An unnamed Mandalore ascended to a position of authority among the Mandalorian clans after Mandalore the Ultimate met his end at the hands of Jedi Knight Revan during the final battle of the Mandalorian Wars. He was the last member of the Taung species to bear the title of Mandalore.
During the Jedi Civil War, around the period when the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan was captured in 3957 BBY, a Mandalorian warrior dispatched Revan's assassin droid HK-47, claiming it as 'booty' to elevate his status, with the mission to assassinate this Mandalore. However, the Mandalore successfully seized the droid, reprogramming it to eliminate the usurper, a mission HK-47 accomplished, although the droid later regarded it as his least impressive achievement. In 3956 BBY, he dispatched a Mandalorian team to the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk, instructing them to evaluate the efficacy of newly developed stealth field generator technology.
Sometime before 3951 BBY, he encountered Canderous Ordo, who had obtained Mandalore's Mask and sought to unite the clans. Already nearing death, the Taung did not survive this encounter. He declared that Mandalore the Ultimate had illegitimately seized the title with Sith assistance, asserting his own status as the true successor of Mandalore the Indomitable. He requested Canderous to adopt his clan and wear his armor, in order to safeguard their legacy. Ordo complied, integrating this Mandalore's mask into his own helmet, thereby becoming Mandalore the Preserver.
Abel G. Peña has verified that this unnamed Mandalore, who reigned before Mandalore the Ultimate, was intended to be the same Taung warrior mentioned within Canderous Ordo's biographical information in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide. When queried about whether they were the same person, Peña confirmed, "Yes, that's him. I toyed with calling him dar'Mand'alor, loosely translating Mandalore the Unknown."