which when exploded would allow the Mandalorian Crusaders to quickly breach the building. Once inside, the Crusaders quickly overwhelmed the depot's few defenders, and Mandalore soon discovered a new experimental weapons system, designated the MX. Having heard rumors regarding the power of the MX, Mandalore ordered his warriors to seize the weapon.

Following the capture of the MX, Mandalore received a call from Aleema Keto's commander to withdraw his troops from the depot, retreat from the planet, and rendezvous with the Krath forces at their orbiting command ships. Surprised and angered that he and his warriors were being ordered to retreat from the enemy, Mandalore demanded to speak with Qel-Droma. The Krath officer, however, informed the Mandalorian warlord that Qel-Droma had been killed in the fighting and that the Republic fleet was now en route to halt the invasion. Realizing that, with Qel-Droma's death, his new master was Aleema Keto, Mandalore relayed the orders to his Crusaders to withdraw from the battle. Mandalore, however, was unaware that Keto had in fact betrayed Qel-Droma, desiring the power he wielded, and left him behind to be captured by the Jedi. Withdrawing from the battlefield, Mandalore and his Crusaders regrouped with the other retreating Krath and departed from Coruscant.

Once back at the Krath stronghold on Cinnagar, Mandalore and the rest of the Krath military received word that Qel-Droma had not been killed, but had been captured by the Jedi, who intended to try him for crimes against the Republic. Retreating to the war room, Mandalore pored over the data he possessed regarding the recent attack—and subsequent withdrawal—from Coruscant, looking for an answer which would both satisfy the honor of his warriors as well as explain how Qel-Droma had been so easily captured. Realizing that neither he nor his warriors had forgotten anything nor done anything wrong, Mandalore concluded that Keto might have ordered a full retreat even before the tide of battle had turned against the Krath and Mandalorians. Resolving to discuss the matter of rescuing Qel-Droma with Keto, Mandalore approached her in her throne room. Keto, though, was uninterested in rescuing Qel-Droma from the Jedi, instead attempting to persuade Mandalore to forget about Qel-Droma and fight the war as a leader beside her. Finally realizing that Keto had, in fact, betrayed his master, Mandalore decided to appease her for the time being while he figured out a way to rescue Qel-Droma. Taking the reins of command, Keto ordered Mandalore to once again prepare his Crusaders and organize the fleet for a new plan of attack. Having planned a double-feint, Keto advised Mandalore that they would attack Kemplex Nine, believing that the Jedi and Republic would still see it as a diversion of Qel-Droma's. Obeying Keto, Mandalore ordered his Crusaders to prepare for battle, knowing that they would follow his orders to the letter. Mandalore, however, did not accompany his warriors aboard the Krath fleet—instead, he boarded his personal shuttle and set course for the fourth moon of Yavin to seek the aid of Exar Kun.

The rescue of Ulic Qel-Droma

Pushing his shuttle to its limits, Mandalore burned out his engines attempting to reach Kun before it was too late. Finding Kun with his Brotherhood of the Sith on Yavin 4, Mandalore explained that Qel-Droma had been captured as well as the details surrounding his betrayal by Keto. Agreeing to help Mandalore in his self-assigned mission to rescue his master, Kun gathered together a number of his Massassi warriors and, along with Mandalore, boarded his starship and set course for Coruscant.

Mandalore accompanies Kun during the rescue of Qel-Droma.

Arriving at Coruscant, Mandalore accompanied Kun and his Massassi as they interrupted the trial of Qel-Droma. With the entire Senate and trial committee frozen in place by Kun's Sith magic, Mandalore approached Qel-Droma and reaffirmed his loyalty to the Sith Lord. The Jedi, however, soon attempted to stop the rescue of Qel-Droma, with the Jedi Knight Sylvar engaging numerous Massassi, and Cay Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider attempting to reason with Ulic. Despite this, Kun used his powers to kill the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, and managed to kill Master Vodo-Siosk Baas in a lightsaber duel. Reeling from the events that had just transpired, the remaining Jedi were powerless to stop Mandalore and Kun as they departed the trial chambers with Qel-Droma.

