The ceremonial war mask known as Mandalore's Mask was traditionally worn by the Mandalore, who served as the leader of the Mandalorian warrior clans. During the Great Sith War, Mandalore the Indomitable donned this mask, and upon his demise, it was passed down to his successor, Mandalore the Ultimate. Its appearance consisted of a golden-red hue and the iconic Mandalorian T-shaped visor was a prominent feature. Ornate concentric lines were embossed for decoration, and two emblems of the Mandalorian Crusaders graced the area above the visor.
The Taung warrior Mandalore the First was the first to wear the Mask of Mandalore. It was crafted from the sturdy bone of a mythosaur's sternum and designed to resemble the facial structure of the Taung species. Eventually, this legendary helmet became the symbol of Mandalorian leadership. Throughout history, it was handed down to Mandalorians who proved their worthiness to hold the title of Mand'alor, the leader of the Mandalorian clans.
During the final battle of the Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Knight Revan and Mandalore the Ultimate engaged in a duel. Revan emerged victorious and learned from Mandalore that a mysterious agent of the Sith had orchestrated the invasion. After killing his opponent, Revan and Malak journeyed to Rekkiad, where Mandalore and the Sith had discovered the tomb of an ancient Sith Lord. There, the two Jedi located a datacron that would guide them to Nathema, but Revan chose to leave the mask inside the Sith's sarcophagus. By concealing the mask on Rekkiad, Revan effectively left the clans without a leader to guide them.

During the Jedi Civil War, an unidentified Mandalore attempted to seize control of the scattered Mandalorian Clans without the mask. However, no one claiming the title of "Mandalore" could effectively lead the Clans until after the war. Shortly after the destruction of the Star Forge, Revan and Canderous Ordo, a Mandalorian who had accompanied him during the war, retraced their steps to Rekkiad. Many clans had gathered there, seeking to find the mask. Upon discovering the tomb, Revan entrusted the mask to Canderous, instructing him to unite the Mandalorian clans to provide a defense against the unknown enemy Revan was pursuing.
After acquiring Mandalore's mask, Canderous embarked on a mission to unite the Mandalorian Clans. During this time, he encountered a dying Taung warrior who claimed to be the true Mandalore, and denounced Mandalore the Ultimate as an imposter. When the Taung Mandalore passed away during their meeting, Canderous claimed the Taung's armor and integrated Mandalore's mask into its helmet. Through cunning and combat prowess, he amassed followers and proclaimed himself Mandalore.