Arriving back at Kun's Sith base on Yavin 4, Mandalore advised Qel-Droma about what had actually happened during their failed invasion of Coruscant, and how Aleema Keto had chosen to leave him to die so she could rule the Krath by herself. Warning his master not to trust Keto any longer, Mandalore settled back into his role as Qel-Droma's warlord. Eventually, Mandalore, Qel-Droma and Kun met back up with Keto who pretended to be relieved that Qel-Droma, her supposed lover, had been rescued—Qel-Droma, however, was indifferent toward Keto, taking the advice which Mandalore had given him to heart. Setting events in motion to pay Keto back for her betrayal, as well as to continue the fight against the Republic and Jedi, Qel-Droma and Kun manufactured a plan which would see Keto lead a Sith attack fleet against Kemplex Nine and destroy the nearby Cron Cluster with Sith magic; the resulting supernova would wreak havoc upon the Jedi stronghold of Ossus. Qel-Droma, however, neglected to tell Keto that using Sith magic to create a supernova would not protect her from its blast—thus, Qel-Droma ensured that Keto would pay for betraying him. Upon hearing of Kun and Qel-Droma's plan to attack Kemplex Nine, Mandalore was shocked and confused as to why his master had not chosen him, his personal warlord, to lead the attack upon the Republic jump station. Advising Mandalore of the deeper details of his plan, Qel-Droma told Mandalore that he and Kun had another, and much more important, assignment—an invasion of the Republic-aligned planet of Onderon.

A final battle

Tasked with capturing and holding the Iziz Royal Palace on Onderon, Mandalore ordered his fleet carriers to hold orbit above the planet. Following a pre-deployment speech from Mandalore to his Crusaders, the Mandalorians mounted their Basilisk war droids and launched their attack.

Mandalore's Basilisk war droid is hit by enemy fire.

With Mandalore at the forefront, riding Basilisk mounts, the Crusader forces surged from their fleet carriers, advancing toward the fortified city of Iziz, the location of the Dark Citadel. Queen Galia and Beast-Lord Oron Kira, the rulers of Onderon, soon detected the massive Mandalorian armada of Basilisk war droids; Kira then commanded his Beast Riders to mount a defense against the incoming forces. A fierce aerial battle erupted between the Mandalorian Basilisks and the Beast Rider's flying Drexls. Amidst the conflict, the Beast Riders successfully transmitted a distress call to the Republic, reporting Mandalore's leadership of the assault and requesting immediate assistance. Under Kira's directives, the Beast Riders valiantly continued their resistance against the Mandalorian onslaught until a Republic fleet, led by Fleet Captain Orley Vanicus, arrived to provide support against the invaders.

Mandalore pressed on, leading his Crusaders in the ongoing battle with increasing desperation and brutality. However, the combined might of the Republic warships and the Onderonian Beast Riders proved overwhelming for the Mandalorians. Upon witnessing the destruction of his fleet carriers in orbit, Mandalore recognized the turning point and sought to salvage the situation by leading his Crusaders to safety. He ordered a retreat from Onderon towards Dxun, a nearby moon whose atmosphere was currently interacting with Onderon's, intending to evade pursuit within its dense jungles. Nevertheless, the Republic warships and Beast Riders relentlessly pursued the retreating Basilisks, focusing concentrated fire on individual Mandalorian mounts to swiftly eliminate them. During the withdrawal, enemy fire struck Mandalore's personal Basilisk war droid, causing him to crash-land on Dxun's surface, isolated from his fellow Crusaders. Emerging from the wreckage of his Basilisk, Mandalore quickly found himself surrounded by numerous dangerous creatures native to Dxun's jungles. Despite preparing to defend himself, the beasts ultimately overpowered and killed the Mandalorian warlord.

The Mandalore tradition

Following Mandalore's command to withdraw from Onderon and proceed to Dxun, the surviving Mandalorian Crusaders converged at the designated rendezvous point. After arriving on the moon and successfully evading the pursuing Beast Riders and Republic vessels, several warriors initiated searches within the jungles to locate their missing commander. During one of these expeditions, a Crusader stumbled upon the mask of Mandalore the Indomitable, entangled in nearby vegetation, representing the only trace of the fallen warlord. Adhering to the established customs and traditions of his people, this warrior donned the mask, thereby becoming the new Mandalore.

Personality and traits

Mandalore on his Basilisk war droid

Mandalore the Indomitable was a highly skilled warrior, having achieved the title and position of Mand'alor through his martial prowess, leadership charisma, and strategic acumen. While his original Taung name has been lost to time, upon assuming the mantle of Mandalore, his warriors began to refer to him as "the Indomitable" in recognition of his battlefield dominance. Like his predecessors, Mandalore the Indomitable embodied the essence of Mando'ade, utilizing his abilities as both a warrior and a commander to guide the Mandalorian Crusaders to triumph in numerous successful military campaigns. As a leader, Mandalore possessed a natural charisma that he employed to inspire his Mandalorian clans during battles, such as the Battle of Onderon towards the conclusion of the Great Sith War. Additionally, Mandalore held a relatively straightforward perspective on galactic affairs, devoid of political cunning, a characteristic that resonated positively with the Crusaders under his command.

His combat skills were widely recognized among the Mandalorian clans, and he consistently showcased these abilities throughout the Great Sith War in various engagements. Beyond the Mandalorian Crusaders, Mandalore solidified his reputation as a formidable warrior when he challenged the Sith Lord Ulic Qel-Droma to a duel. Despite his eventual defeat by the Sith, Qel-Droma was impressed by Mandalore's conduct in battle and chose not to kill him. Instead, Qel-Droma appointed Mandalore as his personal warlord. Mandalore continued to demonstrate his martial prowess in subsequent battles, including those fought at Foerost, Coruscant, and Onderon.

Mandalore the Indomitable was also known for his unwavering loyalty to those who had proven their power to him. During the Great Sith War, following his defeat by Ulic Qel-Droma on Kuar, Mandalore pledged an oath of allegiance to the Sith Lord, an oath that would later drive him to extreme measures. When Qel-Droma was betrayed by the Krath Aleema Keto, leading to his capture by the Jedi during the invasion of Coruscant, Mandalore remembered his oath and sought to rescue the Dark Lord from the Jedi Order. Eventually enlisting the aid of Exar Kun, the Dark Lord of the Sith, Mandalore played a crucial role in freeing Qel-Droma from his Republic captivity. Moved by Mandalore's continued loyalty, Qel-Droma rewarded his warlord with the opportunity to lead the invasion of Onderon, a campaign that held the potential to grant both Mandalore and his Crusaders the honor they deeply desired.

Behind the scenes

An illustration featured in the Wizards of the Coast sourcebook for the Knights of the Old Republic comic series depicts Mandalore the Indomitable alongside his successor, Mandalore the Ultimate. Although the two figures are visually distinguishable based on prior representations, the image's caption mistakenly identifies Mandalore the Ultimate as Mandalore the Indomitable and vice versa. This error is also present in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

The aforementioned image from the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide depicting Mandalore the Ultimate (left) and Mandalore the Indomitable (right).

In the first issue of the Sith War story arc, released in August 1995, Mandalore the Indomitable attempts to provoke Ulic Qel-Droma into a duel. During this exchange, Mandalore suggests that Qel-Droma meet him on "my own world" for the duel. Shortly thereafter, the duel is depicted as taking place on the planet Kuar, specifically on the Plains of Harkul. This initially suggested that Kuar might have been Mandalore the Indomitable's homeworld, or even his birthplace. Later, in March 2005, for an article published in Star Wars Insider 80, author Abel G. Peña clarified why such an obscure planet was considered the homeworld of a Mandalore. Peña explained that, historically, the Mandalorian clans often adopted conquered worlds as their home, citing Kuar during the Great Sith War as an example. Peña further stated that the "home" of a Mandalore was simply wherever they chose to hang their mask, thus explaining why Mandalore the Indomitable referred to Kuar as his "own world."

The initial depiction of the Battle of Kemplex Nine in The Sith War 4: Jedi Holocaust led to some confusion regarding a previous set of orders given by Aleema Keto to Mandalore the Indomitable concerning an "attack" he was supposed to have launched against Kemplex Nine. In the third issue of Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War, The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma, following her order to withdraw from Coruscant, Keto instructs Mandalore to lead his Mandalorians in an assault on the jump station at Kemplex Nine. In The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma, Keto tells Mandalore, "We will do a double-feint and strike the Kemplex Nine jump-station after all! The Republic forces thought it was a diversion of Ulic's, and now they will have left it virtually unguarded!" Immediately following Keto's statement, the comic's narration states that, "Mandalore sets Aleema's orders in motion, following them to the letter. He knows his warriors will see that they are carried out." Despite the comic's narration indicating that Mandalore followed Keto's orders, there is no further information regarding the Mandalorians' actions at Kemplex Nine, either in the comics themselves or in subsequent source books. While an apparent attack by Mandalore the Indomitable and his warriors was supposed to have occurred, the first actual depiction of the jump station in Jedi Holocaust shows the destroyed Kemplex Nine, with the comic narration stating, "Kemplex Nine was a bustling city in space…the only inhabited station in a hot, unstable cluster of ten stars known as the Cron Cluster. After Aleema's attack, though, it is no longer inhabited." Specifically, the final line regarding Aleema Keto has caused uncertainty about who was ultimately responsible for the destruction of Kemplex Nine: Aleema Keto and her attack fleet, or Mandalore the Indomitable and his Crusaders. When questioned about the sequence of events he depicted for the Battle of Kemplex Nine, and the possibility of two separate battles taking place, Kevin J. Anderson, the author of Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War, admitted that he likely knew the answer at the time of writing but was now unsure. Anderson further commented that any current explanation would be purely speculative. As of now, there has been no official statement from Lucasfilm regarding this matter, nor has any explanation been offered for Aleema Keto's initial order to Mandalore the Indomitable.

Fett connection

The toy company Hasbro released an evolutions three-pack entitled The Fett Legacy. This pack included Mandalore the Indomitable alongside Jango Fett and Boba Fett, suggesting a lineage between the Fetts and Mandalore the Indomitable. However, this connection is considered non-canon, as no direct canon source confirms its validity.

